Lord of the Truth

Chapter 789: The edge of no return

"Seriously now? Trying to send them North to drag us into this mess? That's immature, bro, You can even say it's stupid." The anger was evident in Holak's tone

"Oh, why is that?" Robin laughed as he watched the last battlefield under the Heaven Seal Grand Array. It was the remaining 500,000 soldiers of the Great Serpent Empire who were unable to reach their space ships, against nearly 200,000 soldiers from the True Beginning, most of whom were Terra Cavalry.

Although the numerical difference was in favor of the Great Serpent soldiers, they were the ones who were being slaughtered en masse, first because of the Terra Cavalry and the flying advantage, of course, but the biggest reason was the loss of what remained of hope for survival among the soldiers of the Great Serpent after their companions fled and left them behind. They were all fighting aimlessly now.

Some of them were still defending fiercely, hoping that the Martial Emperors above the Heaven Sealing Grang Array would be able to prevail and descend for them, but those with insight understood that this was impossible...

There were hundreds of the Martial Emperors above Heaven Sealing Grang Array rushing toward the North to catch up with their comrades and help them make gaps in the Array to escape. In the end, more than 90 Martial Emperors and 800,000 Law Users, along with most of the ships, had set off in that direction, It's normal to get all the attention!

What is happening currently is that the Emperors of the Great Serpent Empire fleeing the city are rushing towards the North, and behind them are the Emperors of the True Beginning Empire, and behind them are the spaceships that are afraid to rush quickly or else they meet the Martial Emperors of the True Beginning Empire and get smashed, and at the same time they can't slow down and try to take another direction as Alexander, Caesar, and the Dark Emperors were at their tail... And at the top of the Heaven Seal Grand Array, there was a swarm of Martial Emperors following all of that waiting for an opportunity to intervene.

The chase was intense, all parties had their nerves tightened, wondering what the other party would do, and along the way, they exchanged attacks and shots, but it also attracted all the attention and has now become the main battle.

This also made the battle above the city more calm, and the gaps in the Heaven Seal Grand Array had already healed. It can be said that the battle is still continuing at the top because separating the hundreds of Emperors is very difficult, and whoever retreats first will suffer heavy losses, and for this reason, they just continue to cling together without spirit. The bloody battle has already ended a few minutes ago, what's going on now can be called a spar.

On the side of the True Beginning Empire, they follow orders and try to collect points without risking their lives, and on the side of the Great Serpent Empire, they count on those who left to save the ships and return to them.

... In front of Robin's cold response, Holak's anger intensified, "Don't you see that you are betting on nothing? The central region is enormous in size. If they continue at this speed, they will reach the borders of the northern region after a week. Do you think they will just continue rushing towards me for a week? That nothing will happen to stop them? That those Martial Emperors above won't destroy the array on your followers' heads and kill them all? Why would you put all those good men at risk because you refuse to give me a few techniques? tsk tsk~ You've fallen out of my sight, bro..."

Robin didn't seem affected by his words, "Hehe, why don't you move the scene to the back a little and see the entire central region?"

"Hmm?" Holak furrowed his eyebrows slightly and actually zoomed out on the image repeatedly until he could see the entire central region from above, "...What are you doing?!"

At this moment the Heaven Sealing Grand Array was rapidly shrinking, the southern part of the central area was almost no longer covered and was still getting narrower on the sides, it now almost only covered the city and the pursuit path to the north!

"Now the power of the Heaven Sealing Grand Array has doubled to 300%. Great, huh? If the Martial Emperors at the top of the array tried to hurridly make gaps, they would definitely not be able to, and if they remained standing still raining down attacks to create a single gap, the pursuing parties would have moved away from them." Robin chuckled, "I have a few more tricks I'll try along the way. A week? That's alright, I'll personally make sure they make it all the way North safe and sound."

*Bzzzz* At this moment, the instant space portals around the city began to activate again. All the soldiers who had left earlier returned to the city's vicinity and surrounded the remaining 500,000 soldiers of the Great Serpent Empire.

In the face of smaller numbers, lost formations, and low morale, there was no longer a battle... As soon as they descended, they began using sealing nails extensively. In their view, there was no longer a need to kill, this is the perfect opportunity to score points!

"Robin Burton... unlike the central region that was evacuated, the northern region is full of people, tens of billions of them. Are you really determined to push the war into the northern region? This would not be a wise move. A few beasts might appear and stop this little pursuit you started, by then all your forces will be gone forever." Holak's voice turned cold

"Are you threatening me?!" Robin's slight smile disappeared, "Listen, big kid, I considered your refusal to send troops a mistake on my part because you found a loophole in the oath. I took responsibility and started finding solutions. I didn't blame you. I thought you were a foolish guy playing games and I played along, but when I got close to winning, you wanted to crash the table? Oh child of the North, if I even smell that you have made a move against me, no matter how small, your dream of an eternal and prosperous life will end badly."

"Oh, you think you can kill me? This is new, I haven't heard such jokes in a long time, this makes me excited..." Holak sent, killing intent flashing in his eyes at the same moment. "Oh dear, No! Who said anything about killing you? I will give you a different kind of eternal life. I will send you to be a guest in the Demon City, you will have your eternal life there." Robin laughed angrily, then took out an oath tablet from his ring, "In this tablet, you swore to protect the North, and I swore to give you the Soul Strengthening Technique and then leave the planet after the war ended..."


A white flame ignited under the board, "I already gave you a Soul Strengthening Technique but you covet more, and now you dare to threaten me with scheming against my men? Tell me *bro* what makes me stick to my part?"

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