Longevity starts from having a daughter in old age

Chapter 171 - Chapter 171: Chapter 148: Attitude! _1

Chapter 171: Chapter 148: Attitude! _1

Translator: 549690339

As he passed by that forest where he once was, Xu Mu didn’t stop, even though his strength had increased a hundredfold. However, he still didn’t have the slightest confidence in dealing with that mysterious woman.

After flying for about an hour, the buildings of White River City were in sight, and a beautiful figure also appeared within his vision.

Wearing a bright yellow skirt, she stood in mid-air, the light fabric gently swaying, showing off her beautiful curves. Her long, soft hair fell to her shoulders, swaying elegantly with the breeze.

Her features were delicate, each one distinctively refined. A pair of sparkling big eyes blinked, casting a bright shimmer through long eyelashes.

She stood there elegantly. Clouds passed by her, forming a stark contrast with her yellow dress. All this made her look extremely exquisite.


Seeing the incoming Xu Mu, joy lit up Chi Feiyan’s face, and she immediately lunged towards him without caring about her image.

Xu Mu waved his hand and pushed her away using his spiritual power.

Chi Feiyan showed a pitiful, disappointed and wronged expression.

“Are you bored? Running here to wait for me.” Xu Mu’s tone was indifferent.

“I just wanted to see you!”

Chi Feiyan clutched the corners of her clothes and gazed at him, pitiful and helpless.


Fine then! Just pity her this time!

Xu Mu revealed his “Lifebound Magic Artifact” and began a fierce battle with

Chi Feiyan mid-air.

After that episode, Xu Mu and Chi Feiyan returned to White River City. On the way, Chi Feiyan told Xu Mu everything about her family affairs.

“With your powers, can’t you deal with him?”

Xu Mu asked, puzzled.

According to Chi Feiyan, her father’s power struggle with her was all because of his new wife.

That is, the widow from the Lv family.

She had bewitched Chi Shouyuan into doing her bidding and even to plot against her.

However, he also found out from Chi Feiyan that the woman was only in the Qi Cultivation Stage. If they found her troublesome, they could just kill her off.

“That woman has some tricks. I tried several times but couldn’t win against her. Instead, it made my father despise me even more!” Chi Feiyan said, her face darkening.

Hearing Chi Feiyan’s various tactics, Xu Mu shook his head speechlessly.

This woman usually appeared to be quite smart, why did she become so clumsy at pivotal moments?

Or was it because she thinks too much, calculates too much, she got overly concerned.

She seemed to have forgotten, in the Cultivation World, strength is everything.

just go directly and kill her, why bother with all this nonsense.

“You know what to do now, summon them all, I will take care of this.

“Master, are you going to—”

Chi Feiyan feared that Xu Mu would directly kill off her father.

The reason she had been hesitating was that she did not want to commit a heinous crime, and lose Chi Shouyuan’s support.

After all, they were father and daughter by blood. It would be best to settle this peacefully.

“You just have to notify them, quit your unnecessary talking.”

Xu Mu’s expression turned cold, and Chi Feiyan dared not ask any more questions, quickly sending out a message via talisman.

By the time they reached the city, there was only a small welcoming party of twenty people at the gate, led by a minor manager who was only in the sixth level of Qi Cultivation.

Chi Feiyan’s face immediately turned dark as the bottom of a pot.

This attitude from the two families was obviously a slap in her face. And the words that the small manager said next, practically clarified everything.

“On the orders of the Family Head, I am here to welcome Elder Xu! Elder Xu, please come inside!”

“Elder Xu?”

Xu Mu couldn’t help but laugh.

He, who was once invited by the two families with utmost courtesy, had now turned into an ‘elder’.

“It seems the reality is very different from what you told me.

Xu Mu looked at Chi Feiyan with a calm expression.

“Master, I…”

Chi Feiyan hurriedly tried to explain.

She also did not anticipate that the two families would dare to do so at this point, to put her in a spot.

With her intelligence, she understood the crux of the issue in a blink of an eye.

They merely wanted to use this opportunity to make their stance clear to Xu Mu, compelling him to leave, and to pressure Chi Feiyan into taking a stand.

Apart from their thoughts, the Chi and Lv families have already established two Foundation Establishment Stage cultivators and acquired a family estate. They envisioned a prosperous future and no longer needed reliance on an outsider like Xu Mu.

Their reasons were quite simple.

Firstly, Xu Mu had never showcased his real strength in front of them. To them, Xu Mu was simply a cultivator who had progressed to the Foundation Establishment Stage only about a decade ago. Even if stronger, he couldn’t exceed the third layer of Foundation Establishment Stage.

Even as they had two Foundation Establishment Stage cultivators, they naturally didn’t need to fear Xu Mu.

