Lord of the Truth

Chapter 769: Systematic termination

769 Systematic termination

Zara went silent after Robin's gaze, she didn't know what to say anymore...

The battle taking place in the *Safe* City was made possible by the union of the Terra Beasts' Earth Seal Array and the Sky Seal Array. Without the two arrays, all these Martial Emperors and Ships would have dispersed each in a direction and the battlefield would have been the entire planet, or even outside of it, controlling them and making sure they were all killed before the information leaked would have been impossible.

Robin knew this, which is why he did not order the attack as soon as he felt the Truthful omen. Rather, he immediately went and modified the Heaven Seal Array that covered the entire central region, and then almost started another array to erect walls around the entire central region, but that bad feeling became unperable and forced him to start immediately.

So after covering the sky, the Terra Beasts appeared and besieged the city containing 80% of the forces of the five fleets, thus declaring their end. If nothing new happened, even if everyone inside the array was defeated, the 15 Warlords would take care of the rest.

But there were still 20% of the Great Serpent Empire's forces scattered throughout the central region, meaning that there were at least 50 Emperors and 100,000 Saints and Sages from the Great Serpent Empire who could escape from the sides and report what was happening to the den they came from.

That's why Robin approved the systematic termination plan: Even before Alexander initiated the Heaven's Seal Array, Robin had ordered the 25 Warlord Battalions and the Three Tree Fathers to station themselves at important locations around the central area, and between each Warlord and the next was the remaining army of Jura Planet and the army of Nihari's southern region, and even the full population of the Demons as well. Millions upon millions of soldiers formed new borders surrounding the central region, preventing anything from entering or leaving.

However, the demons' mission was not limited to standing on the border like the rest, they were tasked to clean up the entire region.

Starting the battle here means that the demons took the green light and began creeping inward to kill and destroy anything linked with the invaders. Their sharp noses and nature that loves to hunt intelligent creatures make them perfect for this job, when they meet up in the middle of the central region later on will surely mean that none of the invaders left.

The battle in the city only started half an hour ago, and the central region is enormous in size, It alone could reach ten times the size of Planet Jura. Even if the number of demons in Nihari is currently estimated at millions, they certainly have not completed cleaning up 5% of the territory yet.

Summoning them now to participate in the battle for the city would defeat the purpose of the siege.

For today, Robin used all his cards. The army that he moved today was supposed to be enough to clash with 15 fleets from the Great Serpent Empire and win! .c


*Crash* Robin clutched his chest more...

This time The Truthful Omen is really intense, this time it has gone beyond just a bad feeling, this time he has an intuition about certain things!!

For some reason, he can smell the stench of corpses, too many that have neither beginning nor end.

For some reason, he feels very depressed, a personal depression that he should not feel from a war like this that has nothing to do with him.

For some reason, he feels that he will lose people dear to him.

For some reason, he feels... That he will be betrayed.

...Zara watched her father's features worsen, she forced a smile on her face. If thinking of solutions to destroy the city faster would not work, then at least she could make him think about something else, "Dad, I see that you need to rest. This psychological pressure will not benefit you at all, it will only cause you to lose focus. Didn't you say that you were able to save my brother Caesar by sending help, so whatever this feeling is, it's not an absolute disaster declaration and you can avoid it, right?"

Then she pointed towards the city, "Look over there, ever since this bad feeling came to you, you have spared no effort and immediately changed your plan and came to annihilate all the invading forces in Nihari, prepared several huge arrays and moved the majestic Jura army... In front of this force, what could possibly go wrong?"

There is also something that is starting to make a difference in favor of the Great Serpent Generals, the Minor Heavenly Law of Corrosion. Even if it is a minor law, it is derived from the Path of Destruction, and in battles like this, its performance is higher than the elemental laws used by the True Beginning Generals even if they are major laws!


Zara's words seemed to affect Robin, even if only a little. For the first time since he arrived, he looked towards the city with some ease.

...The fight between the five generals was still equal, which in itself is something to be proud of. In the end, the Great Serpent Generals are all level 47, and the True Beginning Generals are all level 44~45.

What is different about their fight now is that it has become stronger and broader in scope. With every passing minute, the fear of death is slowly withdrawing from the souls and bodies of the Great Serpent Generals, and their strength is slowly rising. By now, the difference between the levels of the two sides has become crystal clear, and it is still rising more. The good thing is that this rise in power is happening gradually, and it was the best thing the five True Beginning Generals could ask for.

There is also something that is starting to make a difference in favor of the Great Serpent Generals, the Minor Heavenly Law of Corrosion. Even if it is a minor law, it is derived from the Path of Destruction, and in battles like this, its performance is higher than the elemental laws used by the True Beginning Generals even if they are major laws!

Alexander, Victoria, Elizabeth, Raiden, and finally Flora, were all fighting as if their lives depended on it because it really did.

There was no room for them to hide anything, at this moment they were all using everything they had up their sleeve, every weapon, every talisman, every armor ability, even the Law Feild Arrays were fully effective, yet they were all full of wounds, both light and heavy. Robin looked at them for a long time... He could not find a way for his followers to improve themselves better than this, at this moment they were showing a strength that they themselves did not think they had. Their concentration intensified with every passing moment until their limbs began to move to attack and defend on their own and for some reason... They all had smiles on their faces!

Something else was holding the Great Serpent Generals back somewhat, something that made them think twice before sacrificing a huge amount of Durger the Great's blood to get rid of their opponents quickly... It was Caesar lurking in the middle of everything like a hawk.

They did not communicate with each other, but they all reached a tactical agreement to give their best without making any sacrifice that would attract attention... In the end, none of them were ready to make a movement large enough to make Caesar intervene again.

Whoever experiences the Death Fire once, will never be ready to see it a second time.

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