Chapter 546


In the misty peaks, above dreamlike clouds, a figure walked towards a temple in the fog.

With each step, his armor resonated with a metallic sound.

Wielding a reinforced Aegis, Athena contemplated the magnificent structure unfolding before her.

"It has been a long time."

The palace where Zeus resides, the one sitting on the Throne of Heaven.

Its magnificence surpassed that of a great citadel, a grand space for a single being.

Zeus, the owner of that palace, had always valued his own greatness.

And the majesty of the palace was the starting point of that greatness.

"Wait here."


"Go ahead."

Two Ranker warriors with armor similar to Athena's stowed their weapons in their inventories and stood before the palace.

Although a thousand warriors of their caliber would not pose a threat to Zeus, entering the palace with weapons in hand was a sign of disrespect.

Thus, after almost a decade, Athena stepped once again into Zeus's palace.

"Have you come?"

In the center of the palace, the sky opened up to a small pond with colorful koi fish.

Zeus, sitting at the edge of the pond, calmly fed them.

Who could believe that this serene figure was the most powerful being in the Tower composed of 100 worlds?

"Yes, father."

"Your return means the era of peace has ended."

"Is it because I am the symbol of battle?"

"You are the symbol that protects peace."

An unexpected response.

Athena, who had been kneeling in reverence, lifted her head to look at Zeus.

Zeus's words, though as brusque as ever, sounded warm in a way.

'A comfort?'

She knew it. Her return to this place to meet Zeus was an omen of the beginning of another great battle.

That's why Athena's footsteps were so crucial. The world trembled with each step she took.

And the same was happening now.

Only a few in Olympus knew that she visited this place.

That's why only two warriors accompanied her.

"Is it because of the Administrators?"

"Vishnu is dead."

Zeus had been in Deva recently for Vishnu's funeral.

"One could say they have already drawn their swords."

"I don't think it will lead to a total war."

"Everyone is terrified of the Administrators' power. Just hearing the name 'Administrator' makes one want to hide in a hole."

"With Vishnu-nim's death... there is no other choice."

Vishnu was once the king who ruled this Tower. His death was enough to intimidate many of the Guilds.

"I just want to believe that Vishnu-nim's death was only a personal dispute with the Administrators."

"If you want to believe it, go ahead."

"Will you not gather the Guilds again?"

"That will be decided by my brother. I've already done my part."

Zeus, the king who ruled the massive guild called Olympus, had a rather individualistic personality.

Having called the Guilds together only once, Zeus thought he had done enough.

It was their fault if they were not vigilant about what would happen from now on.

"So, why did you call me...?"

"Convey to the others. Be prepared to fight at any time."

Olympus entering a state of alert.

Thousands of Sun Chariots would be ready to depart anytime, anywhere, and the Rankers of Olympus scattered everywhere would join forces with their subordinate Guilds.

And she who would lead them was Athena. She was the High-Ranker symbolizing "war" in Olympus.

"I will fulfill your orders."

Athena bowed her head to Zeus and raised her fist in a sign of determination; her eyes gleamed with fierceness.

If the last 10 years had been the most peaceful era ever, now was the time to prepare for war again.

And so, while Athena prepared under Zeus's orders,

'Are you laughing?'

Suddenly, she saw the corners of Zeus's lips, who was staring at the Player Kit, lift.

He was someone who rarely smiled, but now he smiled faintly.

"Is there something good?"


Zeus replied without looking at Athena.

"I received news from Hargan after a long time."

"From Hargan?"

That was a rather incomprehensible answer.

The usual Zeus was not an affectionate father. To him, his children were just a superior bloodline to keep Olympus strong.

That wouldn't change even if Hargan had been rapidly rising in rank lately.

So, that means the content of the message is more interesting than the sender.

"I understand he is currently participating in the Great Celestial War."

"It seems like you're keeping an eye on the younger one."

"Isn't he a strong candidate to succeed his father along with Hercules?"

"Have you given up?"

"I know my limits. I have no ambition."

"I see."

The next generation of Olympus.

Hargan and Hercules, both were clearly the best bloodline Zeus had created for that.


So far, neither of the two had caught Zeus's attention.

"If they're better than me, I'll have to yield. Though I don't know when that day will come."

In terms of sheer strength, Hercules had already passed the test.

However, he was too docile to be king.

Hargan was the opposite. He was born with the qualities to be a king and resembled Zeus more than anyone.

However, Hargan, who hadn't been a Ranker for long, lacked power.

It would be perfect if the two could blend halfway, but that was just a futile dream.

"I received a message from him. To be precise, I heard that the guy by his side had a favor to ask."

"A favor? To you, father?"

The moment she heard the story, Athena thought he was a truly audacious guy.

