Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 270 Their Beginning - Nirvaan

"_ Shweta."

"Miss Shweta."


Hearing someone calling her name in the background, Shweta got out of her stapor and looked away with a frown on her face.

"Sorry, what?" She asked.

"Your introduction. Or you can just choose a place to sit." The professor repeated again. Though he tried to act normal, the man was sweating buckets on his back as he watched her frowning at him.

"My name's Shweta. I had to change my city and transfer here due to some family issues. I think I'm good at studies, so I won't trouble you all much, but I'll ask for help if necessary." She finished her introduction and some normal info in a calm tone looking at everyone.

Yet her eyes drafted back to that boy again.

But this time she didn't stop and looked away instantly. "Thank you all for welcoming me. And let's hope we have a wonderful year together."

Her words had just finished when sounds of clapping rang in the classroom.

"Silence." The professor said in a stern tone and then looked at Shweta again. His tone changed back to being respectful as he informed her . "You can choose a place to sit first. If you have any doubts during the lecture you can ask me then, or after the class, whatever's best."

Shweta gave a little nod and walked down the stage and towards the students.

Though the class wasn't totally filled with students, there weren't many empty chairs at first. So she could just walk towards the back.

(Obviously ignoring the ones who kicked their original partners to the side, to make a seat for her.)

"Excuse me." She said when she reached around the 5th row. And asked "Can I sit here?"



Two different answers came to her question, almost instantly.

Kajal looked at Shiva with somewhat glaring eyes as he readily agreed to this new girl's request.

Shiva too looked at Kajal, raising his eyebrows as he wondered what's wrong with her. But in response, she just scoffed at him and said "Fine, you can sit here."

"I'm Shiva by the way," Shiva said once Shweta sat down near him. "And the angry bird over here is Kajal."

"I told you not to call me that." Kajal said as she slapped his head lightly.

Looking at someone three times her age being respectful to her, anyone would be a little awkward, but Shweta ignored the dean and took the phone.

Looking at the familiar string of numbers on the screen a complicated look flashed on her face and didn't speak anything.

"Are you still planning on not coming back?" The heavy voice of a men from the other end of phone came to her ears, but Shweta didn't reply and just waited. "I've told you before, what happened to that family wasn't your fault. It was because_ "

"I'll call you back later." Shweta said and planned to hang up the phone.

"Nashi is there too. Atleast meet with him. He doesn't know anything about it." The man spoke but his words were cut short midway.

-tu Tu

"If you call me for nonsense again, _ " Shweta coldly said to the Dean and threw the phone at him.

The Dean swallowed saliva with his dry throat as he wiped the sweat from his forehead and didn't say anything but just nodded his head in a hurry.

'Why did she have to come to my college.' The dean cursed his luck over this new arrival once she left his office.

'I already have enough trouble makers as is. And now there's this little rich killer here too.'

'Let's just hope this year ends smoothly and then I'll just get a transfer or retire from this damn city.' Dean thought as he looked at the message on his phone screen.

[Nirvaan - Keep an eye on her.]

'Shit' The dean cursed as he read the message and opened the drawer to take a few pills to calm his racing heart. While placing the packet back his eyes glanced at the various newspaper outlines placed inside the drawer, and his hands froze.

[Gang wars starting again in the city. 13 bodies found in an abandoned factory. Brutal incident _]

[Collapsed building due to gas leak explosion. 8 dead, 27 injured.]

[A family of three commits mass suicide, days after the death of their last relative.]

Over all these horrible news pieces, was a photo of a middle aged man sitting on a chair at the cover of some brand megazine, his indifferent eyes were like a king looking down at ants from his throne.

Abhinav Nirvaan, The most powerful man in Mumbai city.

Closing the drawer, dean picked the water bottle and emptied it in one big gulp.

While the dean was cursing his luck, drinking vodca from a water bottle, the announcement ping rang out in his office.

[Sir, there's a fight in the canteen. It's all chaos everywhere. Please come here fast.]

Hearing the clattering of tables and plates behind, the dean cursed these incompetent staff in his mind. 'For what reason, have I been paying you guys for. Idiots.'

Eating some mouthfreshner from the side, the dean forced himself to stand up, when another message came through the phone halting him.

[Ohh and it's that boy from the last time again.]

"Fuck" The dean cursed and looked at the empty bottle again, thinking he should bring an extra from tomorrow.

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