Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 384 - Rugged and Shabby Dirt Road

Chapter 384: Rugged and Shabby Dirt Road

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Starting from the stone pass, they headed southwest. When they saw the sword-like peak of Death Penalty Mountain, they turned and headed west. In less than a day’s journey, they would reach Avilesburg.

This was the experience of the merchants of the Dukedom of Leo.

Often, merchants would not easily tell others about similar routes. This was a secret technique that the trade caravan relied on to survive.

However, when a scoundrel noble placed a machete on the necks of those merchants, he easily obtained the specific routes and secret techniques of the trade caravan.

The routes of the trade caravan were all over the Dukedom of Leo, so they needed proper trade routes.

And it was the type that had been investigated on the spot.

It was more exquisite than the official map of the Dukedom of Leo, which was also the map of the territory of the Dukedom of Leo. Especially in the vicinity of certain areas with concentrated commerce or special products, the Merchant’s trade maps were more accurate in detail.

As for Avilesburg, which was an important military town in the Eastern county, it was naturally recorded as well.

All the way to the west.

The dirt road that was trampled on simply was very rugged.

In other words, the Dukedom of Leo did not have the habit of repairing roads. These so-called roads were all solid roads that had been trampled on by people and horses for a long time. No one really repaired them, so it was inevitable that they would be rugged.

This was a deliberate act to prevent the enemy from marching.

Roads could speed up the journey.

For example, at the edge of the Senwaya Range, from Aaron City to the Yamaguchi Posthouse, Kant had built a paved road that was paved with small stones. It was solid and smooth.

Such a paved road could provide a traveling speed that was several times faster than ordinary mountain roads.

Originally, the entire day’s travel time.

Relying on this paved road, they could arrive in less than half a day. It was very convenient and fast.

This was beneficial to raising the level of trade. After all, the carriages, pack horses, camels, and other trade caravans were all full of goods. Being able to travel on the paved road was far better than the rugged mountain road, or even the lack of a road.

However, moving faster was convenient and troublesome.

Especially in terms of military use.

Since the trade caravan could move fast, then the army could naturally do the same.

Moreover, they could quickly advance along the well-built roads, and even directly reach their destination to start their battle deployment.

This was the case for their own troops, and it was the same for the enemy troops. The roads had already been built, and anyone could use them. Naturally, the enemy was the same.

This was especially true for the Dukedom of Leo and the Silver Platter Kingdom.

Naturally, they could not pay too much attention to the construction of the roads.

The Dukedom of Leo, which was mainly composed of cavalry, did not need to worry about the assembly of troops. A warhorse with four hooves could walk faster than a two-legged person no matter what. Even if there was no road, it could still move quickly.

The Silver Platter Kingdom was different.

This kingdom had a variety of troop classes. Although there was cavalry, they were also mainly infantry.

The cavalry was the main force, but the elite infantry was also the main force. Often, in the course of a field battle, before the Knights of the Dukedom of Leo could defeat the Knights of the Silver Platter Kingdom, their own troops, which were used to maintain the front line, had already been defeated.

This was also the key reason why they had suffered a crushing defeat on the south bank of the river of Resniston ten years ago.

They had only reached the north bank.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Silver Platter Kingdom’s troops were halfway across the river, Viscount Gibran of Avilesburg had fought with all his might to delay the main force of the Knights of the Silver Platter Kingdom. He had also provided false information due to Baron Dilun Nanjue’s betrayal of the Silver Platter Kingdom.

This had resulted in a great victory on the north bank of the Resniston river, and they had even fought back to take back the two lost castles on the south bank.

It barely maintained the dignity of the Dukedom of Leo.


The Dukedom of Leo was even more careless about the construction of roads.

Although it affected domestic trade, with the famous trade river, the Resniston River, even if land trade declined, it would still be acceptable. The profits brought by the river trade were also not low!

Riding on the rugged dirt road, it took a long time to see a trade caravan.

All of them were extremely vigilant.

There were more than ten carriages and more than fifty laborers holding nail sticks.

There were also more than ten cavalry wearing leather armor and holding long spears and longswords. Although they looked nondescript and were between mercenaries and regular soldiers, their movements were also very neat and fast. They were very good guards of the trade caravan.

The security situation in the Eastern county was slightly better. There were no large-scale bandit groups.

However, when they saw Kant and the cavalry...

All of them were horrified.

Especially when they saw the rebellious and fierce looks of the elite desert bandits, their hearts started to beat faster. If it wasn’t for Kant and the rest riding their horses and not stopping, they would have started to fight back!

However, even if they fought back, they didn’t have much of a chance of winning. Kant had the advantage in numbers.

Five hundred elite desert bandits.

This was considered a strong level among bandit groups or mercenaries.

After all, these were cavalry, not infantry. Even if they couldn’t beat them, they could still flee on their horses. Moreover, they had spears, scimitars, short javelins, and iron-scale armor.

Ordinary wealthy small landlords could only gather this set of equipment.

Cavalry was not something that anyone could become.

Just raising warhorse was a matter that required money, and equipment was secondary.

