Li Xiuying woke up that morning, oblivious of the commotion and fight that happened between her husband and Shen Zichen. Su Ling and Song Zexi decided to hide this from her but informed their Miss Chuntao about it. 

Li Chuntao was weirdly pleased when he heard that Shen Zichen hit Mu Jianyu that it took her some time before she stopped laughing when Su Ling reported it to her. 

"Su Ling, did the surveillance camera manage to record it? Quick, send it to my inbox so I can see it myself," she demanded from her twin sister's bodyguard. 

Su Ling sweat dropped from his Miss's sudden request but did it anyway. 

Li Chuntao was pleased that everything was going back to normal for her twin sister. This past week, she'd been busy preparing the room her pregnant sister would use once she arrives at her home. 

She also did a mini shopping spree and bought baby clothes and supplies her future nephew or niece might be able to use once her sister gave birth. Ah, Li Chuntao couldn't wait to see the baby. She could only hope that Mu Jianyu's dirty blood wouldn't taint her sister's baby. 

The baby will obviously bear the Li surname and not of that bastard's family name. The Li family wouldn't allow it. 

After talking to Su Ling and making sure that the preparation for Ying's long trip was going well, she decided to give Shen Zichen a call to check on him. How could she waste this chance to annoy him? 

"Chuntao," She heard his same cold, baritone voice that could make women swoon from his voice alone. Li Chuntao also heard paper shuffling on his line and realized that he was at work like her. 

"I heard what happened last night. Brother Zichen, how could you use your own hands to hit Mu Jianyu? Didn't you know that those pair of hands were made to heal people? You should have asked Su Ling to get the baseball bat from my room and use it instead." 

"Li Chuntao," Shen Zichen brought down the patient's file on his desk to talk to her, "Did you call just to blab nonsense? You didn't even ask me if I'm alright." 

"Are you alright?" Li Chuntao couldn't help but grin. 

Shen Zichen scoffed at her quick response. 

"Honestly, I-I'm not sure." 

"But Su Ling said Mu Jianyu wasn't able to hit you back. Then what's wrong?" but Shen Zichen didn't say anything in response to her question. 

"Ying would be coming here to live with me," she told him. 

"I know, she told me about it." 

So? Then what was wrong with him? Was he sad that her twin sister was leaving? What was eating him then? 

Li Chuntao tapped her chin and shifted on her chair, pondering what could it possibly be. 

"You confessed to her, didn't you?" Came her mocking question. She couldn't think of anything that could bother Shen Zichen except this, 

"Yes," Shen Zichen affirmed. He sighed inwardly. How did he let this witch play words with him again?

"Ah, let me guess. Ying shot you down, right?" 


Li Chuntao burst out laughing much to Shen Zichen's annoyance. 

Of course, Ying would shoot him down. He already knew the consequence of his action even before he told her. 

"Chuntao, I don't see what's funny here," he scowled as the witch continued to irritate his ears with her obnoxious laughter. 

"You know what her answer would be and you still told her? Young Master Shen, you are quite brave," Li Chuntao said after suppressing her own laughter. 

"I told her because I don't want to regret in the future and her answer was already expected," he told her. 

His mother said regrets were 'moral residue.' Like something hard to remove got stuck on you, so he chose to confess even if he already knew the ending for these feelings he had for Ying. Regardless if Li Xiuying felt the same or not, Shen Zichen would not regret what he'd done. 

"My sister is really kind. She knew you've waited for a long time and have let you go even if it's a bit late, Young Master Wizard," 

"Don't call me that!" His eyes widened as he was caught off guard. Why did this witch suddenly bring up that awkward topic now?

"What? Is our dear Dr. Shen still a virgin at the age of thirty-two? Ah, there, there. Don't worry, little boy. This older sister would gladly teach you and help you with your problem. Ah, what a pity. Don't worry Brother Zichen, once Ying is settled here nicely, I'll go there to teach you how to pick up women." Li Chuntao continued to tease him.

"Li Chuntao!" Shen Zichen leaned on his desk and covered half of his face with his right hand while the other held his phone to his ear. Fortunately for him, he didn't have any patients waiting outside and no one could witness how his ears burned red from Li Chuntao's shameless and indecent remarks. 

Dear lord, the Li twins surely knew how to mess up with him knowing he wouldn't get mad at them even if they were starting to get on his nerves. He could feel a headache coming his way anytime soon. 

"Bold of you to assume I'm still a virgin, teacher," 

"Oh, you aren't anymore? Who's the unlucky girl?" Which was followed by another round of laughter. 

"Li Chuntao, let's drop this," he said after some time when the witch he was talking to refused to stop laughing. 

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