Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 163 Super Piercing Power Again!

"I'm thoroughly convinced," said Liu Yong.

"Then there can't be more than five holes," replied Liu Yong's apprentice.

The Overlord's face lit up with happiness. "Thank you, Master. I understand now."

With his giant spear in hand, the Overlord swam towards the distant ship. He moved so quickly that no one could keep up with him. In no time, he arrived a couple of hundred meters underwater.

As he approached the bottom of the ship, the Overlord looked up through the clear water and saw a huge black thing above him - the big sailing ship.

"Well, I'll poke a few holes for you," said the Overlord as he swam up with his giant spear. He soon reached the bottom of the ship.

However, he was quick to poke holes. Instead, he chose a spot that interested him the most and stabbed it with his giant spear.

"Boom!" A muffled sound echoed from the bottom of the ship as the thin hull couldn't withstand the force of the spear. 

The entire spear went in quickly, leaving only a little bit outside.

The Overlord pulled out the giant spear, revealing a hole almost two meters in size. Sea water started to pour into the ship in large quantities.

"Ha! That's one down. Let's see how long it takes for them to figure out what's happening," said the Overlord with a wicked grin.

In the ship's hold, two men were conducting daily inspections - a middle-aged man and his young apprentice.

The apprentice suggested, "Master, there's no need to check so carefully. Let's just go through the motions. There won't be any problems."

The middle-aged man agreed, "You're right. Let's go upstairs."

As they ascended the stairs, a sudden noise startled them. A giant spear had broken through the wall from the bottom of the ship and rushed straight up, piercing through the upper floor before being pulled back. Water started pouring in from the hole.

"What in the world is that?" exclaimed the middle-aged man.

Both of them were terrified and crawled as fast as they could towards the top, using their hands and feet together.

Another muffled bang echoed from the bottom of the boat, and a second hole appeared in the ship. The Overlord was addicted to poking holes, and his motivation was soaring.

Soon, the Overlord poked three more holes, making a total of five spots in just one or two minutes. It was still full of energy and wanted to poke even more holes.

"This is so much fun," the Overlord thought to himself.

Sooner on the ship, the two men scrambled for safety, their voices filled with fear and desperation. They cried out, "It's all over! Our boat has been pierced with multiple large holes, and it's going to sink soon!"

The middle-aged man, clearly in a state of panic, urgently shouted out orders, "Quickly release the lifeboats! Put on your life jackets! Hurry!"

However, the other passengers seemed confused and unsure of what was happening. 

pαndα`noνɐ1--сoМ The Captain eventually arrived on the scene and asked, "What's going on, Old Li? Why are you so panicked?"

"Captain, something terrible has happened. Several large holes have been made in the bottom of our boat and seawater is flooding in. We need to evacuate immediately!" responded the middle-aged man.

The Captain seemed skeptical,  ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

"I find that hard to believe. How could our boat have multiple large holes?"

But the middle-aged man was beside himself with desperation. "You have to believe me!" he exclaimed.

Thankfully, another crew member spoke up, "I heard some muffled noises from the bottom of the boat earlier. Could it be related to what's happening now?"

"I heard it too, but I didn't think anything of it," added another crew member.

Suddenly, another crew member ran over, drenched and panicked, "Captain, the boat is flooded! The inside is filled with water!"

With this, the captain and crew members quickly sprang into action. They donned their life jackets and entered the ship to investigate. After descending two floors, they realized that the situation was indeed grave. The entire boat was flooded with seawater.

Without hesitation, the captain and crew members quickly returned to the surface and organized the evacuation. They lowered several rubber boats and assisted the crews in putting on their life jackets before disembarking the sinking ship.

Overlord carefully observed the situation of the ship, and after about half an hour, he noticed that the ship had started to tilt. 

He was pleased with his work and confidently told Liu Yong, 

"Master, this ship will surely sink. I bet it won't take more than two hours for it to go down completely."

Liu Yong smiled in agreement, knowing that Bawang's assessment was usually spot on. 

"Well done, Overlord. This ship will indeed sink to the bottom of the sea in two hours."

Overlord was thrilled with the praise but also curious about his next task. "Master, which ship would you like me to pierce next?"

Liu Yong considered momentarily before responding, "Let's call it a day for now. We'll sink only these two ships today. Eat well and rest well, and we'll continue tomorrow."

Overlord was initially disappointed but quickly understood the reasoning behind Liu Yong's decision. "Alright, Master. Two ships a day it is."

Liu Yong's ultimate goal was to force Luo Maoyuan to submit, make him docile, and demand compensation of 100 to 200 million. He knew that sinking all the ships at once wouldn't serve his purpose, so he chose to take his time.

As Overlord waited for their departure, he watched with satisfaction as most of the ship sank into the sea, leaving only a tiny portion exposed on the surface. Then, they slowly left the scene.

Meanwhile, at the Risheng Ocean Shipping Group headquarters, the senior management was panicking. Two large ships had sunk quickly, resulting in a heavy loss for the company.

During the emergency meeting, the mood was tense as the executives discussed the dire situation. 

"Mr. Luo, luckily no crew members were harmed, and they've all been rescued. It may be best to consider this a case of ships simply disappearing," said one of the vice presidents.

Luo Maoyuan remained silent, his face dark with anger and frustration. The meeting continued for over an hour, but no concrete solutions were found.

  It was impossible to investigate the cause of the accident since both ships had sunk to a depth of two or three thousand meters.

After the meeting ended, some executives stayed behind, smoking and discussing the situation. 

Jiang Shunli was among them, lost in thought as he tried to devise a solution to prevent another similar incident.


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