Lewd Apocalypse

Chapter 76: Excuse me, have you heard of our lord and savior?

Chapter 76: Excuse me, have you heard of our lord and savior?

Timmy slowly woke up from the tremble on the ground. After every loud clash of two bodies colliding, the room shook in terror. When he finally regained his consciousness; he felt that the air was a little too dense to breathe in and coughed as he tried to inhale the thick odor with his mouth.

He wanted to get up from the sofa to check his surroundings; his memory was hazy and his mind was still dizzy. However, Timmy was unable to summon any strength from his feeble body and fell off the sofa. His face landed on the floor first, but it didn’t hurt as much as he expected. Instead, he felt his cheek was covered in hot viscous fluid that was dense enough to cushion his fall.

With question marks on his head, Timmy wiped off the thick white ooze from his face; the dense liquid almost stuck his fingers together. He traced the river of white stain on the floor, what he then saw completely brought his spirit back to his senses. There were two Samara, and his friend was on top of both of them, pounding that insane size of manhood into one of their bodies. The flood of the dense milk on the floor originated from the puddle beneath the orgy.

The monstrosity of Leo’s manhood was a visual shock to Timmy looking at it the second time. How can something that obscenely enormous enter the woman’s body? He attentively watched the way how his best friend broke Samara’s mind with every thrust; how her stomach bulged inhumanly by the girth of the behemoth inside her.

Her expression of extreme bliss looked even more alluring to Timmy and his baby carrot hardened from watching Leo dominating his second love interest with that monster. He was actually excited and cheered for his friend on the inside.

Suddenly, the thought of his sister came into mind. As much as they were on bad terms, Timmy can’t deny that his sister was a top tier beauty with a dynamite figure. The image of the sister getting destroyed by Leo’s tower in his mind got the boy to climax. He knew he shouldn’t be having such thoughts; but they just popped out in his mind against his will.

Leo finally showed mercy and pulled out his rod. He dropped the woman down and the spirit merged back into her body. Wiping off the sweat on his forehead, Leo let out a deep breath. He had been trying to hold back his second erection for as long as possible and it was more taxing than just simply pounding on the woman. Since Zomi wasn’t present, there would be no one here that can take in his final form.

The spirit proved to be a formidable opponent. The intermingling of energies while his rod was inside her was a unique experience that provided heavenly pleasure on top of the physical rubbing sensations. His behemoth came out a tad bit larger than when it went inside of her spirit body, still beating powerfully with force.

Samara’s body twitched as more thick ooze flowed out of her entrances; then slowly, she raised her body to be underneath Leo’s crotch. Opening her mouth, her tongue met the twin orbs and steadily traced along the length of the monster. The woman was now cleaning Leo’s rod with her mouth in submission to her new master in both body and spirit, literally. She finally recognized her existence as a sex toy for Leo and Zomi would be proud.

“Now, undo whatever you did on Timmy,” Leo commanded.

“Yes, master,” Samara obediently followed the order. She crawled on the ground along the trail of heavy white stain to reach Timmy. Under Timmy’s curious gaze, the woman drew her cum stained lips close to his face and a small strip of black energy escaped from the boy’s mouth. At the same time, the thick fog of Leo’s dense lava blew from within Samara’s mouth and choked his nose once more.

Reina and Shalltear giggled at the scene, only Leo was considerate enough to maintain bearing for his friend. Everyone tried to ignore the heavy white stains on Timmy, including Timmy himself.

“Timmy, are you feeling alright?” Leo kindly asked, this incident was something he should have been able to foresee that coming. The woman was clever in how she hid her spirit signature.

“I feel much better just now, though my body still feels weak.” Timmy said while looking at the side; he didn’t know where to put his eyes. In front of him was Samara covered in Leo’s cheese and then there was the towering behemoth dominantly asserting its presence.

At this point, Timmy had so many questions that he didn’t know where to start. He figured he might as well not ask and let his friend decide on what to tell him. However, the thing he absolutely wanted to know was if Leo was still human with that monster protruding above his crotch and how he came to be like this. He trusted that his friend would reveal what he needed to know.

“Well, Reina. Please help us rent another room. I kind of made a mess here. Hehe.” Leo said as he changed into new pants and stuffed his suppressed giant back inside. “As for you, woman. I think we got a lot to talk about.”


Samara couldn’t remember much of the memories when she was alive, but enough to know the moments before and following her death. When the explosion happened in the station, a small rift opened before the women’s restroom and a small crystalized stone with markings was dropped on the ground.

The woman was the only one present and was instinctively attracted to it. When she picked up the stone, it fused into her hand and sunk under her skin. However, she had no time to think. As the flame spread like a wildfire, Samara frantically made her escape and was somehow able to flee unharmed to the subway tunnel. Yet, the smoke from the fire was still depriving her of oxygen. Without strength to run further, she rested on the stairs and met her doom.

Reviving as a spirit, Samara somehow gained much knowledge of her own existence. Initially, she operated based on pure instinct without much awareness of herself. One thing she knew from the start was that she wanted to seek for other souls, consuming others’ life energy to strengthen her own.

When the mass of refugees went past that tunnel, Samara had a grand feast and preyed upon those weak to temptation. And through her devouring of souls, eventually she regained her clarity. Her power grew and the spirit became overconfident with her strength.

But now, here she was; already gulped down more energy than she ever will staying in that tunnel. Her existence had evolved drastically thanks to the boy; her skin was now imbued with lively luster and her aura was purified to a more tranquil state. However, her existence was also bound to Leo. The woman could not think of any thoughts against her master’s will and was naturally drawn to the monster between his crotch.

Oh lastly, her actual name was…. Wait, she was sure that she remembered her real name. Just what was it?

“Saeki, that was your name, wasn’t it?” The information somehow appeared in Leo’s mind.


At the plaza of the Central station, survivors gathered around an old man that dressed like a prophet. He’s got a staff, a robe, white hair and grey beard and everything. With a pupil less left eye staring down and a trembling hoarse voice, he spoke.

“I see you rally before me. Hungry… terrified… clutching your babe to your breast. The minions of evil have descended upon our lands and laid waste to our civilization from here to beyond the grey mountains. Rabid and ravenous, they bite away the remnants of humanity. Lest with the monsters at our door, we chose to hide beneath the ground like rats!

Citizens of New Londo! You stand at a precipice. Your nation has failed you, so now you turn to the gods. And yet you do not plead for mercy and dust your head with ash? Instead, you wailed for pity from the Awakened ones, rotting lifelessly away in this blighted slum. The flicker of fire long extinguished within us….

Will we find the strength to banish the evil from our city? From whom would you find the power other than from our lord? The sea of darkness and suffering is an endless pilgrimage, for that we must chart a course back into the light. Offer your souls and unite around the warmth of the eternal first flame….

Now is the hour, men of New Londo. Pick up your arms! For nigh is the time of sword and axe. None shall escape the fury of the flame. The fire will watch over us and grant salvation to the worthy.”

The old man was just your average corporate recruiter looking for new hires to slave away under hazardous and hostile environments. Rated 10/10 on glassdoor.

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