“Master …”

Yun Xuan’s expression froze, and his feather – like eyelashes trembled slightly. Warmth gradually spread from the girl’s palm on his shoulder to his whole body, and the suffocating feeling instantly disappeared.

Lin Yan gave Yun Xuan a consoling look, and her eyes swept across the crowd with a cold glint.

As soon as she got close, she saw Yun Xuan being attacked by everyone. This child had social difficulties and did not know how to fight back. He just stood there like a helpless Cub, which made Lin Yan angry. She directly retorted in a simple and rough way, not caring about the superficial things..

Lin Yan’s words were extremely arrogant and caused a huge uproar.

Ling Lan’s status in China’s racing world was unparalleled. Everyone respected him like he was a God, wishing they could worship him. Who would dare to say such things to him?

Lin Yan’s actions just now were simply courting death. She had even offended the entire Chinese racing circle.

Su Cai did not expect Lin Yan to say something like that in front of so many people. She was in disbelief.”Lin Yan, what did you say? I don’t think you’re arrogant or ignorant, but there’s something wrong with your brain!”

Lin Yan raised her eyebrows and said,”su Cai, I found you quite interesting. Why does it matter to you who other people choose to be their Masters?” Don’t you think you’re being a little too nosy?”

Ling Lan’s fans couldn’t bear to listen anymore and stood up.

One of the racers said to Lin Yan indignantly,”head Captain Lin, you don’t think that you have the highest status just because you’re the head Captain, do you? The racing world doesn’t look at false reputations like this, but real strength built up through one match after another. What kind of attitude is this to a senior?”

Lin Yan laughed,”then teach me what kind of attitude I should have.”

“There should be some basic respect for a senior!”

“Then, in the racing world, what makes you a senior?” Lin Yan asked again.

The person who replied looked as if Lin Yan was a newbie and did not know about such things. He replied impatiently,”in the racing circle, strength speaks the loudest. Those who are strong are the seniors.”

We don’t want to argue with you because you’re a woman and President Qi is insistently promoting you, but don’t even think about getting away with this. You two have insulted yanshen, so you have to apologize to him!”

Su Cai crossed her arms in front of her chest and gloated at the sight of Lin Yan being attacked,”this kind of immoral person is the scum of the Chinese racing circle. I’d like to ask President Qi, what right does this kind of person have to continue staying in the Chinese racing Team and even occupy the position of head Captain!”

“That’s right. If she doesn’t apologize today, President Qi will have to give us an explanation!”

Lin Yan laughed. She was so angry at their logic that she almost laughed.

Yun Xuan was perfectly fine and hadn’t done anything. It was clearly these people who were mocking and bullying him, but now he wanted them to apologize.

Lin Yan originally wanted to argue, but when she saw these people’s overbearing attitude, she gave up on reasoning with them. She glanced at su Cai and the others casually, laughed, and drawled lazily,”apologize? In this day and age, do you have to apologize for telling the truth? If you want to snatch my disciple, you have to see if you have the ability to do so. “

“Lin Yan! You …”

Ling Lan’s expression changed. Everyone seemed to be less shocked by Lin Yan’s shamelessness. They were all clamoring to go to President Qi and ask him to kick Lin Yan out of the racing Union.

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