Qiao Yang shook his head helplessly, "I don't know, I only know that there is an abnormality in the Chenfeng Restaurant, but they have been guarding it very tightly, so our people have no way to detect anything from it."

"In recent years, people from the Gu clan have often attacked you."

"Yes, these years, the Gu people have been dealing with our people openly and secretly. I was caught by the other party when I missed a few days ago. Thanks to Mrs. Su, otherwise I would have become insect feed."

"How does Tiger Might manage Tiger Camp?"

Management, Qiao Yang felt that Su Ying used this word very inappropriately. Because they had to deal with Gu people, they could only use food to expand their sphere of influence, not management.

"It's just for food, but the things are limited, and the good things they find will be handed over to the eldest brother, who will sell them for money." This has been maintained for so many years.

"Is there any farming in the tiger camp?"

"Yes, there is, but some places outside are wasteland that my brother asked someone to open up. Before that, my brother also bought seeds and came back to farm for everyone, but it seems that the results are not very good."

Su Ying nodded, she basically asked about everything she wanted to know.

"Drink the water, let's go back."

Qiao Yang was about to be chased away before his **** was hot. He looked at Su Ying with some frustration, "If there is something wrong, Mrs. Su can go to the Tiger Tower to find me. After entering the Tiger Camp, I will go south and keep going all the way. Just go to the end."


Qiao Yang saw that Su Ying had absolutely no intention of keeping him for dinner, so he could only get up reluctantly and leave.

Su Ying squeezed a small bun and took a bite. Thinking of what Qiao Yang said, her brows were stained with worry.

"Master." Chu Yun walked into the main room excitedly, still holding the bug corpses in his hand.

Xiao Jin looked up, "What's wrong?"

"The subordinates know, they know what these things are."

He put the Gu insects on the table and analyzed them carefully: "Judging from the appearance of these Gu insects, it is true that these Gu insects are soul-stealing Gu. After this kind of Gu insects enter the human body, they will erode the human body immediately. In the mind, and then control the people."

Su Ying narrowed her eyes, thinking of the performance of No. 8 and No. 9 before, she understood.

In other words, this Gu has the ability to hypnotize people.

Hearing this, Su Ying suddenly stood up and walked out.

Su Ying arrived at the place where No. 8 and No. 9 were tied up. The two are awake now, and they trembled when they saw Su Ying approaching.

"Husband, madam, please forgive me, madam, please forgive me."

"Don't be afraid, I don't want to see blood today." Su Ying took out a pill from her body and stuffed it into No. 8's mouth.

"Swallow it in."

No. 8 swallowed the pill honestly.

Seeing this, Su Ying pulled up a stool and waited beside her.

Not long after, No. 8's body suddenly twitched, and his face became ferocious. His painful appearance directly scared No. 9 to pee.

After a while, No. 8's body suddenly trembled, and he opened his mouth wide open, and a bug the size of half a fingernail crawled out of his mouth.

The moment the bug left his body, he passed out.

After the black bug fell to the ground, its body twitched and died.

Su Ying picked up the branch, picked up the worm, and brought it back to the house to show Chu Yun.

"This, is it the same species as the dead one?"

Chu Yun went over to examine it carefully, and finally came to the conclusion that yes.

But what came out of No. 8's body was already a pregnant female Gu.

Xiao Jin's face darkened, "They are using people to raise Gu, that is, people who have eaten people from Chenfeng Restaurant have been infected by them."

What a sinister method!

What Su Ying thought of was another thing. Nearly half of the people in the tiger camp had eaten the meat of Chenfeng Restaurant, that is to say, they could become the weapons of the Gu clan to attack them at any time.

If the other party really uses this killer move, she might not be able to handle so many people together.

For the current plan, we can only find a way to kill the Gu worms in those people's bodies.

But the most important thing right now is to fill her stomach first.

Su Ying arrived at the kitchen and saw Uncle He coming out of it, "Ma'am, what do you want to eat at night, I'll make it for you."

Su Ying glanced at the white and tender pig that was snorting in the pen. She hadn't eaten fresh meat for a long time.

"Eat pork?"

Uncle He looked at those pigs and felt a little pain, but Su Ying wanted to eat them, so if he killed a boar, the others could also be bred, "Success, then I will choose one now to solve it."

The children were playing happily with those big pigs just now, but in a blink of an eye they saw that Uncle He was about to kill a pig, and they choked up emotionally for a while.

"Woooooh, poor Zhuzhu is about to be killed." Erbao covered his face sadly.

Dabao also seemed a little depressed.

But their little resistance still failed to change the fate of the big pig.

Finally, the little milk buns ate a bowl with tears in their eyes!

"Well, it smells so good."

Erbao gnawed on the crispy pork ribs with a satisfied face.

Su Ying held the pig's knuckle directly in his hand, and his mouth was full of oil. The feeling of being filled with fresh and tender meat juice is really satisfying!

In the night, everyone ate their bellies, and even the wolves got their offal and pig's head.

One pig ate half of it, and Uncle He salted the rest and dried it in the backyard, so that it could be preserved for a longer period of time.

Night fell, after washing, two small milk bags leaned against Su Ying's arms.

"Aniang, Linger wants to hear a story."

"Ji'er wants to listen too."

Su Ying felt awkward holding her two little heads. Story? She seemed to have no story reserves in her mind except for being raped by her comrades and reading some novels N years ago.

"Aniang will tell you a story about a big monster."


Two **** and two faces look forward to it.

"In the distant future, this world will no longer be suitable for us humans to live in. Everything will be destroyed, and even people will become like monsters. At this time, the only remaining normal people will be divided into many forces, and the configuration will continue to expand. own sphere of influence, forming an army to rob the few supplies.”

"Mother, have everyone turned into a monster?" Dabao raised his head curiously.

Su Ying nodded, "It's not all, but it's about the same. Even the sky is dark, as if even the sun doesn't want to illuminate that desperate land. The only normal people left can't be regarded as normal. They In order to fight for more living space, we are constantly fighting and fighting, just like a killing machine..."

Su Ying's voice was very slow and soft, gradually disappearing into the air along with the cool mountain wind at night.

Before the story was finished, the two little guys fell asleep in Su Ying's arms.

Su Ying looked up and met Xiao Jin's exceptionally bright eyes in the dark.

"Finally, what happened to that general?" Xiao Jin looked at her and asked in a deep voice.

Su Ying lay down and closed her eyes, "I'm dead, I often walk by the river, I don't want my shoes to get wet, there's nothing wrong with dying."

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