Asking Zeus for a favor, even through Hargan.

"He's a nameless guy called Kim YuHun. I couldn't find him on the Ranking."

"So, a guy who isn't even a Ranker yet... to father..."

She couldn't close her mouth in disbelief. She thought that guy was strange, but the content was even more shocking.

"He asked me to launch a Lightning Bolt on the Great Celestial War battlefield."


"Are you surprised? I had the same reaction as you at first. It was ridiculous. I even thought he was a crazy guy."

If it had been a trivial request, Zeus would have been even more annoyed.

He wondered if maybe he should have thrown a Lightning Bolt at him himself for daring to contact him through Hargan to make such an insolent request.

However, that request puzzled Zeus.

To ask him to launch a Lightning Bolt on the battlefield where the Great Celestial War was taking place.

Where else in the world would someone make such an outrageous request?

"But I like these kinds of guys. They are brave and audacious. They don't care about the means to achieve their goals."

Zeus felt that he was a guy who would undoubtedly become great, even though he hadn't appeared on the Ranking yet.

He was already intrigued without even seeing his face. It had been a long time since he felt curious about someone.

"Now we just have to wait for the result."

"Why does that guy need a Lightning Bolt?"

"I didn't ask."

"Do you trust him?"



"Isn't Hargan there?"

A message from Hargan arrived on the Player Kit.

The message, containing a detailed description of the situation, had traces of being erased and rewritten several times.

"I'll take this opportunity to test both of them. After all, it was Hargan who conveyed this request to me."

"It's impossible."

Athena shook her head firmly.

"Not only are Rankers on the Great Celestial War battlefield, but also Players from the lower floors and the residents of Celestial Realm who live there."

Great Celestial War was a kind of festival.

A festival in which all Players and residents from floors 50 to 100 could participate.

Launching a Lightning Bolt there would be like making enemies with all of them.

And the result would be...

"Even if it's father, if he launches a Lightning Bolt there without any conditions, he'll be penalized."

He would be penalized immediately. Of course, it's not that Zeus would be scared by a simple penalty. But if the quantity exceeded hundreds, thousands, and even reached tens of thousands, that changed things.

"That's a problem Hargan has to solve."

"Solve, you say?"

"A situation where I can launch a Lightning Bolt without any problems. If he didn't even consider that before making me this request, then he lacks enough foresight."

Upon hearing Zeus's words, Athena understood the meaning of the "test" he was talking about.

If Hargan's discernment ability was lacking, that would be a problem in itself. It would mean that he had caused a big problem without even checking if the player named Kim YuHun was trustworthy.

Moreover, if after making such a request he couldn't create a situation where launching a Lightning Bolt was possible, that would mean that both were incompetent.

"And if the situation is created but Hargan ends up being used by that guy, what will you do?"

Athena wanted to stop Zeus at all costs.

No matter how much she thought about it, launching a Lightning Bolt in the middle of the Tournament was a dangerous action that could cause the death of many Rankers...


"In that case, Celestial Realm will suffer the damage. Unfortunately."

Zeus wasn't the type of person who cared about those things.

"Besides, that's not my concern, right?"


Athena could no longer say anything.

If the situation to launch the Lightning Bolt was created, Zeus was the type of person who would launch it without hesitation into the center of Celestial Realm.

The damage that occurred or the people who died weren't something he cared too much about.

Athena had forgotten.

The fact that he was a tyrant at heart.


[Zeus: Understood]

A concise response.

YuWon, who checked the message through Hargan, smiled.

"His essence hasn't changed."

This was a request that he couldn't make to anyone else.

It was to be expected.

How many people had gathered in the Great Celestial War stadium?

If he asked a normal person to attack this place, they would undoubtedly label him as crazy.

However, Zeus was not normal.

His essence was that of a tyrant.

For him, who spared no means to achieve his goals, the limitations of being in the heart of Celestial Realm didn't seem to matter much.

"I really didn't think this would work."

Even Hargan, who sent the message, seemed surprised that the request was approved.

That his father, who rarely let himself be convinced by words, moved so easily.

Hargan looked at YuWon with a complex expression. With this, YuWon had managed to convince two people at once.

"Now do you believe in me a bit more?"


At this point, he couldn't deny it.

"I can't go against my words anymore."

From the beginning, he had made a deal with YuWon: if Zeus approved the request, he would believe in YuWon's words.

And it was understandable, as the story YuWon had told was too fantastical to believe without further consideration.

Hargan sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

Great Celestial War.

A grand festival that determined one of the main pillars of a Great Guild, the position of General Chief of Celestial Realm.

Although he still found it hard to believe, if what YuWon said was true, this tournament...

"...It's really possible for an Administrator to appear in this tournament soon."

It would soon turn into chaos.


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