Lord of Flames

Chapter 167: Fire of Revenge! Target: Yan Nation!

Chapter 167: ?Fire of Revenge! Target: Yan Nation!

Chapter 167:?Fire of Revenge! Target: Yan Nation!

When she heard?the words of the eldest Princess, Princess Luo Ying had?completely understood that the Royal family had?fallen out with the church, and it?became the reason now!

The God of Heaven wanted?her father’s sister and her aunt to be a container for the coming of the Holy Spirit!

Naturally, her father was reluctant!

If her father agreed at the time, the eldest Princess might not be deprived of her consciousness after being descended by the Holy Spirit.

But once the war started, who knows how long it would?take?

Being occupied by the Holy Spirit for a long time was not good for the eldest Princess. It would even destroy her foundation as a magician!

In other words, the way to promote the eldest?Princess is broken!

Her father was not a ruthless King, so he didn’t agree.

Then it evolved into the present scene.

Even if her father was a sixth ranked soldier, there was no chance of winning in front of the church and Gods!

Princess Luo Ying couldn’t help asking, “Aunt!?Is there any way to save the father?” The princess looked dimmed when she heard her.

She hesitated and finally spoke:

“Luo Ying, I’m afraid I can’t save him. Even if the Gods are close, I can’t save him. Your father’s soul has?completely defeated by the Divine consciousness. Even if you drive away the Divine consciousness inside, I’m afraid your father will just be like them.”

Her fingers?were?pointed?to the Temple Knights outside!

After the souls of these Temple Knights were burned by the Abyss Demon Flame, although their bodies were complete and had no scars, they were just an empty shell!

Inside, no semblance of a soul exists!

The strength of these Temple Knights was not weak, and their bodies didon’?rot so quickly, but what?was?the use?

No soul was no different from death. It’s only a cup of loess for a year and a half at most!


When she?heard?the words of the Princess, Princess Luo Ying was hit hard!

The original, the father of the rescue.

But now, the eldest?Princess’s words had?completely cut off her hope!

Her father?couldn’t be saved!

The soul of the King?was slaughtered, Shinya was unsuccessful!

Princess Luo Ying seemed to have lost all her strength at once, and sat on the ground blankly.

Then the?Princess finally recovered some strength. She opened the magic bag on her waist, took a magic stone from it, and quickly absorbed the magic inside.

She sighed, her voice was full of endless sadness:

“Your brothers, I’m afraid they were all killed, because they hold the real power, and because you are a Princess, there is no threat. They also need you to show up to dispel the suspicion of some nobles, so you are fine. We are in the Royal family. Only you and I?are left!”

On Princess Luo Ying’s face, tears finally couldn’t stop streaming down.

“Princess, let’s get out of here first!”

Ning Cui wanted to cry too.

A month ago, everything was fine.

Even this month, Ning Cui felt that everything was normal.

Because she had been living in the princess mansion with Princess Luo Ying.

Until now, she suddenly found that all the beauty and dependence in life were torn apart!

The Royal family of Xi Ling Kingdom could?be said to have?suffered a heavy blow!

The Princess quickly absorbed the magic stone.

“I’m almost to the eighth rank, but now there are many Holy Spirits in the Palace. These holy spirits are suitable for the body and absorb the power coming from Heaven. After so long, they should have at least more than the seventh rank. There are many eighth ranks of?strength, and the Divine consciousness occupying your father’s body is even more terrible. Even if I rise to the eighth rank, I’m not an opponent.”

The eldest?Princess couldn’t help felt?powerless.

The enemy was too strong.

Although ninety-nine of the Gods in the Heavens don’t even want to descend on the Continent of the Gods, the Gods were?already terribly powerful just by lowering their consciousness, lowering their power, and lowering their Holy Spirit.

This was?still because the Kingdom of Hering didn’t have too good a?“container” reason!

The coming of the Holy Spirit required?a pure body.

If the Holy Spirit descended?on a Tier 3 or Tier 4 magician, they could display the strength of Tier 6 or so by receiving the power from the Heavens.

That?was?already topped!

And if the Holy Spirit descended?on a seventh ranked Magister and descended?power through the Heavens, they could?even display the strength of the eighth or even…the ninth ranked!

There were many restrictions on Pentecost.

But even if there were many restrictions, it was not what the eldest?Princess could cope with!

Even if she successfully absorbed the power left by the Holy Spirit, she could quickly become an eighth ranked?forbidden spell magician and had?the terrible power of one man against 100000 troops, but… It was?still far from enough!

