Lord of the Truth

Chapter 819: Battling the two marshals -2


"Pfft!!" Richard rushed backward like a cannon shot, destroying several residential buildings.


Before he could even settle down, he felt a massive attack coming from behind, so he mentally sent his orders to the city, *clatter* The ground behind him sprang up and quickly rose, forming a barrier between him and the attack.


"Argh!!" Richard's head hit the rock barrier first, adding another wound to his already severely injured body.

But what was happening on the other side of the barrier was even more horrific. *Shishishi* A purple cloud hit it from the other side, easily destroying the rock barrier until it crossed to the other side, but Richard was already far gone.


Richard quickly rushed away, there was no place on his body that wasn't covered in blood or cuts, and even worse... There was a chunk of meat missing in his left shoulder area!

That chunk was the result of him touching the Minor Law of Corrosion, although the life force was rushing there quickly to nullify the Minor Corrosion Law and reshape his shoulder, this would still take a few more minutes!

"Where do you think you're going?" Before Richard could get far, he heard a voice to his right and found a halberd inches away from him.

Richard's frown grew more aggressive, this time there was no need to dodge.

*VOOOM* A dense green energy enveloped his right arm and he reached for the halberd's staff *BAM*

"What?!" The general was shocked to see the attack he had put all his strength into being stopped in such a way, but his shock didn't last as he had to deal with something far worse.

"Hmph!" With a face full of erosion wounds and eyes covered with blood coming from his head, Richard forced his left hand into a fist, and then punched!

When the general saw Richard's fist coming towards him, he quickly sacrificed some of Durger the Devourer's blood and released purple mist from all parts of his body, "Haha if you touch me you will die, I want to see what you can do you son of a b--?!"


Unlike expected, Richard didn't hold back... his left fist went without hesitation until it made its way toward his nose, crushing it.



The general's eyes disappeared into his skull and all his internal organs felt the shock, already disconnected from reality, the general didn't feel as he dropped his weapon and flew backward.

But *Grab* Richard let go of the halberd and quickly grabbed the general's wrist before he could get away from him.

He grabbed his wrist with his left hand and extended the green flame to cover his entire body, burning the layer of the Law of Corrosion and began to consume his life energy quickly, then he began to grind his face with his other right hand, *Baam* *Baam* *Baam* Richard landed five more punches on that general's face before he felt a threat approaching from the side.

*Swoosh* by then he had let go of the general and rushed away again

A moment later, Marshal Straga appeared at that spot angrily, "Damn that cautious bastard!! Wasn't he acting crazy a moment ago? I thought he was going to attack us directly, why would he fight cautiously and jump around like a grasshopper now?!" He then looked to the side at the beaten general, "...General Wagoz, didn't we tell you to always cover your weapon with the Minor Heavenly Law of Corrosion? Why did you let him grab your halberd's shaft? Go to your position in the siege, we mustn't let him escape and---? General Wagoz?"

"Ugh... Ugh... Pfft!!" The general slowly fell to his knees, then to what was left of his face.

Richard's six punches crushed his skull completely and gouged out his eye, the only thing keeping him hanging between life and death was the fact that he was a high-level Martial Emperor with a powerful life force.

"Damn it..." Marshal Straga looked at his general with pity, then passed a layer of purple mist over him, extinguishing the green flames.

Then he heard a *boom* and found that Marshal Dyroth and General Smilat had cornered Richard again, but he was about to escape again. He looked down at his old colleague, "Focus on healing yourself, we'll be back later." Then *whoosh* he went back to chase Richard.

As he quickly flew towards the new battlefield, Marshal Straga shouted with all his might, "General Wagoz will take a short rest and return to us, we will switch to a triangle formation!!"

General Smilat who was busy clashing with Richard at this moment felt his heart clenched and he started to calm down a little, no longer daring to try to take his head by himself, even increasing the burning rate of Durger the Devourer's blood!

Marshal Dayroth who was watching from the side waiting for an opportunity to intervene immediately understood that something was wrong with Wagoz and looked at Richard angrily, "Everything you do will only increase the intensity of your suffering, resist as much as you want!" Then he rushed towards him holding a sword covered in a thick layer of purple


"Tsk~ Richard was already busy fighting the general who had become increasingly cautious, now in front of the Marshal's crazed rush, he had no choice but to increase his life energy- burning rate and prepare for the shock!


The Marshal's epic sword coated with the Corrosion Law pierced the energy shield around Richard like a hot knife through cheese, but the energy shield resulting from burning the life energy of tens of thousands of people was simply too dense before the Marshal could reach Richard's body, Richard detonated what was left of the energy shield between him and the Marshal! *Boom*

"Argh!!" Richard, the Marshal, and even the General let out a pained cry at the same time, and each one of them was thrown in a direction by the shock

The detonation of tens of thousands of people's life energies at once was huge and left a huge gap in their place, and most importantly, it severely damaged the three of them internally and


Besides avoiding the direct attack from the Marshal's sword, Richard was also betting on his miraculous healing speed. For example, his shoulder injury that was eaten away by the Law of Corrosion a short while ago had healed greatly, so he was confident that he would recover from this explosion quickly as well, but the same could not be said about the rest!

*Baam* *Baam* The General and the Marshal collided with several residential buildings that fell on their heads.

*This is bad!* When Richard saw where the explosion was throwing him, he panicked and then gave orders to the city, and a large metal wall emerged.

*Baam* "Pfft!!" Richard collided with the metal wall with much power, feeling the shock all over his body, and then he fell to the ground spitting blood.

Marshal Straga laughed when he saw Richard's condition, then raised his hammer and was about to rush to finish him off, but a certain question exploded in his head, 'Why did Richard decide to stop himself like this?'

"Hmm?" Marshal Straga moved his eyes until they fell on the first thing Richard was about to

Bump into.

It was a ten-story tower built of strong stones and metals. It was one of those damned buildings that would be attacked from the outside and not leave a scratch. It did look like an expensive structure, but in the end, it was just a building, it also seemed to be used as a


This was not something that someone like Richard, the son of a planetary emperor, would try to avoid touching! Marshal Straga slowly rose and scanned the capital with his eyes and soul sense, These types of towers were numerous and spread around the city in certain patterns, even after the war broke out and hundreds of thousands were killed on both sides, all of the buildings of this type were intact, "Something is going on here, these aren't just flashy


The Marshal frowned. While the Marshal was talking around him like a madman to find the missing puzzle, he caught sight of something out of the corner of his eye, it was the city


Above the city walls, he saw a compressed layer of energy, that energy was trying to compress more and get closer to the wall as if it was trying to hide, it seemed in its actions as if it was...


"This is bad, the damned Sky Shield Array is still active and is currently recharging its energy, that bastard is just wasting time for the sake of the array! Destroy those damned buildings, they are connected to it somehow!!" Marshal Straga shouted at the top of his voice and raised his shot hammer once more, this time aiming at the ten-story tower!

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