Secondly, they were not aware that their two families owe their current position to the collaboration of Chi Feiyan and Xu Mu.

In their view, not only could Xu Mu not offer them help, but he would also consume their resources.

After all, the resources consumed by a Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator could feed a bunch of Qi Cultivation Stage ones.

This led to the clan members, who were originally subordinate to Chi Feiyan, siding with Chi Shouyuan at this moment.

Thirdly, in their eyes, the conflict between Chi Feiyan and Chi Shouyuan was their family matter. Regardless of who wins or loses, they were all family.

However, Xu Mu was an outsider, introducing a wolf into the house. They thought that if they didn’t take action to drive him away at this time, he was likely to join forces with Chi Feiyan, drive away Chi Shouyuan, and eventually monopolize both families.

Although Chi Feiyan had realized all these, she was still infuriated to the point of nearly coughing up blood.

She had tactfully curried favor with Xu Mu, fearing that she wouldn’t have his support, but this crowd insisted on driving him away.

This situation had also occurred because her tight confidentiality and Xu Mu’s innate low-profile.

After all, the fewer people knew about selling Foundation Establishment Stage cultivators, the better.

“No need to explain! Let’s go!”

With just one glare from Xu Mu, Chi Feiyan immediately shut her mouth. The two, led by a minor steward, walked towards the residence of the Chi family.

While walking, Xu Mu surveyed the streets on both sides, noting them being more prosperous since his last visit. Clearly, Chi Feiyan managed it diligently. Many people on the road recognized Chi Feiyan and, accompanied by the Chi family’s entourage leading the way, the low-tier cultivators moved aside, giving Xu Mu the feeling of being the center of attention.

After walking for less than an hour, a magnificent mansion appeared in Xu Mu’s sight.

This mansion was once the ancestral home of the Song family, destroyed by several large families before the Demonic Dao invasion. Later, it was occupied by the Loose Cultivators, and only when the previous family settled here was it rebuilt.

After Chi Feiyan took over, she expanded it further, making it look grander than it did when the Song family lived in it.

However, it was just a facade. If we talk about the actual foundation, it fell far short of the Song family.

The Song family had five Foundation Establishment Stage cultivators and thousands of clan members, with various large and small formations densely put in place. It could hold back even an average Golden Core Stage cultivator for quite some time.

Under the condition of no Foundation Establishment Stage cultivators guarding, the several large families attacking together still suffered heavy losses.

However, today’s mansion, despite looking majestic, is just a hollow shell.

A tier-four large-scale formation was not cheap, and the two families couldn’t afford it for the time being.

As the two entered, the clan members and servants all paid their respects. This gave Chi Feiyan a bit of dignity.

By the time they reached the main hall, Chi Shouyuan, along with the former patriarch of the Lv family, Lv Yi, among others, finally came out to greet them. “The presence of Friend Xu truly graces our families. 1 apologize for failing to meet you sooner. Please forgive us!” Chi Shouyuan laughed heartily, subtly conveying that he considered Xu Mu as an outsider. Chi Feiyan almost blurted out curse words, but Xu Mu urged her to restraint.

However, she knew in her heart that this was what completely offended Xu Mu against Chi Shouyuan.

No one likes being bitten by a dog they raised.

Xu Mu showed no anger. His eyes swept over ah those who came to greet, finally resting on a woman.

Her eyes sparkled like rippling autumnal waters, her face held a faint blush, and her rosy lips were slightly curved upward. Wearing a delicate pmk chiffon long dress, every frown and smile seemed to easily stir desire in the hearts of people.

Seeing Xu Mu focusing on her, the woman immediately blinked her eyes at him and licked the comer of her mouth, emanating a tempting aura.

Xu Mu didn’t react and turned his gaze back to Chi Shouyuan.

“What did you just call me?” Xu Mu said calmly.

“Huh? Friend Xu! What’s wrong?” Chi Shouyuan asked, confused.

Now that he was at the Foundation Establishment Stage and at the same level as Xu Mu, they should be at the same pedestals.

“Who gave you the gall to address your family’s ancestor like that?” As his words echoed, Xu Mu’s silhouette disappeared from where he stood. By the time Chi Shouyuan reacted, Xu Mu was already in front of him, with his hand raised high, before delivering an almighty slap.


A horrifying strength descended from the skies. As Xu Mu’s hand landed on Chi Shouyuan, his eyes popped out like a fish, bloodshot, and his entire body cracked and popped, before finally succumbing and kneeling on the ground.

The ground’s blue stone cracked inch by inch around his knee, creating a spiderweb-like fracture that extended several meters.

Simultaneously, a pressure as heavy as a collapsing sea emanated from Xu Mu’s body, pushing everyone in attendance to their knees, trembling and unable to stand up.

“Remember! This is the proper posture when addressing the family s ancestor!”

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