The roar of wild beasts and the terrified screams of villagers pierced the peaceful night sky of the wild forest.

"Everyone, don't run around, gather in one place, gather in one place... Only in this way can we resist wild beasts!" Zhao Dahe was also trembling with fear, but he knew clearly that if people scattered at this time, they would only die more. quick.

But in this situation, everyone's fear has long since overcome their reason, watching the wild beasts rushing towards them, they fled in succession.

But they would never have imagined that there would be so many wild beasts in the forest, so many that no matter where they fled, there would be wild beasts waiting for them.

"Help, help!"

Looking at the villagers who were bitten, those who were still running away were going crazy, but they had no way to escape. There were forests everywhere and there was no shelter.

"Go back, Lizheng, go back to Tiger Camp, we won't go, we won't go!"

"Yes, yes, back to Tiger Camp, we are not leaving, we are not leaving!"

Some villagers came to their senses and didn't care about so many, and ran directly in the direction of Tiger Camp.

Fortunately, they didn't go too far. They were quite familiar with the surrounding terrain after opening up wasteland in the Tiger Camp. For the convenience of Su Ying, they also asked people to start logging here to build roads, so they could quickly find the direction of the Tiger Camp.

At midnight, terrified screams sounded outside the tiger camp.

The people in black heard the noise and looked through the binoculars on the city tower with a fire in their hands. Through the binoculars, they could clearly see the fleeing villagers running towards the tiger camp.

Hei Guardian directed the telescope, secretly admiring Su Ying's methods.

She actually made these people come back obediently.

After those people ran outside the city gate, they begged and cried.

"Black Protector, Black Protector please open the door for us."

"I beg the black protector to do a good job and open the door for us. We won't leave, we won't leave. From now on, we will stay in the tiger camp and live a peaceful life."

The voices of crying and begging became more and more complicated, and more and more people came running back, slapping the gate of the city with a "slapping" sound.

"Guardian, what should I do?" asked the guard in black.

Hei Guardian didn't move, "Wait, Tiger Camp is where they come and go whenever they want."

"Open the door, open the door and help..."

Some villagers panicked, but the city gate was not opened for a long time. They could only hit it with their bodies, but the strong city gate remained motionless.

They really regretted it. If they didn't leave, they would have slept peacefully now. Where would they be in danger of dying?

After more and more people gathered, the black protector came to Su Ying's house.

"City Lord, those villagers were chased by wild beasts and had nowhere to escape, and now they are running back."

In the room, Su Ying, who was lying on the bed, slowly opened her eyes, and there was no trace of sleepiness in her bright phoenix eyes.

She didn't intend to get up, but said lazily: "It's almost enough for the red protector. There are so many wastelands, and labor is still needed to cultivate them."

"The subordinate understands."

When Su Ying opened her eyes again, it was already dawn outside.

She yawned and sat up in bed.

There was silence outside the tiger camp, as if nothing happened last night.

After breakfast, Su Ying came to the tower.

Standing on the tower, you can see the villagers sitting or lying waiting outside the gate at a glance.

They were terrified, and they didn't dare to close their eyes even when they were extremely tired. Some of them were covered in blood, and they didn't know whether it was their own or someone else's. What's worse, some limbs were not healthy, and the wounds were still there. The gurgling blood in the mouth is constantly wailing.

Su Ying got down from the city tower and asked the man in black to open the city gate.

The villagers quickly turned their heads to look at Su Ying when they heard the movement.

At this time, they no longer had the arrogance of yesterday, and they all knelt in front of Su Ying like bereaved dogs and begged for mercy.

"I beg the city lord to give us another chance, let us stay."

"I beg the city lord to be merciful and spare us this time. We didn't want to leave originally. It was Zhao Dahe who encouraged us to leave."

At this time, Zhao Dahe was lying on the ground with a face of pain. He had a leg bitten off by a wild beast last night, and now he couldn't even stand up.

Before they went to open up wasteland, they didn't find any wild beasts at all, but they met a large group last night. He didn't believe that these wild beasts had nothing to do with Su Ying.

But even knowing that those beasts were created by Su Ying, what's the use of them, they have no power to fight back!

Zhao Dahe is extremely regretful now, regretting that he is not satisfied with the status quo, regretting that he has not kept his word, otherwise he would not have ended up in this situation.

I also regretted that I didn't really recognize Su Ying's strength, it was definitely not something they could resist.

Su Yingfeng's eyes were condensed, and the corners of the raised eyes brought a hint of ironic coldness.

"When you left, Zhao Dahe didn't tie you up to leave."

"City Lord, we really know that we are wrong. We are willing to open up wasteland and farm obediently, and we are willing to work as cattle and horses in the tiger camp for the rest of our lives. I beg the City Lord to give us another chance."

"It's not impossible to go back to the Tiger Camp."

The villagers heard Su Ying let go, and there was a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Only Zhao Dahe looked at Su Ying's cold eyes and knew that it was absolutely impossible for them to have the same treatment as before.

"Those who want to go back to the tiger camp kneel to the right."

As soon as Su Ying finished speaking, everyone supported each other and walked to the right side and knelt down obediently.

Su Ying asked them to close their eyes, and then walked behind them one by one.

The villagers only felt a cold breath passing from behind their bodies, and their necks were slightly prickly. When they opened their eyes again, Su Ying had already stood in front of them.

They looked at Su Ying in confusion, not knowing what this meant.

Su Ying slightly raised the corners of her lips, and snapped her fingers lightly.

The villagers felt as if they had been electrocuted. They only felt a slight tingling pain from their necks, and the pain quickly traveled through their limbs like a dragon, causing their muscles to become stiff. .


Suddenly, sharp screams spread over the entire tiger camp.

Su Ying looked at the villagers who were twisted on the ground in pain with a blank face. This is what people who break their promises should suffer.

I don’t know how long it has passed, maybe it hasn’t been long, but the people in Shangyao Village feel that a lifetime is as long, and some even think that if they were bitten by a wild beast last night, maybe they don’t have to suffer such pain here today.

It's just that there is no room for regret when you make a decision or say something.

Su Ying saw that it was almost done, and then slowly let their pain fade away.

Everyone fell to the ground like a pool of mud, as if they were dead.

"Now, do you know how kind the city lord was to you before?"

Everyone was speechless.

"It's a pity, you don't know how to cherish."

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