Leveling up the World

Chapter 540: Towers of the Non-Awakened

Chapter 540: Towers of the Non-Awakened

A double wall surrounded the cluster of towers. Moving closer, it became clear that the walls werent there just to prevent people from getting into the city, but also kept them from getting out. Even from a distance, it could be seen that there were no doors on the base of the towers themselves. If such had even existed, they had been long bricked up. The only means for getting things in or out were through a system of ropes and pulleys.

Think well end up there? Dallion asked as he and Eury made their way towards the city entrance.

They had made a point of not hiding, which ensured that they would be spotted almost the moment they came down the mountain. All that was part of the plan, but it made Dallion feel uneasy.

Depends on how strong they are.


Guess well find out, Dallion thought, and split into twenty instances.

Roots shot up from the ground in an attempt to grab the pair. Gripping his harpsisword, Dallion did a series of circular slashes with several instances, while Eury evaded all attacks her way.

From the corner of his eye, Dallion saw dryads approaching, yet they werent armed with common wooden sickles, nor any other weapon typical for the world. The objects they were armed with looked mechanical, more like long boxes than actual weapons, with multiple openings to the side. Seeing them made Dallion think of his fight with the Stars echo, and especially the projectile weapon she had.

Watch out! he shouted, chopping another cluster of roots, attempting to grab him.

No sooner had he done so, when several miniature rockets emerged from the dryads weapons, releasing trails of smoke.

Euryales reaction was to throw two knives at the approaching projectiles. An explosion followed, tearing out trees from their roots.

All but one of Dallions instances vanished, as he lost focus. Even after growing up on Earth, he still couldnt get used to the idea of explosives in this world. It was a good thing that the dryads werent armed with bullets, but having them shoot rockets wasnt much better.

Leaping back, Dallion spun the harpsisword in his hand and played a chord in an attempt to ensnare his enemies with sound. The attempts succeeded, prompting him to continue playing, but mere seconds later, another explosion followed, snapping the sound tendrils.

So much for standard use of music, Dallion thought as he leaped back.

Ill deal with them! Euryale shouted. You keep back!

You dont have to tell me twice! Dallion made another attempt at focusing his music skills on a target, only this time, the target was himself. Having a bit of speed and courage was a plus in a fight such as this.

Suddenly, an idea popped into Dallions mindone of those reckless ideas that had been absent lately. Gripping his harpsisword, he split into instances, all rushing forward instead. By the time he got closer to the wall, half a dozen dryad statues were already visible. Eury was holding her own. Precisely for that reason, Dallion ran in the opposite direction alone the wall. Four more dryads emerged, launching their explosive projectiles at him. This time, though, Dallion was ready for them. The chords he played werent targeting the people, but the rockets themselves. For a brief second, the projectiles froze in the air.

Music and attack, Dallion thought.

Targets emerged on all the rockets, as if waiting to be hit. When that happened, Dallion changed the intensity of his chords. His fingers briefly went numb, as the nest sounds that emerged, sliced their targets in two. To Dallions fortune, no blast followed. This clearly confused the dryads, though not enough to stop shooting.

Ive caught the pattern, he thought with a smile.

Leaping to the side, he repeated the process. The rockets got much closer to him this time, though still failed to explode.


(+2 Perception, +2 Reaction)

The more the combinations, the more the rewards. Just be mindful that itll become more difficult after each one.

A blue rectangle emerged, only to be wiped away. Dallion didnt need distractions right now. The speed of his playing increased, managing to catch a rocket before it fully emerged from its weapon. A subsequent explosion followed, blasting the dryad holding it to dust. At that point, Dallion knew that he wasnt facing an army of enemies, but rather a single individual.

Theyre echoes, he shouted.

That changed things significantly, and in more ways than one. While a person could have as many echoes as the mind trait allowed, the same could not be said for equipment. The fact that each echo had its own destructive weapon suggested that the dryads were trained in echo combat; in turn, that suggested that the number of city defenders had to be extremely low. No one would boost their numbers in such fashion unless given no other choice.

