Chapter 70: Chapter 69: Kill Them! (Extra)

Translator: 549690339

Lin Chang and Lin Zhou both stared at the large screen, lips tightly clenched without daring to space out for even a second.

They didn’t go to inform the old man because he hadn’t slept at all last night, and had only managed to rest a little today. If they were to wake him now, and then have him witness such a thrilling scene, the siblings might very well be inheriting the family fortune.

“Come on!”

No matter who it was, at this moment they all silently prayed for the people running.

The intense running caused Bi Fang’s brain to lack oxygen, which suddenly reminded him of an article he had read in his previous life.

The athlete’s usual performance was not great, but in the end, it had earned him a world championship. The reason turned out to be that one morning, while rushing to training, the athlete was chased by a wolf, which led him to run a time he never thought possible. From that day on his “governor and conception vessels” were unblocked, unleashing all his potential.

Bi Fang had originally thought this was just a load of nonsense, but now he found out it was true!

What the hell was this if not total immersion? This was fucking total immersion!

Bi Fang had never felt his body so heavy, as if lead was poured into each of his legs, making it impossible to lift them higher or faster. Right now, he wished he had four legs.



Even faster!

Bi Fang’s temples throbbed with snake-like veins, and it seemed as if a blood vessel in his head was pounding.

He roared as he ran wildly, while the howls of the chasing wolf pack became more urgent and louder. Not because they were howling more fiercely, but because they were closing in on Bi Fang and the others at an incredibly fast speed!

A wolf’s running speed is extremely fast, up to fifty-five kilometers per hour, and they have great stamina. Unless it’s an ultra-endurance race, humans cannot outrun them.

But Bi Fang didn’t need to outrun them; he just needed to get into the woods!

“Don’t look back!”

Bi Fang saw Hu Hao glance backwards and immediately shouted at him, while also catching a glimpse of wolves attacking from both sides.

Through the drone’s wide-angle lens, the audience could clearly see the wolf pack taking a crescent shape and flanking from both sides. They were like a huge net attempting to ensnare everyone at once.

It was getting closer and closer, both the wolf pack and the forest.

Seeing the shrubs just a few meters away, Bi Fang felt a surge of excitement. But just as he entered, he slipped, bringing down Lin Xue, Wu Mingtao, and the others with him.

Behind them was a steep slope!

One after another, Hu Hao and Zheng Tianfang were also knocked down by the charging Bi Fang, and a series of screams rang out.

The five of them tumbled down the slope like bowling balls, covered in white snow.

Zheng Tianfang, cushioned at the very bottom, felt pain as if his body was falling apart. Bi Fang, having a bit of cushioning, wasn’t feeling as bad, but he heard the howling of the wolves on the surrounding slopes and, disregarding the pain in his back, quickly pushed the others off him.

“Quick, quick, quick! Light a fire! Light a fire! Light a fire!”

Bi Fang shouted while opening his backpack and searching for the Firesteel.

The others quickly got up and placed the torches, previously soaked in gasoline, in front of Bi Fang, also frantically gathering branches from around.

The weather was too cold. Bi Fang felt his hands were like blocks of ice. In his urgency, he didn’t hold the Firesteel’s handle but instead directly rubbed the magnesium rod.

“Hurry up and fucking light it!”

Feeling the approach of the wolf pack, Bi Fang’s eyes reddened. Sparks of intense heat sprayed out, burning and cracking the skin on his fingers. The sparks fell on the gasoline, quickly igniting a large fire.

Seeing the flames rise, everyone finally felt a bit of safety and scrambled to pile on more small branches.

The wolves were still howling, but the noise had begun to diminish. Hu Hao looked around to discover the wolves hadn’t charged down, feeling a bit of joy.

“The fire is working,”

Bi Fang also looked around, but without relaxing, he frowned tightly, continuously recalling the various behaviors of wolves in his mind. The situation was not as optimistic as Hu Hao thought.

The wolf pack had already charged; they wouldn’t be scared off that easily…

The howling became softer and eventually stopped, as if the wolves had retreated.

The fire worked?” Zheng Tianfang asked, looking at the serious Bi Fang.

Hu Hao, seeing how useful the fire was, immediately made a suggestion-he felt uneasy without sight of it: “If we light a circle of fire, the wolves won’t dare to come close, and we will also be able to detect their movements in advance…” But before Hu Hao could finish his words, a piercing wolf howl interrupted him. That howl, utterly different from the previous ones, was filled with… agony? Everyone instantly fell silent, listening to the growls and screams coming from the wolf pack. There was a pause for a while, but soon it started again.

At last, everything returned to calmness.

But the live streaming room exploded with activity; nobody had witnessed such an unusual scene before, and everyone wanted to know what exactly was going on!

[What’s happening?]

[Why are they screaming?]

[Does Master Fang know? It feels so creepy!]

[Is there a rebellion in the wolf pack?]

[Two packs of wolves?]

“What’s going on?” Hu Hao’s forehead was covered in cold sweat.

“The alpha wolf! They are attacking the alpha wolf!”

Bi Fang was certain, a rebellion had arisen within the wolf pack, and that’s why they had temporarily stopped their assault on them, not because of the flames, just as he had said before.

This level of flame was far from enough to make the wolf pack feel scared.

“No matter the reason the pack is attacking the alpha wolf, the alpha must have taken care of it.”

Bi Fang looked into the pitch-black darkness, which was eerily silent, like a deep, bottomless pool of still water, betraying no signs that it hid an entire wolf pack, over twenty wolves.

“Inside a wolf pack, there are three primary ranks: the alpha wolf, the Subordinate Wolves, and the fringe wolves, with the pups not included. Just now, it might have been a Subordinate Wolf challenging the alpha, but it failed.”

“Wait, why are you so sure?” Wu Mingtao didn’t understand why Bi Fang was certain that the alpha wolf had won.

Indeed, why?

Many readers also didn’t understand why it had to be the alpha that was victorious. Were they underestimating the Subordinate Wolves?

An attack on the alpha at this time only happens because it is old and can’t control the pack, but old wolves have an advantage. They are craftier, smarter, and more patient than the young ones.”

“If the young wolves had won just now, they would have already launched an attack on us to lead the pack to food and prove their status, instead of hiding again. This is the old wolf considering that now is not a good time to attack.” Hearing this explanation, everyone felt a chill down their spines. By that logic, if the Subordinate Wolves had won just now…

[Wow, isn’t the pressure a bit too much?]

[This is like a trip through the gates of hell! ]

[Isn’t that too scary?]

[These wolves are too clever, right? They seem almost human!]

[Don’tyou think Master Fang is more incredible? He can guess everything that the wolf pack is up to, totally nailing it.]

[Add one. I’m a graduate student in biology, and I didn’t realize this until the host explained it and I understood that it was the alpha that won. I only figured out that there was a rebellion in the pack, never thinking that it was possible to dissect the situation to predict the winner. His level, I feel, is fiercer than our professors.]

[Right? I really want Master Fang to give a public lecture at our school. With that level, he’d be way better than the armchair strategists.]

[Are you from the same dorm as above?]

[Yeah, ever since I discovered Master Fang’s live streams, all four of us in the dorm have become fans.]

“What should we do next?” asked Hu Hao.

“Kill them!”

Under the blazing firelight, Bi Fang’s eyes shone with a fierce light.

Now, with the pack in turmoil, it was undoubtedly the best opportunity!

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