Chapter 61: Dragged Down

Translator: 549690339 |

In the gloomy forest, Hu Hao leaned against a tree, clutching his forehead. He breathed deeply, trying to increase his blood oxygen level, but he still felt dizzy.

He hadn’t yet recovered from the events of the day, especially after seeing an old friend of many years frozen solid, which left him feeling the world spin.

Hu Hao thought it all might be a dream, hoping to wake up to see his wife and children on the warm kang, instead of this goddamn snow, snow, and more fucking snow!

This snow, it rendered him helpless.

Hu Hao shivered and glanced at the orange glow of the fire not far away. He found a secluded corner, ready to relieve himself to relax his tense bladder, but suddenly saw a dark figure standing outside the passenger side, moving occasionally.

“Fuck! What is that thing?”

The snowstorm was so heavy that Hu Hao couldn’t make out what the devil was squatting next to the passenger side. He quickly buckled his belt, starting with small steps and then breaking into a jog.

But when he was less than five meters from the vehicle, bathed in the faint firelight, Hu Hao saw what it was and halted in his tracks.

Seemly sensing the arrival of a human, a pair of green eyes suddenly lit up in the darkness, and erect black fur fluttered in the snowy wind.


It really was a “dog thing”!

A gray wolf!

Hu Hao felt his bladder clench, the urge to urinate he hadn’t managed to satisfy now felt uncontrollably imperative!


Hu Hao wanted to run, but to his surprise, after the wolf glanced at him, it continued to squat by the passenger side, its head pulling and stretching.

Instantly, a scorching heat rose like steam from a furnace, rushing to Hu Hao’s forehead. His face flushed, he stood there dumbstruck, not thinking of anything, and charged forward.

How dare this beast, how dare it!

“Motherfucker, get the hell out of here!”

Hu Hao’s eyes were bloodshot, but before he could reach it, the wolf reacted swiftly, pouncing straight at Big Beard, opening its maw, dripping with flesh and blood, and biting onto his arm.


A scream echoed through the entire forest.

Hearing the scream, Bi Fang hurried over, but by the time he arrived, he only saw a large black shadow disappearing swiftly into the snowstorm.

The live stream audience was scared by the huge shadow, and they bombarded the chat with questions.

[Holy shit, what was that? It was huge! ]

[A wolf, right? It must have been a wolf?]

[Damn, a wolf that big? That’s way larger than a dog, isn’t it?]

[No shit, you really think wolves and dogs are about the same size? They’re not even in the same league!]

[What do we do now?]

On the other side, Zheng Tianfang and the middle-aged man who had arrived earlier dropped their sticks and helped the gasping Hu Hao to his feet.

If they hadn’t come soon enough to scare off the gray wolf, Hu Hao might have been a goner.

“Are you okay?” Bi Fang asked Big Beard.

With his soul barely returned to his body, Hu Hao gasped for cold air, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and despite his lips trembling with pallor, he checked his hand and was surprised to find it was only his clothes that had been bitten. He shook his head, “I’m okay, my clothes are thick, it only bit the clothing.” Relieved, Bi Fang knew well that a wolf’s bite force was nearly 300 kg; if it had bitten down on the arm, a fracture was almost certain, unless you were Wolverine; moreover, a serious infection would surely follow, and Hu Hao would likely not make it out of this snowy forest.

Wu Mingtao, limping, threw his stick to the ground, deeply shaken by everything that had occurred that day. He looked at Bi Fang in despair, “What was that? A coyote? Why… why was it so big?”

Zheng Tianfang also stared at Bi Fang, as though hoping for a different answer, even willing to believe it was a dog if that had been the claim, and he would believe it without doubt.

Bi Fang looked at the two men but gave no answer.

Fearing their emotions might collapse, he pointed to the campfire not far away. “Let’s head back and discuss there.”

Soon, the five sat together. Bi Fang handed a towel to Hu Hao, telling him to wipe his sweat, and glanced at the four panicked men before jokingly saying to Hu Hao, “It’s good you weren’t bitten, or it’d be trouble if you turned into a werewolf.”

