Long Live Summons

Chapter 848: Goodbye, My Happiness!

Chapter 848: Goodbye, My Happiness!

At any rate, it was impossible to get the little half-elven slave to leave.

Yue Yang had to change his mind.

Since she wouldn’t leave, he would let her stay. Making her leave was like compromising his own resolution to walk the road of death. The Supreme Will should be fearless of everything— if he wanted to leave the Desire Valley, he must first overcome both life and death. He had already made up his own mind to become stronger than Empress Fei Wen Li, so what was the 4th Level to him? Only by overcoming this level, will he finally be able to admit truly triumphing over the Desire Valley!

Not mentioning the protection of the Phoenix Sisters nor the Nirvana Reincarnation.

His own state of mind should take a big leap.

Was it really impossible to overcome the Divine Power of Calamity, the Resentment Power of a hundred thousand years and the Law of Desire?

There must be a reason why Pandora was sealed here— there must have been a deep meaning behind their actions of sealing her here. As long as she can realize that, not only will he be able to leave the Desire Valley, but he would be able to free Pandora from her curse, freeing this natural airhead who had suffered enough.

“Fine, it doesn’t matter even if you stay!” Yue Yang agreed and the little slave cheered. Her beautiful face expressed her contentment with smiles and tears, similar to the formation of a rainbow after the rain. She embraced him with emotion and kissed his face passionately. As long as he was willing to let her stay by his side, she couldn’t care less even if she died the next second. If leaving his side was done in exchange to keep her life, she would rather die instead.

“Master is the best, woo!” Before the half-elven slave finished her words, Yue Yang had her pressed onto his lap and slapped her fragrant buttocks fiercely.

“It’s forbidden for you to violate my orders any more. This isn’t over— I’ll be sure to settle this with you when we get out of here!” Yue Yang tried hard to pretend to be a vicious slave owner.

“And this little slave is aware!” The half-elven slave was not afraid at all as she stretched out her little pink tongue cutely.

“…” Yue Yang was speechless.

He really couldn’t do anything about this obedient, cat-like little slave.

As long as she wasn’t driven away, she could become more obedient than anyone else.

In retrospect, she was more stubborn than anyone else as well!

Yue Yang completely put aside his happy memory and entered his ever-expanding world. He meditated amidst the endless Resentment, hoping to find a key to the solution. As long as he could successfully unveil the truth, he would be able to survive. Otherwise, he would have to take the risk of attempting to survive death to enter the Divine Realm. Now, as there was still half a day, Yue Yang hoped that he could turn his passiveness into an active force.

Only by coming out of the Desire Valley through his own efforts would he consider himself to have successfully passed the 4th Level.

Otherwise, how can he be acknowledged in the next few levels?

In the world, Yue Yang fell into a deep contemplation. He put away the Nirvana Flame that purified Resentment and merged his aura with it. He did not resist it at all; in fact, he allowed more Resentment Power to enter the world before he searched for the truth within.

Pandora and the little slave saw that Yue Yang had launched into a self-rescuing measure, so they naturally didn’t dare to bother him and watched quietly.

After a while, Pandora looked away, gazing at the half-elven slave

Looking up and down, lamenting the amazing figure of the other party, she couldn’t help but ask, “What did you eat growing up? How are your breasts so huge?”

The little slave lowered her head as soon as she heard her words, shaking her head in embarrassment, “I don’t know, perhaps I was just born like this! In fact, being too large is not a good thing either— walking is fine, but it sways a lot when I’m running… Being like Mistress Wu Xia is the best; she’s perfect! Of course, Mistress Qian Qian looks great too. Just about everyone else looks good, so you don’t necessarily need them to be big to consider yourself good-looking. Xia Yi’s chest is not big, but she’s also beautiful as well!”

Pandora felt that if she still had a body, she would certainly not lose to the other. But now that her figure was entirely gone, she was still envious as she asked, “Does he always hit you?”

The slave was now even more embarrassed.

After stretching out her hand, she secretly rubbed her buttock. Yue Yang did quite a number on her just now as she felt that the impact remained tingling and burning on her skin.

If it hadn’t been for Pandora’s question, she didn’t care too much about it, as she was still

“No, this is the first time he punished me! The master has always been very gentle, never scolding or hitting people, but this slave was not obedient this time and that made him angry,” The slave felt this way. The punishment was nothing at all and it was not very painful either. It just felt slightly hot and weird.

“He’s pretty terrifying when he gets angry!” Pandora recalled the situation at the time, blurting out, “I was really worried that he would even hit me!”

“No, no he wouldn’t!” The slave comforted her in turn.

“Sigh, it’s impossible for me to be beaten anyways…Because my body is gone,” Pandora sighed sadly.

“Your head was cut off, so what happened to your body?” The little slave felt that things were a bit odd. Wasn’t a divine body indestructible? Even if her head was cut off, her body should still remain.

“My body might have become a part of the Divine Power of Calamity. Ah, by the way, I remembered something, it seems like the reason my head was decapitated was precisely because my Divine Power of Calamity was too strong!” Pandora exclaimed.

“Isn’t it a good thing to be powerful?” The little slave was even more confused.

“I don’t know either. Just now, a fragment of memory just flashed through my mind. Forget it, I don’t want to think about it any longer. One hundred thousand years have passed and I have become accustomed to life without a body. Hey, you have a body, so why don’t you lend it to me? How about it? I just want to borrow your body and hold hands with him. Just now, he said that couples that were falling in love started off by holding hands!” Pandora thought suddenly.

“But, this slave hasn’t held hands with the master before either. Can you wait for this slave to hold it first?” The little slave thought it was easier said than done, but she felt in her heart that some things must be done by herself.

