230 You can think that way!

“I heard from Fidel that you had something to tell me?”

The commander, leaning on his chair and clasping his hands, looked at Kairen who was sitting on a chair in front of him.

“Yes, sir.”

After going through Reyan’s mixed feelings of happiness, anger, betrayal, and again happiness, and then having to deal with the same emotions this time from Serria, Kairen finally managed to sneak out of the hall and head to the commander’s office. Yesterday, he had finished his work for today and had also helped out Glenn. As a result, he was free to do anything he wanted.

Now sitting in the commander’s office, he was preparing the lines he had to say.

“I have a good guess what might that be but... Let’s hear it out from yourself.”


Kairen lowered his head.

“But first, I had a question, sir.”



The commander narrowed his eyes.

“You think you are in a position to question me-”

“The team leader of unit 6.”

Kairen didn’t wait for the man’s words to finish, nor did he look at the commander’s face when he talked.

“Is it the truth that he was a traitor and the one who brought the bomb to the president’s office?”


The commander didn’t reply. He raised one eyebrow and silently stared at the young man.

“Why do you ask that?”

Kairen still didn’t raise his head. He thought he wouldn’t be able to keep talking like this if he saw the scary face of the commander so he avoided it as much as possible.

“You must have a good guess about it, sir.”


Kairen didn’t look up even when the commander was laughing.

“That woman that died there, she was quite close to you, right? I really am sorry about her death.”


‘But you don’t look so sorry to me.’

Kairen kept those words to himself.

“So, was the team leader the one who caused the explosion?”

After a long silence, the commander nodded his head.



The commander looked at the clenched fists of the young man as he sighed.

“I seem like an incompetent commander to you, right?”


Kairen didn’t answer.

“I too feel the same.”

The commander shrugged his shoulders.

“I became the commander after the previous commander died. He died after being betrayed. Although we mistook the traitor back then, we still knew that someone had stabbed him in the back.”

Kairen finally raised his head to look at the commander who was suddenly going through some flashbacks.

“Thus, as the new commander, I feared that the same thing would happen again and did anything to prevent it. I was extra cautious, or so I thought.”

The commander suddenly pointed at Kairen.

“Say, do you remember the time when you were under the influence of my law?”


“How did it feel when you disobeyed the law?”

“...I... felt like my chest hurt? As if my heart was stabbed or something like that.”

“Yes. Exactly!”

The commander nodded his head.

“Back then, I made sure to put every single team leader, head of a division, anyone with a high position, and anyone with great power under my law. Not a simple law like that one I used on you, the most accurate and powerful laws that I knew, I used them on everyone who could damage me and the organization in any way.”


“To simplify it, I put a law on them that in any case that they want to betray me, or their country, their hearts would instantly explode and they would die in a few seconds.”


Kairen blinked his eyes. As he listened to the man’s words, he felt his back get wet with cold sweat.

“I even put one on myself! In case I ever intend to betray my country, I too will die! And I’m sure that the law works perfectly fine as I’ve seen its results a few times already.”


Kairen gulped down his saliva after hearing that.

‘Gah! Scary!’

He screamed internally.

‘Calm down! It’s not like you are going to betray him... Yeah...’

Right? He probably wouldn’t betray this man.

“I don’t know how, but this time the law didn’t work.”

He played with his pen as he kept explaining.

“I actually sensed it being activated and it was going to kill that man in a few seconds, but then suddenly the law broke apart! As if something forcefully tore it apart! In an instant, the law that I was so confident about vanished! Completely gone!”

The commander suddenly started to move his hands in the air with frustration and continued to talk about how his law was canceled.

“If it had worked, the bomb wouldn’t have exploded and everything would still be fine! Gah, even a war broke out because of that bastard!”


The commander slammed the armchair with all his might.



It was then that he noticed the young man quietly shivering on the other sofa.

“Ahem, sorry about that.”

