Lord of the People: My Explosion Rate is 100%

Chapter 996: The only lord at the mythical level has the talent of All Souls Saint!

"well done."

 “Continue tomorrow.”

 After reading the summary of the war, Zhou Zhou smiled at Bai Yun.

 “Yes, Your Majesty!”

Bai Yun's face showed a hint of joy, and then she responded more firmly.

Then He withdrew and left.

 After Bai Yun left, Zhou Zhou was not in a hurry to upgrade his territory or lord talents. Instead, he opened the camp points ranking list first.

 [First place: Human Race-Lord of the Sun—5.359 billion camp points! ]

 [Second place: Original Eldar - True Lord - 4.215 billion camp points! ]

 [Third place: Shepherd Clan-Zhutian Lord—3.992 billion camp points! ]Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

 [Fourth place: Wanling Clan-Lingzun Lord—3.522 million camp points! ]

 [Fourth place: Chaos Gods-Lord Taiyi—3.321 billion camp points! ]

Zhou Zhou nodded slightly.

“Finally, the gap of one billion camp points has been opened.”

“But the gap from my 10 billion camp points is still not enough.”

“It seems that starting from tomorrow, we still need to continue to increase our efforts.”

He thought in his heart.

 Fortunately, there is not much else with Him, and the target of the Eye of Disgust is enough.

“I don’t know what the impact will be if all the Eyes of Disgust targets are solved?”

 This idea suddenly came to Zhou Zhou’s mind.

 In fact, the previous Huanming clan has already given this answer.

 That is to say, the event ended early, and the event grand prize fell directly into the hands of the Fantasy Clan without any suspense.

Although the Huanming clan also suffered due to this, it had nothing to do with Zhou Zhou.

 As the lord of all races, Zhou Zhou is protected by the Supreme Agreement. Before leaving the Supreme Continent, he will basically not be afraid of the powerful men of all races coveting the treasures he possesses.

“Perhaps you can try it yourself, kill all the Eye of Disgust targets, and then end this event early.”

Zhou Zhou’s heart was pounding when he thought of this.

 If this is the case, then he has almost determined the final reward of this event.

  [Congratulations, your legendary lord talent ‘Instigating Rebellion’ has been promoted to the mythical level and the only lord talent ‘Saint of All Souls’! ]

 [The effect of your promoted Mythical·Unique Lord talent is as follows:]

  [Saint of All Souls:]

  [Specific talent effect 1: You are a saint in the eyes of all spirits. The moment all spirits see you, they will be eager to become your followers and have a high probability of joining your camp and joining your command. ]

[Specific talent effect 2: When you are in a head-on battle with the enemy lord's camp forces, as long as there is no absolutely irresistible strength gap, you can activate the All Souls Saint talent to kill 50% of the enemies in the enemy lord's camp forces. Instigate rebellion as your loyal subordinates.

And among the enemies who are instigated to rebel, there will 100% be born a speaker who masters "surrender".

Send this oracle into the enemy camp to recruit and surrender, there will be a 10% probability of recruiting all members of the enemy lord camp to become your loyal subordinates! ]

 [Lord talent tip 1: The minimum number of enemies to rebel is 1 unit of enemies, and the upper limit is unlimited! ]

  [Lord Talent Tip 2: You can activate the Lord Talent of All Souls Saint against the hostile lord forces at any level! ]

 [Lord Talent Tip 3: This talent can only be activated once a day! ]

 [Lord Talent Tip 4: Enemies affected by the Saint of All Souls have a minimum base loyalty of 90 points. ]

  [Lord Talent Tip 5: This talent cannot be activated twice against the same enemy lord camp force! ]

[Lord Talent Tip 6: The objects of use of this talent will no longer be limited to individual legion-level forces or individual lord-level forces. Instead, all enemies that are hostile to you will be regarded as a whole, and thus all enemies will be launched against this whole. Spirit Saint Lord Talent. ]

“Is this the mythical and only lord’s gift of the All-Soul Saint?”

Zhou Zhou’s eyes lit up immediately after seeing the specific effects of this lord’s talent.

His eyes fell directly on the last talent prompt of the lord.

“The enemies who are hostile to me are no longer limited to individual legion-level forces or individual lord-level forces. Instead, all enemies who are hostile to me are treated as a whole, and the All Souls Saint Lord talent is activated against the whole…”

 After Zhou Zhou read it, he immediately burst into laughter.

It was not in vain that he had made so much determination and spent a billion bronze-level lord talent crystal fragments to upgrade his rebellion to the mythical level, the only level!

 It really removes the biggest drawback of instigating rebellion!

 From now on.

He will no longer have to worry about the embarrassing situation of facing an army of tens of billions of enemies and only inciting an army of more than a billion or even hundreds of millions to rebel.

 He can directly instigate rebellion against the tens of billions of troops and directly own half of their troops!

And now his unlimited talent effect of instigating rebellion is enough to satisfy his idea.


“Then can I take action against Uriel?”

Zhou Zhou thought about this problem and then thought about it seriously.

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