Lewd Apocalypse

Chapter 50: Someone's Girlfriend? Oops

Chapter 50: Someone’s Girlfriend? Oops

At the shopping district, the group split up once again for maximum efficiency. Violet sighed and look at Sharon.

“Your nephew took my 2nd in command away. Could I ask you to take her place?” Violet asked.

“Fine, ok. All for the sake of my baby boy. I am only doing it this time.” Sharon took on the painstakingly boring babysitting job of leading a group, the aunty was sacrificing a lot for her nephew to get laid. Don’t we all wish to have an aunt like this?

Jean, of course, brought Leo alone to their little “date”; although there was not much to do in this post-apocalyptic world. The two strolled along the streets and went into shops that looters don’t bother to go for small trinkets, meanwhile Jean brutally murdered any creatures that disturbed their dating session.

The boy thought it was nice to take a stroll like this once in a while. Maybe he had been spending too much time playing games and pleasuring women that he started to enjoy the tranquil relaxation of doing absolutely nothing on a walk. However, the peace was short lasted as they were ambushed by a number of mutants and beast brainlessly coming in for their blood. Leo thought the way these frenzied monsters acted looked familiar from somewhere before.

Jean was extreeeeemly pissed. The woman told Leo to sit back and relax while she dealt with the enemies coming into the store one by one; she was venting her anger on these unruly bunch that ruined the moments of her sweet date.

There were also the reasons of Jean wanting to test her new enhanced strength on the monsters and flex her muscles in front of the boy. Leo actually saw through that and had the word “impressive” written on his face as he clapped his hands. The woman, proud like a rooster, enjoyed the praise.

The two-couple wannabe continued to roam the streets and was met with all kinds of traps. There was poison gas, paralyzing needles, flying knives, arrows that aimed at the knee and guns attached to strings; however, Jean was the one that either dismantled or took the blunt on most of them. Of course, Leo himself dodged a few projectiles coming at him nonchalantly like it was some stroke of luck.

“You see boy, some selfish survivors set up traps to prevent some place from being continuously looted, but I never encountered so many traps with so many variants in one day.” Jean scratched her slightly burnt hair. Her disappointment was immeasurable and her day was ruined.

The thought of somebody was targeting them indeed came across their mind; however, even with Leo’s senses, they couldn’t find anything suspicious nearby. The boy did feel he was being watched, but it was obviously just thin air whichever direction he looked at. They also couldn’t think of a reason to be targeted, other girls from the group all seemed to be fine as well.

“Tsk… got to get that woman away from the kid.” King was just several meters away from the couple hidden in invisibility, any closer and Jean might sense his presence. The young man was also crying on the inside, that was a fortune that he just blew on traps.


At a certain ransacked store.

“Amy…” A whispered was heard from behind.

The girlfriend looked back to the corner and found her boyfriend hiding behind the shelves.

“King! Why are you here?” Amy was pleasantly surprised.

“Shee… I don’t want to let them know I am here. Since I haven’t showed up for a while.” King then continued. “Amy, I need your help. Can you do me a favor?

“Of course, King. You are my boyfriend.” Amy was pleased King finally came to her for help.

“You see, uhm… There are some private matters I want to talk to Leo about. It’s not convenient for me to show up. Can you help me bring him out somewhere alone?” King pleaded.

“Why? That’s kind of weird.” The girlfriend felt the request was strange.

“I know Amy, but you got to trust me on this. Please. And don’t mention my name when you bring him there, make some other excuses. He might not come if he heard my name.” King pleaded again.

“Fine.” The girlfriend finally agreed, but was still suspicious. However, King was her boyfriend after all and he came begging for help like this; Amy felt she had no choice but to help him for now.

“Great!” King said and proceeded to finalize the detail of plan.


Near noon, the group rendezvoused to take a break and had their lunches. Amy took the opportunity to ask Leo if he could come with her to somewhere alone; she wanted to properly apologize to Leo about kicking his balls from the last time anyway. The girl recalled to the memories of Leo’s behemoth, the taste of his potent thick cheese and naturally became shy with her cheeks flushed as she approached the boy.

Leo hesitated a bit but still agreed. Was she the one behind all the traps that they encountered? The boy carefully looked at Amy again and thought she couldn’t possibly be the one. Jean was surprisingly fine with Amy borrowing Leo; she was not that type of woman. Plus, she already invited Leo to come over to her place tonight; her day was already ruined and she could only anticipate for the night to come.

“Wasn’t Amy that young man’s girlfriend? Is she eyeing on Leo too?” Girl A said.

“That might be true…we haven’t seen King in a while, maybe she ditched him.” Girl B said.

Gossip started amongst the girls as they saw Leo being led away by Amy.


In the secret room at the massage parlor, a girl and a boy stared awkwardly at each other. Amy had already apologized and thanked Leo about saving her last time; she was quickly running out of topic to converse.

“Come on, King. Where are you?” The boyfriend had told Amy to keep Leo occupied until he shows up.

King was behind the boy’s back, the young man wanted to stab Leo with a knife and quickly finish the contract. However, the moment he got closer, his instinct spiked and his body shivered. Feeling the cold sweat in his hand, King decided on a safer approach.

