Chapter 945: Shameless Versus Unapologetic

Even if the Sacred Domain Light Emperor came, Country Lord Zhi Feng wouldn’t have lost his composure like this.

However, as soon as these two people appeared, they shocked the audience.

The two came out of nowhere.

Bearing the golden light, like two blazing suns, they flew down and made an entrance in front of the gate of the Country Lord’s palace, smashing the obsidian floor. Their huge bodies stood like mountains, blocking the groups of people behind Yue Yang and the Country Lord. Their anger swallowed the world, like a thunderbolt, it would shatter the earth once unleashed! Lord Zhi Feng was not the only one surprised as a lot of people knew these two warriors. They had their mouths opened wide in disbelief as they suspected their eyes were betraying them with the sight before them.

The three uninvited Country Lords also looked away from Sky Execution when they saw the strange expression of the Country Lord Zhi Feng

They directed their gazes onto those two.

They saw that the two of them were extremely strong and sturdy. They were up to five metres high, accented with thick necks, broad shoulders and a muscular waist. Neither was taller than the other, but their burly and sturdy bodies were no longer enough to describe their strength. Their dark muscles were as rigid as iron and steel, obviously full of explosive power.

No one would doubt that together these two people could easily push down a mountain.

If you provided them with a waistcoat, these two could probably carry the sky.

Give them a handle and they could pull up even the deepest depths of the earth.

What confused the three uninvited Country Lords was the fact that there was a kind of dragon prestige in these two people who were comparable to savages. It was like a force field or an innate ability, limitlessly surrounding the environment around them. If this energy was probed into the depths, it could be clearly sensed that the bodies of these two people have the same violent energy as an active volcano— as if it would explode if it did not erupt.

“Who are they?” The eyes of the three Country Lords were like savage wolves and the cunning Qinglang with boundless levels of coercion asked the Country Lord Zhi Feng tentatively.

“They, ahem, were only at the 1st Level of the Heaven Rank a day ago,” Country Lord Zhi Feng’s face reverted back to his calm composure, but when he spoke, there was still a hint of bitterness to it. He naturally understood what had happened— Master Titan. Since Master Titan took those two idiots away, in a day, the almost-trivial Bull Brothers have actually been promoted to the 4th Level of the Heaven Rank. Raising three levels in one day was not the most terrifying thing; what was even more terrifying was that it seemed that these two guys would continue to break through as it was only a matter of time before they reached the 5th Level.

“Wait, what?”

With a reply like that, Country Lord Qinglang and the other two were surprised to say the least.

In one day, their ranks were raised by three levels?

This was not an Earth Rank; this was a Heaven Rank! HOw could this be?

Had there not been the previous mentions of the gift of Divine Blood, Qinglang and two Country Lords would definitely not believe it in such blasphemy. However, when they looked at the expressions of the Country Lord Zhi Feng and the people around them, it appeared like they did not seem to be falsifying the truth. Coupled with the fact that there was the congratulatory gift of Divine Blood bestowed upon the Country Lord, they temporarily accepted this as the truth.

The Country Lord Qinglang hurriedly asked, “Is it because of the fusion of Divine Blood?”

Country Lord Zhi Feng shook his head, “No, it cannot be the work of the Divine Blood. But the Young Master Titan does have a lot of valuable items that are merely slightly lesser or equal to the Divine Blood itself!”

The black-clothed and crowned Country Lord, Wanjiao, who had deep eyes, a hooked nose, and a sullen appearance, seemed to hide a play of his bad intentions. However, he saw through the levels clearly, “It was the fusion of an extremely pure Ancient Dragon Blood that improved them. These two people have good potential. Some people would use the secret techniques and the Ancient Dragon Blood to release their huge potential at once. This was equivalent to two imprisoned monsters who had their chains cut off as they opened the prison door and came out directly!”

The third Country Lord with an ordinary appearance but sharp eyes, the red-clothed Country Lord Louluo, who looked as sad as if he was stabbed by a knife, also nodded slowly, agreeing with his companion Wanjiao’s statement.

At this moment, in the hearts of the three Country Lords Qinglang, Wanjiao and Louluo, they felt a sense of powerlessness and jealousy besides the initial shock.

