Lord of the Truth

Chapter 811: Support arrives


*Step* *Step*

Shadow Sword Leonid Burton came out of the Jura City space portal. He immediately sighed in relief that the portal was still there five and a half days after he left, and then he began to look around frantically to see if there were any enemies nearby.

But contrary to what he thought, there was no one, not even a sound could be heard, only the silent and stagnant city he left, covered in fog and a gloomy aura.


Behind him, the space inside the portal shook again and another person came out... He was wearing black gold armor and a golden cloak flying behind his back, his hair was short dark black and he had a light beard, It was Caesar.

The Shadow Sword quickly looked behind him and bent down, opening his eyes to the last of them as his heartbeat was getting louder.

He was present when His Excellency summoned his Supreme General and informed him personally of the situation in Jura, Greenland, and the Orphan Blood.

The news struck both of them like a thunderbolt, as even the Shadow Sword did not know that Greenland and the Orphan Blood were under attack as well!

From that moment on, Supreme General Caesar was surrounded by an aura of immense anger. After he was assigned to return to Jura alone to help confront the invaders, he did not object for a moment. He only grabbed the Shadow Sword by the back of his neck, opened an instant portal, then jumped towards the southern space portal, and then they got transported here together.

As soon as Caesar left the gate, Leonid thought that he would take out his anger on him again, but he saw him calm and looking around with a wandering eye instead, "The always beautiful city of Jura~ I remember when everyone thought that you are a small city that does not deserve the good that began within you, it was then you were the reason for the restructuring of the planet and the establishment of the Empire, and today everyone says that you have become a graveyard without a soul, but you became the only hope for saving the entire planet... Naming the planet after your name did not do you justice."

Then he took his time, looking around, "...I've heard a lot about my brother Richard's ability, but this is the first time I've witnessed it. It really is something that shouldn't belong to a human..." Caesar furrowed his eyebrows slightly as he walked away from the gate comfortably, but he was maintaining an intense energy stream around his hand, ready to produce death fire at any moment.

The Shadow Sword might not feel it, and even if one of the Great Serpent Marshals came he might not realize the difference, but he who had touched the Major Heavenly Law of Death could easily sense that this city was *alive*.

The moment Caesar left the space portal, he felt that the city opened its eyes to him, ready to kill him, but that feeling quickly disappeared... Perhaps the city decided that Caesar did not pose a threat.

"There's been a lot of death here..." Caesar muttered, looking around.

"This is normal, Supreme General. There were several massacres in the city of Jura..." Leonid did not know what else to say. Wasn't the response to Caesar very obvious?

"No, I'm talking about the past three days." Caesar knelt on one leg and placed his hand on the soil, then closed his eyes. "At least 70,000 people were killed here, and a few Martial Emperors as well, the last group killed here was only two hours ago."

Then he stood up, shook his hands from the dirt, and rose slightly from the ground, looking in a certain direction... There, in front of the walls of Jura, were several hills of corpses that looked like mummies, behind them were a large number of warships belonging to the Great Serpent Empire and an even greater number of chariots, all broken!

"That boy devoted a lot of energy to moving the trash out, Could this be called silliness or obsession?" In front of this sight, Caesar laughed a little, "Anyway, It seems that Richard has invested a lot of life energy here, he has created a true monster in the form of a city, but it seems that we have barely gone back in time, the remaining life energy is barely enough to fend off one or two more attacks of this level..."

"What--?!" Shadow Sword looked around quickly, but he did not feel that Caesar's words were exaggerated when he remembered what happened before entering the portal

Now he understood why Caesar maintained a combat-ready aura ever since he left the portal... He now felt as if he were standing on the back of a sleeping lion, no one knew what the lion would do in the next moment!

*Swoosh* Several black flags emerged from Caesar's space ring and an instant space portal opened in front of him, but before entering he turned to Leonid, "Stay here and contact the Shadow Sword higher-ups and tell them to deploy my orders to every man capable of fighting on planet Jura: First tell them that I have returned and that more support is to come. Then tell them to start gathering our forces on each continent in a safe area and start forming a regular army."

"But, Supreme General, doesn't this mean that we give them all the remaining cities on a silver platter?!" The Shadow Sword quickly asked

Caesar gave a small nod, "So what? If we continued to battle in each city separately many lives would be lost and it would only make our forces spread out and difficult to send reinforcements to each other. Just by gathering all our forces in one spot, we would be able to quickly get our hands on a corner on each continent, and from there we will begin the counterattack."

"Yes, Supreme General, I will convey every word!" Leonid bowed quickly

After finishing, Caesar entered the instant portal and disappeared...

*ba-dum* *ba-dum*

Left alone, Leonid looked around tremblingly for a moment, but after he confirmed that everything was still stagnant, his heart relaxed a little, "Phew~ I guess I can brag that the legendary Jura City considers me a friend, that's pretty cool when thinking about it!"

Then *Deep Inhale* the Shadow Sword let out a long exhale, made up his mind, and inserted his soul sense into his voice ring, "Mr. District Supervisor, this Shadow Sword No. 777 is speaking to you, I have tremendous news, please answer."

"Shadow Sword No. 777, you can continue." A voice answered quickly in Leonid's head

Leonid let out a sigh of relief that the area supervisor was still alive, "Sir, Supreme General Caesar has arrived on Planet Jura. Please spread his message to the rest of the commanders: He is telling you to gather the allied armies on all continents into one area and--."

The District Chief interrupted him with a message that paralyzed the Shadow Sword's mind, as he heard: "Tell His Highness the Supreme General, that there is no longer any need for any

Of that."

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