[ Species: Humanoid

Life Force: ??? ]

The boy’s life force was still full of question marks, but King was starting to believe that Leo was no normal kid. The young man almost wanted to give up; but since he already wasted so much resource on Leo, he decided to give one last shot.

King took out his only poison dart and felt the pain in his heart. The item was expensive and he already wasted one due to Jean’s interference. Thinking back to the reward for killing the boy; for the sake of his happiness for his bottom half, King bit his teeth and fired the dart.

In the middle of a conversation, Leo’s eye widened and sensed the incoming projectile coming from behind. However, he couldn’t simply dodge because Amy was right in front of him. Instead, he turned around and caught the dart with his hand. Regardless, the sharp tip still pierced his skin.

The poison sent the boy’s body into disarray, his breathing became rash and his eyes turned red. Soon, ominous aura propagated from Leo and the immense pressure forced King to his knees. Amy was also on her knees, but for a different reason, as a puddle of love nectar can be seen on the floor flooded beneath her butt.

King tried to stand up and was quickly pushed down to his bottom by the invisible pressure. Amy’s pupil turned into shape of hearts again as heat started to build up within her whole body, reacting to Leo’s thickening hormone.

Tearing sound was heard, the heaven knows how many pants had been ripped by the gigantic swell of Leo’s manhood. The glory of the awakened dragon brought terror and shock to King but heartthrobs and ecstasy to the girlfriend. Amy got up from her butt, revealing the sticky rope of nectars between the floor and her rear.

Seeing the behemoth in front of her again, Amy lost control of her mind and body and crawled her way underneath Leo’s crotch to kiss the twin orbs. She held one of the orbs with both hands and pressed it against her face, caressing the scrotum with her cheek while panting heavily. The girlfriend was completely in heat and made into a mindless sex slave by Leo’s oozing testosterone.

King was enraged, furious and traumatized by the sight. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The boy simply showed off his super-sized stick, and without uttering a word, his girlfriend went crawling to him like a submissive bitch and licked his balls. Amy had an ahegao face of ecstasy that he never managed to have her make.

Leo stood still trying to regain control of his body; but his conscious was still faint, and adrenaline was kicking in. The boy was craving for sex and there was a target tight beneath his crotch, giving him tingling sensations. He lifted up the girl by the waist and thrusted his behemoth in between her thighs. Amy was equally cooperative as she pressed her moist flower on the monster, rubbed the sensitive spot back and forth with her waist and gave Leo a hot kiss. Both tongues reached deep into each other’s mouth.

With bloodshot eyes, the young man grieved at the size difference between that monster and his pigeon. Looking at the girth with just the tip, King couldn’t help but to think what would happen if Leo ramped that thing into his girlfriend, ravaging her innards and destroying her holes. Amy’s flowers would be stretched to the point where it will be impossible for his small pigeon to have sex with her afterwards. Behind all the intense emotions of anger and hatred, there was actually the feeling of excitement, and he himself was close to having a broken mind.

The boy had enough of the foreplay, he wanted meat right now and finally thrusted the leviathan into the virgin garden. The monster was merciless as both the virgin membrane and the gate to the womb instantly popped under the unstoppable force behind Leo’s thrust. With such intense stimulation, Amy rolled back her eyes and stuck her tongue out in tears while showering the floor with her water fountain.

“Amy!” King finally shouted out.

His vein popped and his muscle bulged; yet, the young man still couldn’t do anything but to watch his girlfriend willingly serviced the monster with her body. The overwhelming pressure still forcibly exerted on the young man and his legs won’t budge.

Leo was too busy pleasuring King’s girlfriend to notice the voice. Amy faintly thought she heard something familiar. Oh, that was the sound of her boyfriend! Wait, boyfriend? Who was her boyfriend again? Her mind could only focus on one thing and that thing right now was in her womb.

The boy turned the girl’s body around with a 180 on the axis on of his rod. Now, King could fully enjoy the view of his girlfriend’s bulged stomach forming the shape of Leo’s monster. Leo moved the girl forward against the wall, where right below was King on the floor with his back also against the wall.

King was up close and personal as he watched the swell on his girlfriend’s stomach shrunk with Leo retracting his rod. But then, before he could brace himself, Leo thrusted forward and the bulge on Amy’s stomach slammed onto King’s face. The impact was no less powerful than a full punch from an adult. The boy continued to thrust faster and harder with increased frequency, and the bulge from the tip of his rod always pressed against the young man’s face at the end. King had one of his teeth accidentally knocked out of his mouth when he tried to cry out from pain.

Neither Amy nor Leo noticed the existence of King underneath. The two were too engrossed with each other to care about something so trivial such as the thing beneath them. The young man was still hidden in invisibility the whole time.

At last, with a final thrust, the two finally reached climax, with only Leo being his first orgasm of the session. With the monster pressing against his face behind the wall of the girlfriend’s belly, King thoroughly felt the torrent tide of Leo’s ejaculation up close with his cheek as Amy’s stomach bloated and covered his face.

Lifting the girlfriend up from the wall, exposing the intersection between the flower garden and the outworld destroyer in front of King, Amy rinsed her boyfriend’s face with her sweet loving nectar that eventually turned yellowish from the pressure in her stomach that forced it out.

With tears in his broken expression, the young man secretly had a mini-orgasm in his pants without making a dent or mark that it ever happened.

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