“Huh? Haven’t you been holding hands with him for so long? I thought you even had him ‘pushed over’!” Pandora was surprised.

“No, no, I’m just a small slave next to the master. I’m mainly responsible for taking care of the master’s life.”

The little slave shook her hands with shame.

In fact, she had also wanted to serve Yue Yang more comprehensively, but she never had a chance.

The two saw that Yue Yang was still meditating in the world and so, they continued to chat. This was also probably how the two natural airheads got closer to each other rapidly. Pandora asked about Yue Yang, to which the little slave answered what she knew. Pandora was very interested in hearing it, and from time to time, she recalled bits of memory fragments thanks to the little slave’s current topic of conversation.

From the words of the little slave, Pandora knew about Xue Wu Xia, Princess Qian Qian and City Lord Luohua. She even knew Yue Bing and Yue Yu and learned about Yue Yang’s life.

Suddenly, she felt rather emotional and sighed, “Actually, living like you guys is already a lot happier than my life here. I remember a long time ago, when I still had a body, whoever approached me would become rather unlucky and they tend to stay far away from me because I was constantly exuding the Divine Power of Calamity. Not even once was there anyone who stood in front of me like you and him. Everyone hoped that I would fall, that my Divine Power would become nonexistent…Although I am not sure whether this has anything to do with my beheading,I do know that I am a person who brings misfortune!”

The slave waved her hand, “It doesn’t matter. This little slave is also nothing more than a female slave. It is my honour to be able to talk to someone as worthy as you.”

Pandora looked at her, “Is it alright for you to know that I’m the one who will kill your master?”

The little slave was silent at first, but after a while, she shook her head and said, “That’s not what you want to do… Besides, it didn’t happen. The little slave believes in the master; he is the best and most unique in the world as there is nothing that can stump him— this time he will definitely be able to break through as well. I believe in miracles, and the master is the one who creates the miracles. I have witnessed them countless times before, so I believe him. No matter if we were in the past, the present or the future, I will believe in him forever!”

Now, it was Pandora’s turn to be silent

Time passed with every minute and every second.

The day was about to end.

The dark night gradually descended.

Yue Yang, who had been thinking about searching for the truth, has now begun to move.

He slowly moved his arms in the ‘World’ bit by bit, an act to separate the Power of Resentment from the original Law of Desire.

Although this speed is slow, the fact that it was a successful separation meant that Yue Yang had found the right way. As long as enough time is given, he will be able to break through the limits of the Desire Valley and the death threat of Resentment Power… But even the little slave could tell that it was too late.

Only ten minutes later, the death predicted by Pandora will come!

It’s too late!

The little slave did not cry or shed tears, but showed a bright smile to Pandora, “I’m leaving now. Nice to meet you, Pandora. Goodbye!”

There was a silver dagger in her little hand. This turned out to be the dagger that Yue Yang gave to Xia Yi. When Xia Yi was returning to the Gu Feng Continent, he wanted her to use it to protect her chastity. She was afraid of being arrested and humiliated when spying for the intelligence report, so she asked Yue Yang for this dagger. Later, Xia Yi returned safely and returned the silver dagger to Yue Yang. Today, the slave took it out.

As a quick tool to accompany her master on the road to their deaths.

“For him, is it alright if you die?” Pandora understood what the slave wanted to do. She must have wanted to die together with her master who she loves.

“Yeah!” The slave nodded with a smile and shook his head: “I still believe in the master. However, I want to prepare first. When the master is gone, his personal slave girl will naturally accompany him. No matter where he goes, I will serve him by his side. Although the problem between our statuses makes me a little embarrassed to say it, I do like the master. He-he is my life! With the master, this slave has the entire world. Without the master, even if I was truly granted the entire world, this little slave won’t feel happy. Death is nothing to me. Even if everyone fears death, the happiness in my heart is something not even death can take away!”

“Happiness? Happiness that even death can’t take away?” Pandora’s expression changed, and in an instant, she seemed to have a complete epiphany.

A supreme Divine Power emerged.

The entire Valley of Desire was once again filled with terrifying Divine Power of Calamity and 100,000 years of Resentment, resembling the churning sea amidst strong storms. However, Pandora was weeping with joy instead of irrational loss of reason as she awakened.

She let out a sigh of relief, letting her gentle energy envelop the half-elven slave, so that she can be safe and sound in the violent Resentment Power.

She showed the young slave the brightest and most moving smile in the world, “Thank you. You let me understand what love is!”

“One hundred thousand years ago, I made an extremely vicious oath. I cursed those who rejected me in the Heavenly Realm. In order to complete the disaster, I was angry at that time and cut off my head and refined my body into the most difficult Power of Calamity to comprehend in the world. Through the Battle of the Gods, dozens of Gods were eliminated in one fell swoop. But the ancient Gods told me that when I encounter true love, I will understand what is hatred and what It is love; what is sacrifice, and what is eternal life!”

“Now, I am beginning to understand a little bit.”

“I, who used to be the Goddess of Doom, lacked true love!”

“You can love others, ignore death, and protect your own happiness. And if you can do it as a human… then I can too!”

“When he wakes up, please tell him that I have awoken and I experienced love! In his life, I was just a passing traveler and an idiot who didn’t even understand the meaning of love. But even if I’m an idiot, I was just like you, falling in love with him so incurably and willing to give up everything for him!”

“Happiness, happiness that even death can’t take away… it won’t slip away from my fingers!”

“Don’t forget me. Even if it’s just occasionally, please think of me!”

“Goodbye! My happiness!”

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