"The organization is calling itself 'Freedom', and they are nothing but anarchists that endanger the citizens of our empire. This is Emma, the vice-captain for this mission, and you must respect and follow her orders as if they were mine."

He made a short stop and looked at everyone.

"This is a military mission, and you will act like soldiers until we successfully complete it. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Good. According to the intelligence reports, 'Freedom' only has one expert mage, and we will take care of him. Additionally, it has 6 advanced mages, 31 true mages, and a few dozen magicians of different stages. We found out they have a meeting in a few days for now and everyone will be in their headquarters."

Everyone nodded to indicate they understand, and he continued to explain the plan.

"We will travel there and raid their HQ during the night before the meeting. The team of advanced mages will be in charge of exterminating the enemy's advanced mages, while the rest will be in charge of exterminating the true mages."

"How is the score calculated?"

One of the students asked Norman.

"You can't get points for killing enemies under your rank, and you will get double the points if you kill an enemy above your rank. For each advanced mage you kill, you get 3 points, and each true mage is worth 1 point."

"That's unfair, it will be too hard to surpass the advanced mages team!"

"Life is always unfair to the weak."

Norman gave a simple answer. 31 true mages divided by four teams were less than 8 on average, and to surpass the advanced mages team they had to kill 19 of them. But there was still a hidden disadvantage; the advanced mages could kill some of the true mages and prevent the other teams from collecting points!

"Let's go out! Each pair can ride on one horse."

Normal shouted and went to a group of large horses that stood in a line. Because of his sickly body, Gale didn't learn how to ride a horse when he was younger.

"Ahm, can you hold the reins? I need to meditate; I feel on the verge of enlightenment."

He coughed and asked Ronda with a straight face.

"You can't ride horses, can you?"

She rolled her eyes and took the reins. He sat behind her and placed his hands on her waist. It was an unexpected great chance; he used his charm, which made his touch much more pleasurable.

"Mm. Wait, move your hands to my shoulders."

A soft moan escaped Ronda's mouth and she hurriedly asked him to move his hands.

"Why, do you have a sensitive waist?"ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

"What? No! it doesn't matter where you place them."

She didn't want to admit she was pleasured by his touch. So she just bit her lips to the verge of bleeding to forcibly stop herself from feeling too good. Gale, on the other hand, pretended to try to get a better hold and moved his hands from time to time, sending a shiver down her spine.

"It's much nicer to be in your presence than I thought. I think we could really get along."

"Keep dreaming. I still plan to kill you when I get the chance."

Those were her words, yet she was thinking he might be right inwardly. The ride went on for 12 hours until dark and the group opened 2 large tents. The men took one, and the women took the other.

"I need to go to clear my mind."

Ronda told Gale as soon as their feet touched the ground. She quickly entered the woods next to their camping spot and disappeared. Gale just smiled to himself; with his heightened senses as a ruler beast and their proximity, his sense of smell told him the situation was fishy.

2 days later they could see a large mansion ahead of them and they stopped.

"We will storm in right at midnight. The mages will be scattered in the mansion in their rooms. According to reports, true mages should be in groups of four or five, while advanced mages are either alone or in pairs."

He didn't include the magicians in his report since their numbers didn't matter. Each one of them was far stronger than an average mage, and they could easily slaughter magicians.

"Nobody will save you if you die, so be careful and don't be too greedy for points. When we charge in, make sure to either kill all the magicians in our way or knock them out if you're soft-hearted. Just don't let them alarm the mages in the mansion before we are inside. As for after that, you don't have to kill them if you don't want to."

There was no command to exterminate the magicians because many of them were just servants, and even if they had the same ideology as the mages, there was nothing they could do about it.

"Everyone, take this rope. Emma, please do it."

Emma was brought specially for the infiltration mission. She had the darkness affinity and could hide the group during the night from the magicians' eyes quite easily as long as none of them bumped into one.

Norman gave them a long rope to hold since they couldn't find their way either inside Emma's darkness, and they advanced like that to the mansion.

At the gate, there were 4 magicians standing guard on the ground and other 2 magicians on a tower with a large bell.

"I kill those on the ground, you kill those on the tower."

His voice couldn't exit the darkness, but Emma heard it.

"3… 2… 1…"

Six stones flew at a high speed in a boomerang line. Each stone met one temple, went through to the other temple, and made its way back to the darkness before falling to the ground silently. The six guards died without knowing how they were killed.

The group opened the gate and Norman left 6 statues where the guards were to fool anyone who looked from afar in the darkness of the night.

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