Chapter 204

Chapter 204

Professor Xu expressed his approval of the male students answer. Then, he threw out the third question he had asked in the class.

Then, please answer me. Why are mankinds original firearms useless against exotic beasts?

This time, the male student in the red T-shirt couldnt answer. Most of the people in the classroom fell into deep thought.

Lu Sheng heard Lin Ze next to him mutter, Who knows? No one taught them.

Yes, no one taught them. Or rather, from a young age, these people had been instilled with the idea that firearms were useless against exotic beasts. They should cultivate martial arts. Martial arts were the only way to fight against exotic beasts. They only knew that firearms were useless against exotic beasts, but they didnt know why.

It was like someone told you that 1 + 1 = 2 when you were young, but you didnt know why 1 + 1 = 2. It was the same principle.

Because of the rules. Lu Sheng answered in his heart. His eyes were calm. The explanations he had found in the dream world naturally appeared in his mind. And these explanations and Professor Xus answer in front of him. They were basically the same.

Because of the rules! Professor Xu answered coldly. Humans have fought against exotic beasts for more than three hundred years. Until now, we have never stopped searching and researching the origin of exotic beasts. Although we dont have an answer yet, one thing is certain.

Professor Xu turned around and wrote a few key words on the blackboard with chalk: Another world, another dimension.

These exotic beasts are creatures from another world, another space, or even another dimension. For now, we dont know why they have invaded us. Maybe its just an instinct to invade, or maybe its because of something else Its because of their origin that they have this characteristic, which makes our firearms ineffective. Next, Ill show you a video.

Professor Xu turned on the projector in the classroom, connected it to the disk he brought, and began to play a video.

Lu Sheng looked at the video. What was shown on the screen was a battle between humans and exotic beasts. It was a terrifying exotic beast that was more than eight meters tall and twelve meters long. Its four sickle-like forelimbs were raised high, like a giant praying mantis.

This is a seven-legged Blade Mantis, a level seven exotic beast. Its equivalent to a level seven Grandmaster among human warriors

Professor Xu explained from the side.

In the face of such a terrifying Level 7 Exotic Beast, humans only sent out a team of ordinary soldiers. Or rather, they were not ordinary. Their physical fitness had reached the level of a Level 2 or even Level 3 Martial Artists.

If this was before the rise of martial arts, these people could be called the elites of the elites

Every one of these soldiers was equipped with powerful firearms, and they fired wildly at the seven-legged Blade Mantis. However, when the fierce firepower hit the seven-legged Blade Mantis, it was like sprinkling jelly beans. It did not have the slightest bit of power. In the end, even the sound of firing changed. It became a da da da sound, like the sound of a toy gun, with a deep sense of powerlessness.

Beast! A brave soldier in the video suddenly roared and rushed toward the mantis with a pile of bombs. He succeeded. He successfully arranged for his body to fall in front of the seven-legged Blade Mantis. But he also failed. Because the bombs on his body had already been detonated, not a single spark jumped out until his death.


The video stopped abruptly. Professor Xu pressed the pause button.

This is a precious video from before the first year of martial arts Professor Xu placed his hands on the podium and looked down at the audience with his not-so-tall figure. He said calmly, Now, do you know what the rules are?

The entire classroom was silent. All the freshmen were silent. At this moment, some parts of their worldview were collapsing, but also quietly being rebuilt. Lu Sheng could not help but sigh in his heart. These peoples reactions were exactly the same as his when he first learned the truth.

Lu Sheng had this question in his heart a long time ago. Later, he found the answer after the Fireseed Repository was upgraded for the first time.

Exotic beasts that invaded the world would more or less carry some aura from the other world. And these auras were the culprits that made human firearms lose their original brilliance. The stronger the exotic beast, the stronger the force field that distorted the rules around it, and the wider the range.

Even nuclear bombs could not detonate around it and would only turn into a piece of scrap metal. This situation became more serious in the later stages of martial arts civilization. The black fog that represented the rules of the other world shrouded the earth. Within the area shrouded by the black fog, the effectiveness of human technology was greatly reduced. The black fog was so dense that even lighting up an electric lamp was a luxury.

This was an invasion of the rules. Therefore, humans ten thousand years after martial arts would only choose to launch survival exploration spaceships into the starry sky at this late stage. It was not that they did not want to, but that their technology was completely suppressed. In such a difficult environment, development was naturally twice the effort for half the purchase.

Or it could be said that. Humans ten thousand years later had never given up hope of winning this war, until They were truly at the end of the road They had no choice but to seek the last way out and sow the fireseed


Its not that we chose martial arts, its that martial arts chose us. If we want to survive the invasion of the exotic beasts, we can only rely on the power of martial arts, Professor Xu said.

Professor, since our firearms are affected by the rules of this world, will the exotic beasts not be affected when they enter our world?

At this time, a girl with the temperament of a top student with calm eyes stood up and asked.

Good question. Professor Xu praised, but then he said, Unfortunately, I cant answer your question. I also want to know the answer. Maybe the answer is right in front of us, but we havent found it yet

What do you mean, professor?

Professor Xus eyes under the thick glasses were as cold as ice without any warmth.

What I mean is, maybe these exotic beasts have been affected by the rules. Maybe they were originally stronger, but now their strength has been weakened. Or maybe, they were just like this Professor Xu picked up the chalk in his hand and gently placed it on the projection screen.

The ferocious face of the giant seven-legged mantis was fixed on the screen.

A small insect that we can crush at any time, after being magnified by the rules, became the giant monster we see now.

Everyone was stunned. Someone murmured.

This is not fair

(Thanks for Atoloc123As support!!!)

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