He tidied his clothes and leaned back again in the elegant way he was sitting at first.

“So, were my explanations enough?”

Kairen flinched, sat up straight, and nodded his head.

“Yes, sir. Thank you.”

“Now then, tell me what brought you here.”

Picking up his cup of coffee, the commander gestured at Kairen to talk.

“It’s about the favor you mentioned last time.”

A smile appeared on the commander’s lips.

“I’ll accept your offer.”

The commander put down his cup of coffee and looked into Kairen’s eyes with a happy face.

“I thought you said something along the lines of, ‘No, I would never do such a thing! I don’t want to become a murderer!’, or something like that last time?”



Kairen didn’t accept the offer last time. He didn’t even want to think about it and turned it down almost immediately.

“People’s minds can change.”

But now, he thought differently. He wanted to do what the commander wanted him to do now that things had come to this.

“Do you really intend to do it, or is it just a temporary passion?”

“I really want to do it.”

“You really want to become one of my hunting dogs?”

“...Something like that.”

“Pfffttt! Haha! Hahahahaha!”

The commander burst into laughter yet again.


“Hahahaha! Hah!”

Kairen sat silently and watched the man laugh all he wanted.

“Hah! Ahem!”

The commander sat straight again after he was done laughing.

“Is it because of revenge?”



Kairen thought about that word.

Did he want to take revenge? Well, sure. He wanted to fuck off all those people who caused that incident. He wanted to find them all one by one and beat them up with his two hands.

It was true that he had such wishes, but he wouldn’t make such decisions based on feelings and desires such as seeking revenge.

It was just as team leader Dains said, making rash decisions based on anger would only put his life in danger, and Kairen didn’t want that.

Kairen had other reasons for accepting the commander’s offer. The man asked Kairen if he would like to become one of his direct underlings. That would mean that the commander wanted him to work in the Secret Operations Unit.

Kairen turned down that offer back then. He didn’t want to work there. Working in unit 5 was stressful and exhausting enough, now he was asked to work in a unit that had to deal with more shit? Nah! He didn’t want to.

Also, the Secret Operations Unit was a unit feared by even the agents from the Special units. They were mostly known as madly powerful people talented in killing people. The agents were used to quickly take care of the things that would take a much longer time for Special Units. They were the commander’s direct underlings and dealt with more shitty things than the Special Units did.

That was only what Kairen had heard about them, he had never seen a person from the Secret Operations Units or had even gotten much information about them. He just knew that they had quite good records in secretly fighting with Philomns.

Anyway, Kairen didn’t like the idea of working in such a group. Not then and not even now.

It was just that, he couldn’t find another way.

The soil dude, who was most probably his brother, was working for Phliomns.

Kairen had to find him. Even if it meant that he had to go destroy any single Philomns hideout there, he had to find that dude somehow.

Also, there was something else.

He had seen Phliomns members use the ancient artifacts. They had some of those artifacts and could use them somehow. And according to the president’s words, the team leader of unit 6 ‘took out’ the ring and then ‘used it immediately’.

This was different from how Kain used the bracelet. That meant either the team leader managed to use the ring without the thing choosing him as a master, or he could take it out of his hand after he was selected.

If so, why couldn’t Kain?

Kairen had to know about it. He needed to know more about those artifacts. He had to search about them as much as he could so that he could somehow... maybe... someday... make Kain open his eyes again.

He could do that singly job, couldn’t he?

He would definitely succeed.

But, there was no way that he could explain all these to the commander, right?

How in the world was he supposed to explain things anyway? Like, ‘Sir, I actually want to join that unit because I have to search for my brother who was supposed to live his peaceful life in another world but seems to have come here somehow and is working in the terrorist group that I want to destroy in order to treat Kain.’?

Nah, no way.

Kairen raised his head and looked at the commander. His lips curled up to a smile as he watched the man’s face.

“Yes. I want revenge.”

Let them think that way.

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