“Let’s go to Yan Guo!”

Princess Luo Ying stood up suddenly.

There were still tears on her face.

But her expression was already full of determination!

“Such a God will bring the entire Xi Ling Kingdom into the bottomless Abyss. The Flame Lord of Yan Kingdom is a subversive God. I want to ask Yan Kingdom for help. If?the?Yan Kingdom is willing to help us, we would There?is?hope of revenge!”

Princess Luo Ying spoke firmly.

In her heart, a strong fire of revenge had risen!

Yes, she wanted?revenge!

Revenge on the Gods!

Revenge on those who descend upon the Holy Spirit!

Revenge against the church!

With the strength of her and the eldest?Princess, now running out for revenge was tantamount to hitting stone with an egg.

She wouldn’t be so confused.

Even if the eldest Princess rose to the eighth rank, became a forbidden spell magician, and then took?advantage of the night to the Royal palace to?perform?a large forbidden spell.

Probably could not be revenged!

There, there was a God’s?consciousness.

There were several successful Holy Spirits!

Moreover, the casting of the forbidden spell took?a certain time, and the magic fluctuation caused by it was?also quite terrible.

She was?afraid if?she??hadn’t succeeded, she?would?be directly interrupted and cracked by others!

Therefore, turning to Yan Guo and the great Lord of Fire had?become the only choice in Princess Luo Ying’s heart!

Yan Guo had a good impression on Princess Luo Ying!

The queen of the Burning Kingdom, although the fox female Qing Ling also had the majesty of the Queen, the fox female Qing ling would not be too high.

The fox girl Qing Ling always regarded?herself as the Saint of the Gods, put?the identity of the Saint before the identity of the Queen.

A God who could make the King of a Kingdom?so devout and honest must be a great God!

What she?saw and heard in the Miracle city could also confirm the view of Princess Luo Ying.

Besides, the great God just gave her a helping hand. He was her savior!

Princess Luo Ying looked at the eldest Princess: “Aunt, after we get revenge, we would believe in the Lord of Flame again in the whole Kingdom?to repay the Lord of Flame for helping us. I will also become the Saint of the Lord of Flame, and I would serve the Lord of Flame for life. Host!”

That?was what she decided!

In the Dungeon, Ning Cui walked?in front, while Princess Luo Ying holded?the eldest?Princess to the outside.

Soon, they passed the corpses of the Temple Knights and went out.

No one else came to church.

“We went out of the city overnight. The situation here will be discovered tomorrow, so we have to order it as soon as possible. Flying monsters are kept next to the palace. It was too dangerous to go there, but I know there is a camp outside the city with ten animals. Flying monsters, we only need to get one.”

Princess Luo Ying said.

The three soon left the church.

At this time, a group of Knights on patrol just came over.

Princess Luo Ying was about to escape. The eldest?Princess said, “it’s all right!”

She moved her hand gently and performed a magic?trick, and the corner where the three of them stood turned into darkness.

The soldiers on patrol didn’t see them at all.

As a great Mage or a great Mage who was?about to become a forbidden mage, the eldest Princess could use some hidden magic easily.

So along the way, the three of them didn’t have to hide at all. It took nearly two hours to reach a cliff on the edge of?King City.

“Remember when I was a kid when I brought you here to throw stones and fly kites?”

The eldest?Princess asked with a trace of memory on her face.

Princess Luo Ying nodded.

The eldest?Princess said, “At that time, I wanted to fly like a kite. Later, I could fly, but I couldn’t feel it anymore.”

After sighing, she said, “hold on to me. My Spirit has not fully recovered. I can only fly you for a short time!”

Princess Luo Ying and Ning Cui grabbed the eldest?Princess from left to right.

The eldest?princess took them and jumped down. People were in mid air. She fiercely displayed her Flying Magic and finally landed smoothly!

Here, it was already outside the Royal city.

They were?quite familiar with the Royal city, knowing that the cliffs here would not be guarded.

Then they didn’t stop and rushed to the camp of flying Warcraft all night.


There were quite a few soldiers there, but no church people.

If Princess Luo Ying revealed?her identity, these soldiers who were?loyal to the Royal family would?probably not stop her, but Princess Luo Ying chose to stun all those soldiers in order to save the lives of those soldiers.

Then the three of them chose a flying magical beast and flew towards the east overnight.

Their goal was?Yan Guo!

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