Side Story 41

After Vishnu's funeral, the Great Deva Guild was more furious than ever.

If in Olympus there are Three main Gods, Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon, Deva also has its own Three Gods: Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva.

They were the Gods who had led Deva since ancient times, and among them, Vishnu, though with the shortest active period, was the spiritual pillar relied upon by Deva's high command.

Moreover, over a decade ago, it was revealed that they were actually three born from one called "Vishnu."

The death of Vishnu this time felt as if all the Gods of Deva had vanished.

Revenge must be taken.

Some of Deva's high command argued that they should fight against the Administrators even at the risk of death.

The war against the Administrators.

While Deva was in deep agony over the possibility of disappearing from history,


The only aide who witnessed Vishnu's death.

"You know, right?"

Varuna shuddered at Yama's question.

"What, what?"

"Who is Kim YuWon?"

"I... that..."

"I can see from your expression and recent reactions. You're not very good at lying."

Some time ago, Yama, along with Vayu, asked Varuna about the name "Kim YuWon."

And then...

Yama closely watched both of their expressions.

And unlike Vayu, who heard the name Kim YuWon and let it pass through one ear, Varuna showed a distinctive reaction only he did.

"Have you been worried about something since then? What is it?"


"Those were Vishnu-nim's last words, Varuna."


Yama's hand grabbed Varuna's shoulder.

"We have to find that guy. This is not just a problem for the Administrators. Gandharva, Britra, Akshaya, Ananta! They're all targeting us."

"...Even Ananta?"


A monster that has been going up and down between the upper and lower floors of the Tower for a long time, and also a sort of ancient enemy of Deva.

Varuna's expression turned serious when Yama mentioned his name.

"When did that guy wake up?"

"A long time ago."

"Then why has he been silent until now?"

"He would have needed time to recover after being sealed for so long. Plus, Vishnu-nim was safe and sound."

Time and Vishnu's existence.

Both issues no longer mattered.

Enough time had passed, and Vishnu was no longer in this world.


"There is a traitor within Deva."

There was an even bigger problem.

"Are you kidding?"

"It's serious. And it's a pretty high-ranking guy. He knew that Vishnu-nim was going to meet the Administrator."


There is a traitor in Deva.

That statement was an even bigger shock than any other story.

Among Deva's high command, there was no one who was not indebted to Vishnu.

And yet, betray

ing him...

'Come to think of it, it was also said that Taishang Laojun, an entity rooted in the Celestial Realm, switched sides. So...'

It's a quite plausible story.

Yama continued his final persuasion with Varuna, who was falling into chaos once again.

"It's not just about avenging Vishnu-nim. It's a matter of survival. Deva could disappear forever, Varuna."

Varuna closed his eyes tightly.

Although he had a promise to fulfill, the promise to YuWon was not more important than Vishnu's legacy or the survival of the Devas.

"Actually... I know."

At Varuna's response, Yama breathed a sigh of relief.

It was fortunate.

Because on his own, he would never have found it.

Fortunately, Varuna already knew the person Vishnu was looking for.

"I don't know him, but... I hope he guides the fate of the Devas."

"He probably will. The one I know is someone with enough capability to do so."

"So much?"

"Indeed, you also know him."

You just forgot.

And now, people remembered him by a completely different name.

"It's Kim YuHun..."

The one who saved the Celestial Realm.


The Sun Chariot that Athena had prepared was on a different scale than the one YuWon used to use.

Only in passenger capacity, it could easily transport over five hundred people.

However, only a dozen people, including YuWon, Hercules, Pandora, and others, boarded the Sun Chariot.

'Even compared to the original, it shouldn't be very different.'

It was the first time YuWon had seen such a massive Sun Chariot.

"The performance is also the same. It can reach up to 70% of the speed of Apollo's Sun Chariot."


"It's a model that only has three in Olympus, but today is especially..."

Athena glanced at Hercules while leaving the sentence unfinished.

If it were only YuWon, it wouldn't matter, but she had to be especially careful with Hercules, someone she had to respect.

"What do you mean?"

Athena's eyes moved slightly at YuWon's question.

"Isn't it because there's something difficult to say that you're unnecessarily adding these useless words?"

"You're quick to notice."

"It's because your expression is so obvious."

"I have informed my father about Mr. Kim YuHun."

Hercules turned his head at Athena's words.

It was a typical reaction from him, sensitive to the words "father" or "Zeus" more than anyone.

"You can feel upset. If so, I'll bow my head and apologize."

"It's nothing."

"Are you okay?"

"Zeus knows everything his children know. I know that."

"Then I'm glad... about that."

Athena's words gradually faded away.

While she moved her gaze to follow YuWon approaching Hercules, a question mark appeared above Athena's head.

It was a doubt that arose at the same time as relief.

Who was this guy who knew the customs of Olympus so well?

