Lifetime of Bliss And Contentment With You

Chapter 1012 - I hope that every day in the future, I will be as warm as the sun

Chapter 1012: I hope that every day in the future, I will be as warm as the sun

“Yan, be good. Remember, you can only help more people like this when you’re strong enough, right?” The woman squatted down and held the little girl’s small hands. “Yes, that’s right!” The little girl nodded heavily.”When I grow up, if I have the ability, I will help many, many people like this so that they don’t have to suffer hunger and pain anymore.” Hearing this, the woman’s face was filled with relief. “Then you have to remember what you said today.” The woman laughed. “Yes, mother, I won’t forget!” The girl nodded heavily. “Alright, then I promise you that I won’t let your kindness be rejected.” The woman said softly. …… The carriage returned the way it came. The little boy was still standing in the garden area, and the wolves were behind him. “Mistress, that White Wolf is dead ... It must have died of old age.” One of his followers said. The woman sighed and walked towards the boy.”Are you willing to come home with me?” The little boy looked at the woman and then at the dead white Wolf in his arms. Not long after, the little boy shed tears. He gently wiped the dust off the White Wolf’s fur. “Little brother, come home with us. This place is so cold and there’s nothing to eat. Our house is very warm!” The little girl gathered her courage and whispered to the little boy. The little boy wiped his tears and looked up at the girl. “Mother, let’s help Little Big brother bury that White Wolf, okay?” The girl said. “Alright,” he said. The woman nodded. After consoling the little boy for a long time, he took out the White Wolf’s body from his arms and buried it in the ground. The little boy’s eyes suddenly started to tear up. After an unknown period of time, the little boy and the little girl held hands and walked into the distance. With every step he took, the little boy would turn back and look at the wolves, as if ... He was saying goodbye to his family. For a very long time, not a single Wolf left. All eyes were focused on the little boy, and a rare reluctance to part appeared in their beastly eyes. “We will take good care of little brother. Don’t worry, we will come and see you!” The girl turned around and waved at the wolves. It was not until the girl’s words fell that the Wolf Pack licked their tongues and howled before turning to leave. …… After an unknown amount of time In the huge clan, the little boy looked at everything curiously, as if all this should have existed in his memory, but also should not have. Everything was like a reflection of the moon in the water, and he could no longer tell what was real and what was fake. “This is a chicken leg.” The girl stared at the boy and placed the chicken leg in his hand. “It’s chicken legs. ” The boy said softly. “Yes, it’s chicken legs. Mom made them!” The girl said with a smile. “Thank you,” he said. The beastly nature in the little boy’s eyes seemed to have gradually dissipated, and a rare trace of shyness appeared on his face. …… “Brother Wolf, why don’t you like the name mommy gave you?” The little girl asked. “Um ... I ... I ... I don’t ... Don’t like it.” The little boy shook his head. “Then I’ll give you a name, okay?” The girl said with a smile. “Good ... Good.” The boy looked at the girl and nodded. “Mu ... What ...” The little girl lowered her head in deep thought. After a moment, she suddenly said,””How about Muyang? I hope you’ll be as warm as the sun in the days to come.”

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