Library of Heaven’s Path 2: Eternal Destiny

Chapter 96: Where to Find an Opportunity?

Chapter 96: Where to Find an Opportunity?

"Xu Tianren, he… he…"

Liu Guanning stammered awkwardly.

"What about him?" Liu Tianzheng frowned.

Liu Tianming explained, "He's brought in over ten girls, insisting that anyone who enters, whether delivering food or doing anything else, must strip naked. The whole Liu family is in an uproar… Many people have complained."

Liu Tianzheng's face darkened.

He had known Xu Xin wasn't exactly a virtuous person, but he hadn't expected him to be this excessive.

"Let's go have a look!"

Knowing that his daughter's situation couldn't wait, Liu Tianzheng marched over. Before long, they arrived at a small courtyard.

The courtyard gate was closed. Liu Tianzheng approached and knocked. "Creak!" The door slowly opened, and a girl cautiously poked her head out, most of her body hidden behind the door. The visible part was completely naked.

"Family head…"

Seeing him, the girl jumped in fright, quickly releasing her grip on the door and standing up straight. Sure enough, she was completely unclothed.

With a face like thunder, Liu Tianzheng pushed the door open and walked in. Even before entering the courtyard, he could hear a series of moans coming from inside, leaving no doubt about what was happening.

Suppressing his fury, Liu Tianzheng bowed and cupped his hands. "Lord Xu, my men have found someone who matches the description of the Chaotic Fate Practitioner you mentioned. I've come to report!"


The "smack smack" sounds inside abruptly stopped, followed by Xu Xin's surprised voice.

"Yes!" Liu Tianzheng nodded.

"If it only matches, then it's not the one! Didn't I tell you that Chaotic Fate Practitioners are extremely rare? Do you really think you'd be lucky enough to run into one? Don't be so paranoid and worry yourself to death."

The "smack smack" sounds resumed.

"But… there are many unusual things about him. I hope you'll take it seriously!" Liu Tianzheng persisted.

"Alright, I get it. Wait outside; I'll be there in a moment!"

Xu Xin sounded a bit impatient. The "smack smack" sounds suddenly quickened, and the previously intermittent moans grew more intense.

Outrageous! This is just outrageous!

Liu Tianzheng was nearly exploding with rage.

He had suspected this guy wasn't trustworthy from their first meeting, thinking him somewhat frivolous. But he hadn't realized just how frivolous he was until now.

Even after mentioning a Chaotic Fate Practitioner, he still dared to speed up… Could someone like this really represent Destiny Hall?

Turning to look at the Grand Elder, Liu Tianming, Liu Tianzheng was about to discuss what to say next when he noticed the elder's face turning red with embarrassment. "His stamina is pretty good…"


Liu Tianzheng was stunned.

Is that really the point here?

The quick rhythm continued for over ten minutes. Just as Liu Tianzheng was reluctantly impressed by Xu Xin's stamina, Xu Xin's voice called out from inside, "Liu Clan Head, come in!"

Taking a deep breath, Liu Tianzheng strode in.

In the room, the large bed had been brought out at some point. Several girls were sitting on it, wearing thin clothes, their faces flushed red. Their bare shoulders and thighs were exposed, and Lord Xu Xin sat on the edge of the bed, his upper body naked, though he had already put on his pants and shoes.

"What's the situation?"

Xu Xin asked while dressing.

Despite knowing how ridiculous Xu Xin was, Liu Tianzheng still showed respect, understanding that, after all, Xu Xin represented the Destiny Hall. Bowing, Liu Tianzheng replied, "Lord Xu, after hearing your description of a Chaotic Fate Practitioner, I remembered a recent incident involving a low-ranking teacher. His talents are also quite strange, somewhat similar to what you described."

"Oh? What's strange about him?" Xu Xin asked with interest.

Liu Tianzheng explained, "Three days ago, he was still a groom, completely unaware of where the Source Pool was. Yet today, I had a spar with him, and he already possesses strength not much weaker than mine! Not only that but yesterday, he also drained an entire Destiny Disk in one go!"

"Three days… and he's nearly as strong as you?"

Xu Xin's pupils shrank, the frivolity vanishing from his face as his eyes narrowed. "Drained a Destiny Disk? Tell me more!"

"It's like this. Yesterday, I purchased a complete Destiny Disk from White Rock Academy to evaluate some applicants for the Trading Company…"

Without further hesitation, Liu Tianzheng recounted the events of the previous day in detail.

"A single person drained over 10,000 strands of Heaven's Fate Energy in less than a quarter of an hour, and his horse can also absorb the energy?"

Xu Xin's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Yes…" Liu Tianzheng nodded.

"Some powerful Destiny Masters can absorb Heaven's Fate Energy, but not this quickly! And to think a horse can absorb it, too—this is definitely unusual! Does this person have any other special traits?"

After a moment of thought, Liu Tianzheng added, "The Chen family appointed him as a guest elder because of his talent for taming horses. Dean Lu Mingrong hired him as a teacher, and his teaching has been remarkably effective, doubling his students' strength in a short time! As for any other peculiarities, I'm not sure…"

Talented in taming horses, able to absorb Heaven's Fate Energy, and possessing extraordinary gifts… Even if he isn't a Chaotic Fate Practitioner, he must be closely related to one.