Even one who bore the precious title as the Country Lord had never enjoyed such treatment, how lucky they were to be promoted to three levels in one day? What kind of achievement was this? In the entire Heaven Realm, there were probably few who could be as lucky as these Bull Brothers!

Chief Steward Ye and Leader Jin still felt alright, but the other Heaven Rankers on scene were practically crying without physical tears. They wanted to just hang themselves up on a tree and get over with death.

For goodness sake, these two idiots probably did something too good in their past lives for them to be able to attract and gain the fancy of the Young Master Titan.

If only he adored me and used the power of the Ancient Dragon Blood on me, how great would that be!

“You guys! Who among you is the Country Lord Zhi Feng? Get yourself out here in front of us Bull Brothers this instant! Now, not only has our strength improved, but with this golden armour, you all can come at us in one go! It saves me the trouble of cleaning the mess later, anyways!” After posing for a long time and feeling good about himself, the older brother raised his fist proudly. His younger brother followed his sibling’s actions and stood in an offensive-ready stance, looking like they were going to prepare for battle.

“We’re going to use our fists to make you all wet yourselves!” As soon as their supernatural powers that affected his personality were removed by Yue Yang, he immediately turned into a violent person.

“You two idiots!” Ming Ri Hao couldn’t take it anymore.

Furious, he stepped forward and punched the two idiots directly to the ground.


According to Yue Yang’s plan, these two idiots should stay outside the city and wait for the signal. It was supposed to be during the most exciting battle of the night before they made a grand appearance and launched a surprise attack, completely disrupting the arrangements of the Country Lord Zhi Feng. Who would have thought that while Yue Yang hadn’t even settled in at the palace, these two hopeless idiots have already made their way here!

Yue Yang had long expected that these two fools could not bear to wait, so he did not force them to obey orders like normal people.

Anyways, the mistake was made either way, so all he could do was to adapt accordingly.

Although he didn’t expect the two idiots to run out so quickly and create a sensation that no one knew about, what was the problem with that? For those who really master the skill of adaptation, was it not merely a matter of words? Yue Yang smiled as bright as the sun before he stepped forward to pat both the Bull Brothers on the shoulders, “I thought you were going to sleep for three days, so I didn’t expect you two to wake up so quickly. Well, the fusion has gone perfectly, but although your strength has improved, it seems that you are still not used to it. You two almost collided when you flew over just now. From now on, you must cultivate well; otherwise, it would be useless even if you have all the strength in the world but no skills to use them.”

The Bull Brothers refused to accept anyone else, but they were obedient to student Yue Yang.

The two idiots scratched the back of their heads and giggled as they accepted the criticism.

Yue Yang asked them to get up and pointed to the Country Lord’s Palace again, “If you want to fight, you can’t have one on an empty stomach, can you? If you have a grudge with the Country Lord Zhi Feng, why don’t you two go to his house first and eat your fill before you fight? There are delicacies from across the mountains and seas, countless foods and wines on display too, so why don’t you eat it and enjoy it— wouldn’t that be more profitable for you?”

As soon as they heard it, the two Bull Brothers slapped their foreheads. Aiya, they really never thought about that before!

The fight was sure to be held, but they couldn’t do it on an empty stomach!

Otherwise, it would be too much of a loss for them!

The older brother was afraid that the Country Lord Zhi Feng would not entertain him, so he immediately roared, “Us brothers, as well as the brothers of the Young Master Titan, have to go in and have a full meal. If you dare to stop us, we will smash your palace with our fists till it’s a messy and unrecognisable clump of rubble!”

The second brother grabbed Leader Jin’s collar, “Bring out the food immediately!”

Chief Steward Ye quickly led the way in front.

Together with Leader Jin and others, they led these two bulky idiots and went in to fill their stomachs. In the Country Lord’s palace, there was an ample amount of food that was capable of keeping the brothers alive and suffocating them with the sheer amount. With just one sentence from the Young Master Titan, where else would they find the time to fight someone? If they weren’t going to drop intoxicated on alcohol, then Leader Jin would no longer name himself as a leader— he was going to call himself Useless Jin!

It turned out that the envious and jealous Hu Lei and the other Heaven Rankers, whose eyes brimmed with a red streak of envy, started to feel those negative emotions dissipate when they saw the scene play out.

