Chapter 66: White Roc Stables

Unaware of the events happening at the academy, Zhang Xuan rode his horse, Dao Li, towards a massive stable.

This was White Roc Stables, the largest business of the Chen family, one of the three major families. Situated beside a mountain and near a vast plain, it was a picturesque location where groups of majestic horses galloped freely across the fields.

As Zhang Xuan approached, he saw a large building about thirty meters high and over a hundred meters wide. This was the horse trading center, bustling with people.

"Sir, please leave your horse with us," a stablehand greeted him with a smile as soon as he arrived.

The stablehand, experienced in welcoming guests daily, could tell at a glance that while Zhang Xuan’s attire wasn't extravagant, the magnificent horse he rode clearly indicated he was from a wealthy family. Such a horse was not just expensive to buy but also costly to maintain.

Knowing the customs, Zhang Xuan took out ten Source Coins from his pocket, hesitated, and then put five back before tossing the remaining five to the stablehand.

The stablehand's eyelid twitched slightly.

He had seen people give tips, and he had seen people not give tips, but this was the first time he'd seen someone give half and then take it back... How stingy could one be?

Though he was mentally grumbling, his expression remained unchanged as he bowed and asked, "Sir, how can I assist you?"

Zhang Xuan replied, "I’d like to buy some feed suitable for a fine horse like this. Also I need some books on treating horses."

"A horse as splendid as this one naturally requires the best feed. The supplies you need are in Room A over there..." The stablehand tied Dao Li securely and had someone else take care of the horse as he led Zhang Xuan inside. "As for books on treating horses, I’m not too sure, but Room A has several specialist veterinarians. If you need, you can consult them."

"Alright," Zhang Xuan nodded and followed him into the building.

The room was spacious, with a large "A" sign hanging above the entrance. A glance around revealed that the people who frequented this place were clearly wealthy or noble, as it appeared to be a marketplace for fine horses.

"Sir, your horse must be of a superior breed! Such a horse requires the finest feed and various supplements. Fully prepared, it would cost about 200 Source Coins per day..." said the attendant at the counter, smiling after hearing the details of Zhang Xuan’s request.

"200 a day? That’s 6,000 Source Coins a month?" Zhang Xuan’s face twitched.

He currently had 296 Source Coins left from what he had received from Mo Yanxue and Yu Xiaoyu. After spending 120 on food and lodging, and giving the stablehand 5 just now, he was left with only 171... not even enough for one day’s feed.

If he had known it would be this expensive, he might have resurrected as a door frame instead. At least he wouldn't have to spend so much on horse care!

"Yes!" the attendant confirmed. "How many days' worth would you like to purchase, Sir? We’ll prepare it for you right away."

After some thought, Zhang Xuan waved his hand dismissively, "Just get me enough for one meal. Let’s see if the horse likes it first, and if it does, I’ll buy more."


The attendant was stunned. "We... don't sell it that way!"

The stablehand was also taken aback. "Sir, you must be joking. The horse you’re riding is worth at least 100,000 Source Coins. How could you only buy enough feed for one meal?"

Superior breeds like Dao Li were extremely rare, each one being incredibly valuable. This was why Liu Mingyue and Mo Yanxue had been so competitive about whose horse was better.

"100,000?" Zhang Xuan was surprised.

‘Was this horse really that expensive?’

For a moment, the idea of selling the foolish beast crossed his mind, but he quickly shook his head.

Earning money wasn’t difficult for someone with the Library of Heaven's Path. Besides, if he sold the horse, it wouldn’t be easy to get it back later. Dao Li had been awakened by him personally, was utterly loyal, and had gone through a lot to become a Source Beast. There was no need to abandon it for a small profit.

"Never mind, prepare a month's worth of feed," Zhang Xuan ordered.

"Alright, that will be 6,000 Source Coins... How would you like to pay?" the attendant asked with a smile.

"Hold on a moment," Zhang Xuan said, turning to the stablehand. "Is there any way to make some quick money around here?"

"Make money? Sir... are you saying you need to earn money to pay for the feed?" The stablehand’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Only now, after seeing the look on the attendant's face, did Zhang Xuan realize his financial situation.

The once cheerful attendant was now showing signs of disdain, clearly unimpressed by Zhang Xuan’s apparent lack of funds.

He had thought this guy was a wealthy customer, but now it seemed he was just a poor man pretending to be rich. How dare he order a month’s worth of feed if he couldn’t afford it? Was he supposed to cover the cost himself?

Now that he knew the truth, his enthusiasm evaporated.

"Yes," Zhang Xuan said calmly, unfazed by her reaction. "I’m open to anything that will help me earn some money quickly."

Seeing he was serious, the stablehand thought for a moment and replied, "There are indeed some ways to make quick money at the stables, but the fastest would be horse taming..."

"Taming horses?" Zhang Xuan asked.

The stablehand nodded. "Yes, every year, White Roc Stables captures a batch of wild horses from the mountains. These horses are strong, with great stamina, and some even have the bloodline of Source Beasts. With some training, they can be sold as superior horses... However, these wild horses are tough to tame and can be very dangerous. Many grooms have been injured trying."

"To solve this problem, the stables offer rewards for taming the most difficult horses. Whoever successfully tames one will receive a generous payout."

Zhang Xuan, now intrigued, asked, "How much can one earn for taming such a horse?"

"Generally, taming a wild horse can earn you 1,000 Source Coins. The stronger ones can fetch between 3,000 and 5,000, while the most difficult ones can go for over 10,000..." the stablehand explained.

"10,000?" Zhang Xuan’s eyes lit up. "Take me to them!"

Just one horse could cover Dao Li’s feed for a month.

"Are you sure, Sir?" The stablehand hesitated. "These wild horses are fierce, especially the ones with a 10,000 Source Coin bounty. Not only are they extremely wild, but they’re also fast and hard to catch... Many who have tried have ended up seriously injured! Sir, with your noble status, I suggest you think it over carefully before deciding."

"It’s fine. Just take me to them. If it’s suitable, I’ll try. If not, I won’t," Zhang Xuan replied, waving off the concern.

Seeing his determination, the stablehand reluctantly nodded and led the way.

Zhang Xuan followed closely behind, pausing only to instruct the attendant, "Prepare the feed while I’m gone."

"Pay up first!" the attendant sneered.

If earning money from taming horses were that easy, she would have done it long ago instead of working as a service attendant.

In her eyes, this guy would soon be kicked by a wild horse and brought back here on a stretcher... She had seen plenty of arrogant, incompetent young nobles like him. Zhang Xuan was just another one in a long line.

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