Now, Kant’s cavalry team could even be used as the main force among the mercenaries. After all, ordinary mercenaries did not have the strength of a knight’s squire. The Gale mercenary group from before was entirely composed of knight’s squires and knights, there are two other grand knights, and it was really exceptional.

Everyone knew that the force behind the Gale mercenary group was Countess Agatha of the Eastern County. The reason why this mercenary group was released was to warn the noble families of the northern and southern counties to show their strength.

An unspoken rule.

Even now.

Kant and his cavalry left the trade caravans without any intention of looting, and they knew it.

Perhaps these were the private soldiers of a noble.

Their guess was correct.

However, Kant’s cavalry was all low-level light cavalry, and they were not even considered his main cavalry. If the real main cavalry arrived, the scale of the march of over a thousand Swadian cavalry would be even more terrifying!

Even the full set of heavy armor of a man and a horse, and the hooves of the horses striking the ground, were as terrifying as a flood discharge or an earthquake.

Of course.

Kant was not interested in these trade caravans.

Rolf was still a little interested, but he did not act rashly because he wanted to travel quickly.

If something went wrong and the local noble families in the Eastern county were to notice, they would be surrounded. After all, this was not the Northern county, and it was far from the stone pass. The reinforcements could not appear at all times.

Most importantly, Avilesburg was right in front of them.

Viscount Ji Bolun.

This old general was not to be trifled with. The elites under him also made Kant slightly fearful.

The only reason why they were able to stand apart from the traditional ruling forces of the Dukedom of Leo was not because of Countess Agatha’s isolation. There was also the elite force in Viscount Ji Bolun’s hands that was enough to deter any enemy!

A thousand-man knight regiment and three thousand elite infantry.

It was also a seeded force that had been trained from the remnants of the bloody battle ten years ago.

It was definitely not bad in terms of combat strength.

It was said that they had also made reference to the training methods of the infantrymen of the Silver Platter Kingdom. Their combat strength was extremely strong. Together with the 4-meter long lance, they formed a phalanx of long spears. Even an ordinary knight regiment would not dare to approach them easily.

Not to mention charging into the phalanx of long spears head-on. They would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

Nearing evening.

Kant had finally reached the vicinity of Avilesburg.

On the flat plains in front of them, at the top of a slightly raised hill, a towering castle was being built on top of it. The arrow towers and towers were stacked on top of each other, with the addition of thick and heavy city walls. The defense was perfect.

The setting sun’s dim yellow light shone on the castle, bringing about a visual impact that was not inferior to Kant’s castle.

The only Viscount in the Eastern county.

And also the only castle.

Viscount Gibran of Avilesburg.

Kant gently knocked on the horse’s belly and continued to lead the team forward. Right under the castle, there was still smoke rising in spirals. It was the smoke rising from the villages of the peasants who depended on the castle to survive.

The castle also needed the peasants to supply the daily necessities.

Moreover, they could be recruited during wartime.

It was common to form poorly equipped armed militias or recruit peasant soldiers as cannon fodder to temporarily resist the enemy’s attack and relieve the pressure on the main force. It was also common to adjust the tactical arrangements as soon as possible to make up for the deficiencies.

Now Kant wanted to go to the village, not to fight, but to rest.

To sleep or camp temporarily.

They were mercenaries, and at the same time, to see if the castle was willing to hire them.

Of course, the price would definitely be high. Even if Avilesburg was willing to hire them, it would be impossible to negotiate a cooperation in the end.

Kant came here only to observe the castle. It would be even better if he could meet Viscount Ji Bolun. His real goal was to go to the core of the Eastern county territory, which was the Eastern County city.

The city that stood on the north bank of the river was one of the only two cities in the Dukedom of Leo.

It was also the only city in the Eastern county.

It was also a commercial city and a port city. Many merchants of the Resniston river had made their first stop in the Dukedom of Leo. It had once been the Eastern County city. However, after Countess Agatha sealed off all contact with the outside world, more commercial businesses flooded into the Lion Heart City in the Southern county. Instead, it helped the royal family increase their tax revenue by several times.

In fact, there was a reason for this. Kant understood that the river bandits of the Resniston river were extremely arrogant in the Eastern county. After all, the southern bank was Fort Nair, which had been reduced to the area of the Silver Platter Kingdom.

The existence of the river bandits was also the reason why the Silver Platter kingdom had indulged themselves and attacked the dukedom of Leo.

Kant also had some connections with the river bandits.

The former subordinates of Princess Sofia had been left outside and could be considered as another chess piece.

He came to the Eastern county territory to see what changes had occurred in this sealed estate. His goal was to get close to Borg in the Eastern County city and use this former chess piece to complete his strategic deployment.

Kant had basically infiltrated the Northern county territory.

Next was the Eastern county territory.

After controlling two counties, the Southern county would not be able to escape Kant’s infiltration.

As long as the army was strong enough and connected with the noble families, the Dukedom of Leo would be slowly eaten up like a frog in warm water, becoming Kant’s territory.

Moreover, the Eastern county had an ancient tunnel that was connected to the Resniston river.

Although it is not known where in the Resniston river it leads to.

But it’s very important.

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