Xu Xin waved his hand.

He had initially come here just to go through the motions, never expecting to encounter such a creature in a place as remote as this…

"What should we do now, Tianren?" Liu Tianzheng asked.

After a moment of thought, Xu Xin replied, "Lord Ling is currently away from the Destiny Hall, and the place he's gone to is far from here. Even if I sent word now, it would take three days for him to arrive. Here's what we'll do: I'll go and investigate this person myself. If he really seems to be a Chaotic Fate Practitioner, I'll report it to Lord Ling and let him decide."

Relieved that Xu Xin was taking action personally, Liu Tianzheng felt that Xu Xin might still be reliable when it counted. Bowing, he asked, "Lord Xu, there's something else I should inform you of in advance, and I apologize for it."

"Oh?" Xu Xin looked over.

Biting his lip, Liu Tianzheng explained, "This suspected Chaotic Fate Practitioner is a teacher at White Rock Academy, and my daughter just started cultivating and lacks worldly experience. Somehow, she was lured in and accepted as his student… Lord Xu, I swear my daughter, Liu Mingyue, knows nothing of his true identity or intentions. If you find that he is indeed problematic, I hope you can give her a chance."

"Chaotic Fate Practitioners are skilled at deception—I'm well aware of that. Don't worry; if that's the case, I won't blame her. If she's willing to report him, she'll even be rewarded."

Xu Xin waved his hand dismissively.

"Thank you, Lord Xu!" Liu Tianzheng quickly bowed in gratitude.

"Alright, you may leave now. I'll meet you in the reception hall in half an hour."


Liu Tianzheng nodded, and he and Liu Tianming exited the courtyard. Before they had gone far, the familiar "smack smack" sounds began again.

"Such stamina!"

Liu Tianzheng couldn't help but marvel. If I'd had this kind of stamina back then, maybe Mingyue's mother wouldn't have left me for someone else!

He had loved her and given her freedom, but that freedom had gone too far…

Half an hour later, in the Liu family's reception hall, Xu Xin appeared, dressed impeccably.

"Should we reveal your identity immediately, or should we pretend you're just my friend first?" Liu Tianzheng asked.

"Given that his strength isn't particularly high, there's no need for elaborate schemes. Let's start by saying we're friends. If the opportunity presents itself, I'll reveal my identity. If he flees upon hearing it, we'll know for sure that he's guilty. If not, he might have the potential of a Destiny Master. If that's the case, I'll make sure to cultivate a good relationship with him."

Xu Xin replied.

"Young master, what do you need me to do? Just say the word, and I'll get it done!"

Feeling that his body had stabilized and he could now move freely, Sun Qiang approached with a grin.

As a steward, Sun Qiang had always known his place. When it was time to work, he never slacked off. Zhang Xuan hadn't brought his wife, son, or any of the girls—only Sun Qiang. The purpose was obvious.

"This is the situation…"

Zhang Xuan explained his predicament in detail, concluding with, "To quickly establish ourselves in the Source World, we need a lot of Source Coins, but I don't have a way to make money. You need to think of something, fast!"

"Money is hard to come by in any world…"

Sun Qiang smiled bitterly.

If it were easy, I wouldn't have resorted to swindling and trickery back on the Master Teacher Continent.

After pondering for a moment, Sun Qiang suggested, "We could take inspiration from when you pretended to be a Master Teacher on the Master Teacher Continent…"

"Pretend to be a Master Teacher?" Zhang Xuan asked, puzzled.


Sun Qiang nodded. "Since they say that Destiny Masters are the most powerful in this world, you could pretend to be a Destiny Master and scam some money—uh, I mean, offer your services! Back then, I managed to snatch the bell from Zhong Zi and even smashed his favorite statue."

Zhang Xuan:

I'd almost forgotten about that.

When I pretended to be the Master Teacher "Yang Xuan," even Sun Qiang was utterly fooled. But was that really a scam? I helped them solve their problems, didn't I?

"Let's wait for the right opportunity. If I suddenly pose as a Destiny Master, it might raise suspicion…"

Zhang Xuan didn't agree right away.

With the Library of Heaven's Path, impersonating a master was easy. But first, he didn't know enough about Destiny Masters. If he couldn't help someone break through or heal hidden injuries, he'd be exposed immediately.

Second, there wasn't a suitable opportunity.

From what he knew, Destiny Masters usually stayed in the Destiny Hall. It was rare for them to visit small towns like White Roc City. To convince people to hand over their money, he needed a perfect opportunity.

But how often do such opportunities arise?

It's giving me a headache!

Knock knock knock!

As he was lamenting, there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?"

Zhang Xuan frowned.

"Teacher Zhang, Liu Clan Head Liu Tianzheng is here to see you!" Liu Tianzheng's voice called from outside.

Didn't that guy just leave? Why is he back?

Zhang Xuan furrowed his brow, full of confusion.

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