Although the strength of these two bulls had risen to the 4th Level of the Heaven Ranks, their intelligence had not increased at all.

Fortunately, they still remained stupid.

Being jealous of two idiots? Forget it... Hu Lei and the others put down their resentment and decided to find an opportunity to please the Young Master Titan. As long as this Young Master took a fancy to one, with his brilliant mind, wouldn’t it be possible for anyone to reach a promising future like the two brothers?

Unlike Hu Lei and other Heaven Ranks, the higher-ranking people, such as Zhi Feng, Qinglang and the like, had different opinions.

The Young Master Titan settled the Bull Brothers with just a few words. It seemed simple but in fact, this was what the four king-level powerhouses, Zhi Feng, Qinglang, Wanjiao and Louluo, couldn’t do. Even if they were to change their identities, it would be extremely difficult to do this. They sighed secretly and their hearts were shaken; could this be the bearing of the heirs cultivated by the nobles of the Heaven Realm? Sure enough, their descendants were far beyond everything. With such a charismatic personality, even a powerhouse at a higher level or even the level of a Domain Emperor wouldn’t be able to do better, let alone a mere Country Lord.

How old was this Young Master Titan?

What will he become once he truly matures?

If it was said that Zhi Feng and Qinglang were respectful because of the kid’s status as a Young Master, now, there was a sense of awe after their shock.

In terms of personality, their king-level powerhouses were also way more inferior especially when it came to charming. Qinglang, Wanjiao and Louluo looked at each other and nodded before they stepped out of the crowd and came forward to greet him, “Young Master Titan coming to the Lower Heaven Realm is such an honour. You have waited a long time to be welcomed and it was really rude of me, I hope you forgive me!”

Country Lord Zhi Feng almost snorted his nose and cursed inwardly, f*ck, what kind of landlord are you pretending to be? This is my damn territory, what does his arrival have to do with you?! Of course, he couldn’t speak like this on the surface. On the contrary, he tried his best to suppress his anger. He showed a smile and portrayed the attitude of the real master of the land, “Brother Titan, come here. Zhi Feng will introduce some friends to you. Qinglang is the owner of Howling Moon Forest; this is Wanjiao, the owner of Changling Mountain; and this Louluo is Zhi Feng’s most frequent neighbour recently. They came from afar just to see your glorious being!”

His words imply that the other party was a neighbour and merely a friend. He came from thousands of miles away and came to see him as if he was a country bumpkin entering the city to see the world.

Qinglang and the other two were secretly furious.

To hell with you! If my land is a pile of mud, then yours would be the same! The one from the Upper Realm is him and not you; stop calling him in such a friendly tone! If you have the guts, try to stop me from entering your territory then, I dare you to!

Normally, they would have acted up already. However, they pretended that they didn’t comprehend the hidden meaning behind the words and merely laughed it off.

Anyway, everyone was cheeky and shameless to a certain extent.

Ming Ri Hao desperately held back his smile from behind, pretending to be an ordinary Heaven Ranker. Now, he thought that it was very fun to work with this kid Yue Yang. How could there be such a wonderful situation if he were to go about his usual routine? At first, he also thought that Yue Yang’s plan would be too exaggerated and easy for people to see through, or perhaps, the plan of the bait for the Divine Blood would fail? Now, it seemed that the middle plan was certain. Not only the Country Lord Zhi Feng, Qinglang and the others were caught in the trap of the Young Master, perhaps those that were secretly keeping an eye on them have fallen in as well.

In the end, he wondered just how many fish could this drop of Divine Blood catch?

Now the good show had just begun. When the net was closed at the most exciting time of the night, it would definitely be a bumper harvest...

“Madam Zhu Guang is here!”

As the birthday girl this evening, Zhu Guang, who dispelled most of her worries, decided to come out in person to welcome the VIPs like the Young Master Titan. Meeting someone from such a noble family in the Upper Realm was definitely a chance that occurs once in a thousand years. If one could catch a fish, they would probably be elated even in their dreams!

Yue Yang asked the Country Lord Zhi Feng and the others to surround him. Following the crowds on both sides, he looked at the mistress who came from a distance.

Ming Ri Hao, who stood ten metres tall and could see from far away, took a look.

In his eyes, there was a flash of light immediately as he clenched both his fists.

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