Observing the friendly relationship between YuWon, Pandora, and Hercules, Athena took out her Player Kit again and contacted Zeus.


An entire day.

That was the time it took for the Sun Chariot to reach Olympus.

Athena, followed by YuWon and Hercules, moved behind it.

Athena turned around.

She apologized to YuWon and Hercules.

"I'm sorry, but I think this is where I stop. My father wishes to see the three of you separately."

Athena bowed, bid them a final greeting, and left.

Hercules stayed for a while, looking at the enormous temple of Olympus, lost in his thoughts.

Hercules couldn't move easily.

YuWon tapped him on the side to snap him out and asked:

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, more or less."

"How long has it been since you came here?"

"It's the first time since the war."

"It's been quite a while."

"I thought I'd remember my mother if I came, so I didn't."

"Do you want to go back?"

"No, no. Just that I should've come earlier."

Hercules shook his head. He noticed the expression he had until a moment ago and smiled slightly.

"It hasn't been as bad as I thought."

With those words, Hercules began to walk towards the temple.

One of the temples owned by the High-Rankers of Olympus.

A temple similar to a realm, called "Olympus" and "Temple of Heaven."

Climbing the tall stairs leading to the clouds, the view of "Olympus" became visible at a glance.

And at the entrance of the temple...

"You arrived, our youngest."

"How long has it been?"

"Who's that behind you?"

"Isn't that Pandora?"


YuWon could see six Rankers sitting in front of a long table.

'Aphrodite, Dionysus, Artemis, Hermes, Hades, and…'


"Welcome, friend!"

A man with a passionate attitude no matter when you see him.

Hargan was sitting on one of the thrones of Olympus, greeting YuWon with a wave as he visited the temple.

"He arrived quickly."

Hargan was with the other High-Rankers of Olympus.

It was strange for YuWon to see Hargan like this.

He thought Hargan probably spent the least time sitting in that place.

YuWon and Hargan were Tutorial companions.

Although he had the opportunity to obtain Zeus' Lightning Bolt in the meantime, his talent was truly dazzling.

"Do you know Hargan?"

"So, that guy is Kim YuHun?"

"It's the first time I've seen him."

The Rankers of Olympus observed YuWon. What caught Hermes' attention among them were the shoes YuWon was wearing.

"Aren't those my shoes?"

Ordinary leather shoes.

However, Hermes, the former owner of those shoes, couldn't help but recognize their identity.

Tap, tap

Hermes approached YuWon with his light wooden sandals.

He closely examined the shoes YuWon was wearing and became convinced.

They were the shoes he had worn.

"Friend? Where did you get those shoes?"

"I got them in the Trial of Floor 11."

"On the 11th Floor? Oh, right. Now that I remember, I sold them to the Administration Bureau in exchange for Points..."

As he spoke, Hermes recalled an event that had happened a long time ago, and his eyes widened.

"What score did you get in that Trial?"

Hermes had sold his shoes in exchange for Points as a reward for the 11th Floor Trial a long time ago.

Of course, there was no noble reason like helping the new generations.

He just needed money because he had spent all his money on bets.

Floor 11.

That was a world where Hypnos, a Ranker of Olympus, was the exam supervisor.

Out of curiosity, Hermes asked Hypnos who would end up with his shoes.

"It's unlikely that those shoes will make it outside."

Hypnos' response was firm.

"Even if my father tries again?"

Then, Hypnos explained the rules of the exam he supervised.

A merit-based battle for capturing a flag.

In that battle, participants accumulate merits by collecting flags, which then turn into points to choose a reward.

Upon hearing the rules and the price of the shoes he had sold to the Administration Bureau, Hermes thought he would never see them again.


"Don't you plan to sell them to me again?"

Hermes couldn't help but let his eyes shine upon rediscovering the item that Zeus had given him a long time ago.

Although he had sold them out of necessity, it was difficult to find such a good item.


"Why not? I'll pay you a good price. If you're short on money, here's Dionysus..."

"I have a lot of points too. Besides, I like them quite a bit."

Hermes' Steps.

That was the type of item that best suited YuWon among all the shoe-shaped items.

An item with an ability that allowed jumping in the air without the aid of magic.

Moreover, it lightened the user's feet, making it quite comfortable for daily life.

For that reason, Hermes had also regretted selling them to the Administration Bureau.


Faced with YuWon's refusal, Hermes gritted his teeth for a moment and looked at YuWon's feet.

Then, his feet filled with wings.

Hermes flew towards the back of YuWon's head.


As soon as Hermes' hand touched YuWon's shoulder, a skill activation message appeared.

['Hermes' is stealing 'Hermes' Steps'.]

[The ownership of 'Hermes' Steps' has been transferred to Hermes-]


And at that moment.

"It seems like Olympus isn't very good at receiving guests."

Hermes' wrist that touched YuWon's shoulder was grabbed, and the skill activation was forcefully canceled.

"Just as I heard."


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