They looked at each other, but no one laughed, and the atmosphere once again fell silent.

Bi Fang: “…”

He saw how everyone was so dejected, he wanted to liven up the mood.

[Four people: Suddenly it’s even colder, do you have to freeze us to death to be satisfied?]

[Laughing to death, but not completely dead yet.]

[You can tell, Master Fang wants them not to be too tense, unfortunately, things backfired, and the situation got worse.]

Seeing the barrage, Bi Fang coughed twice.

” Are there a lot of those things?” Zheng Tianfang asked.

“What?” Bi Fang didn’t hear clearly.

“Wolves!” Zheng Tianfang hugged his head, even his naturally optimistic nature was almost stressed to the point of losing hair, “I’ve heard that wolf packs always move together…”

“I don’t know, maybe it’s just a lone wolf…” Bi Fang hadn’t finished speaking when he was interrupted by a sharp voice.

” Aren’t you a professional Wilderness Survivalist? You don’t even know this?” Bi Fang glanced at the man with a limp who had spoken and didn’t reply, ” what’s most important now is finding food, maybe the wolf was just passing by…”

“Wait!” Big Beard interrupted Bi Fang’s words, “What do you mean ‘maybe passing by’? What if it’s not? What’s the worst that could happen?” Seeing Big Beard’s tense expression, Bi Fang knew he might have realized something, after all, he was from a geographical magazine and knew more than the average person. He looked down and added some firewood, “Living here, hunting in this area.”

“A wolf pack’s territory is about eight square kilometers, and their hunting range is no less than eighty square kilometers. If we get close to their den, entering their activity radius, they will follow us.”

The audience was completely dumbfounded when they heard this, and they started sending a barrage of comments like crazy.

[Eighty square kilometers? That big? How long would we have to walk?] [Damn, isn’t this game over? If that’s the case, won’t Master Fang encounter the wolf pack even if he doesn’t save these people?]

[Wolf pack? Can humans even deal with that? Even lions and tigers wouldn t dare to take on a wolf pack, right?]

[Isn’t this over? This is even more dangerous than the last time we encountered Black Bear!]

Many viewers recalled the previous scene of Snatching Food from a Bear’s Mouth, and after comparing, they found the difficulty level wasn’t even close! And the four people who heard this were also stunned. An entire wolf pack targeting them?

Is there enough to eat?

Zheng Tianfang found the thought absurd, and when it came to him, his subconscious reaction was not whether he could fight back or not, but whether there would be enough to eat.

He looked at Bi Fang, who had a calm expression, and suddenly felt a flicker of luck. He quickly asked, “How do we know if they are targeting us or not?” “There’s no way to know,” Bi Fang looked at the burning fire, They might be here looking for food and just happened upon us.”

“And the activity radius? If we entered it, what would happen? Would they attack us?” Wu Mingtao was very nervous.

Bi Fang didn’t answer, because the answer to this question was obvious.

“Wolf packs are afraid of nothing.”

As Bi Fang finished explaining, the live-streaming room exploded with reactions; everyone had seen that big wolf earlier, and now they couldn’t even imagine what kind of scene it would be if such ferocious carnivores gathered together.

Some people even began to think that Bi Fang shouldn’t have come to rescue these people.

[It feels like Master Fang could have escaped on his own, but now he is completely bogged down.]

[Wasn’t that person bleeding a lot just now? Maybe it’s the blood scent that attracted them?]

[Master Fang, just ignore them and leave, four burdens, and one of them is injured. With such teammates, no matter how awesome you are, you can’t make it.]

[Damn, aren’t you a bit too heartless upstairs? They are in such dire straits, if even Master Fang ignores them, wouldn’t that be awaiting death?]

[Exactly, how can one just watch and not help?]

Seeing all kinds of comments in the barrage, Bi Fang hurriedly intervened. “It’s not because of the blood scent. The blizzard is so huge that even with wolves’ keen noses they can’t smell it. Encountering one this time is purely a coincidence, which means that even if I didn’t come to rescue them, I would have already entered the territory of the wolves. Once the blizzard stops, they would likely follow the scent to find me.”

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