Chapter 1001: This is too magical

Lin Yan didn’t really understand what PEI Yucheng was saying. For example, the evolution of genes confused her. “What do you mean by unlocking the genes?” Lin Yan asked curiously. Lin Yan understood that the evolution of the body and the brain was similar to the difference between a warrior and a mage. But what did genetic evolution mean? “The path of the body’s evolution. When the body evolves to its limit, it’s possible to open up the genes in the body and control the genes as one wishes.” PEI Yucheng said. “Ah?” Lin Yan’s eyes were filled with disbelief when she heard PEI Yucheng’s words. If that was the case, it would be too terrifying. He could control his emotions perfectly and would not fall sick. Even if he fell sick, he could be cured no matter what kind of terminal illness he had. He could change his skin color and appearance at will ... Was he still human? from a certain perspective, he was already a true God. “If I can control my genes at will ... Wouldn’t that make me invincible?” Lin Yan mumbled. “You’re talking about genetic modification. ” PEI Yucheng laughed. Lin Yan was speechless. Is there a difference between controlling and changing genes?” Lin Yan asked again. “There’s a difference. ” In the video, PEI Yucheng nodded.”By controlling his genes, no disease or external threat can harm his life. He can also perfectly control his own interests. If necessary, he can even give up the so – called three emotions and six desires.” PEI Yucheng paused for a moment. Then, he continued,”only when the control of genes has reached its limit can the genes be changed and reconstructed. At that time, you will truly be an omnipotent God. It will be 100% the same as the evolution of the brain.” “What would happen if I could change the genes?” Lin Yan was getting more and more curious. Lin Yan had developed a strong interest in the power and theory of evolved humans. Her interest had surpassed everything else. To an Evolver, she was like a newborn baby who had a strong interest in everything in this world. She wanted to explore and explore it. In the video, PEI Yucheng was silent, which was rare. It seemed that even PEI Yucheng did not expect Lin Yan to ask such a question. For a moment, he did not know how to answer her in a clear and professional way. Lin Yan would not understand if he explained it to her in a professional way. “Have you seen lions and tigers?” After a long time, PEI Yucheng chuckled. “You’ve seen him before, right?”Lin Yan’s mouth twitched. “If I can completely change my genes, I can change my genes into the genes of lions and tigers. In this way, I can become a lion or a Tiger, or a fish ... And so on. This is just the tip of the iceberg.” PEI Yucheng said. Lin Yan was speechless. “It’s amazing. ” Lin Yan was speechless. However, that black – robed man wasn’t as scary as PEI Yucheng had said. Even if he couldn’t change the reconstructed genes, being able to control the genes was already scary enough. “If you and the black – robed man were to fight, who would win?” Lin Yan asked curiously. “Our paths of evolution are different, and so are our fighting styles. I can’t make a judgment, but one thing is for sure.” PEI Yucheng laughed softly. “What?” “If my spiritual power is severely depleted and he gets close to me, I’ll die without a doubt.” PEI Yucheng said. “So you can’t beat him?” Lin Yan’s eyes widened. PEI Yucheng chuckled.”I mean, he got close to me.” “What if he can’t get close to you?” Lin Yan asked again.

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