Theres no point in going on, Dallion added, a desire of surrender in his words. We know your tricks. Its only downhill from here.

From experience, he knew that there was a one in five chance that an opponent would respond. Fortunately, this turned out to be one of those cases. The few echoes standing in front looked at each other, then leapt above the city wall.

Eury. Dallion split into six instances, three of which went towards where hed last seen the gorgon.

There were well over a dozen statues where she was. On closer inspection, all of them were of an identical dryad. The moment Dallion put his hand on one, it crumbled to pieces.

Is that normal? Dallion asked.

Although they are nothing, echoes still are a representation of something, dear boy, Nil replied. Think of them as skinwhen you get dirt on it, you can peel it off, but its still there.

The explanation didnt make particular sense.

Why did you come? someone asked from the city. The words were clear, but they were speaking dryad.

We entered the realm from the real world, Dallion replied. We just wanted to rest a bit in the city before moving on.

There was no response. Unfortunately, there was no rectangle marking the end of the fight, either. At most, one could say they had entered a tense ceasefire.

Were not here to fight. Dallion continued. How can we convince you that

While he was talking, Euryale leaped on top of the wall. Not the approach Dallion had in mind, but since she was already there, he joined her up as well.

The inside of the city was packed with one-story buildings. Streets twisted and winded, making it feel more like a maze than an actual city. A dozen dryadsall of them armed, although some had swords in addition to their rocket shootersstood in the space of a small plaza, looking at the invaders. Most of them seemed terribly young, even by dryad standards.

Blobs of trepidation and uncertainty were visible all throughout their bodies. Dallion had no idea when the rogue mage had visited last, but it had to have been quite a while ago.

Whos in charge? Dallion asked in dryad.

The dryads looked at each other.

Youre awakened from the outside, one of them said.

Yes, yes, we are.

IS the war over? Another took a step forward. Did the Star win?

Dallion felt bad. Thanks to his music skills, he knew how he was supposed to respond. This was the news that they were hoping for, likely for generations.

Almost, he lied. The Star failed to conquer a city, but has taken a lot of land.

There was visible relief.

Whats happening? Eury whispered.

I told them that the Star is winning, Dallion whispered back. Are you the only ones here? Wheres the rest of the people?

The question surprised everyone. Giving each other glances, they were unsure whether this was a test of sorts, or the real world had changed.

In the towers, the oldest of the group said. The wooden armor he was wearing was a potential indicator of rank. They arent awakened.

You imprison your non-awakened? Dallion didnt like the sound of that.

Thats the only way for them to survive. Every plant youve come across is poisonous for them. All beings that come in contact with a plant will get ill and die within a week. Thats the price of the curse.

That sounded something the Star would do at the same time. It also didnt Dallion wouldnt be surprised if some awakened noble had come up with the idea. From purely the perspective of strength, there was nothing a non-awakened could do better than an awakened. Maybe someone had decided that it would be better to have nothing but awakened, or maybe the Star had started the curse all that time ago, in order to fasten the destruction of the sword world societies. Either way, this was the result: a handful of awakened who were doing their best to catch and provide food to Moons know how many people condemned to spend their entire life in the towers, less they die of the plague.

The rogue page must have seen the potential and reversed the effects of the plague so as to affect those it was supposed to protect. One could call it poetic justice. Maybe this had been the mages attentionto punish those he considered responsible for this creation. Or maybe it was just something he was using for personal vengeance? The only thing Dallion knew for certain was that the Star had a way of exploiting peoples weaknesses.

Its ironic that the source of the plague is the one place youre most protected from it, Nil said.

Did you know about this, Nil?

No, I didnt. However, this wouldnt be the first time something of the sort has happened. Not to this level, but Youve seen the metalins? They are a fairly recent creation.

Theyre nothing like this

Depends on the point of view. They are a means to seal an awakened on a whim. Some consider that the same as death. In quite a few instances, it actually is. Remember, it takes a lot more strength to go on after losing something youre always had.

Dallion didnt fully agree, but he saw the echos point of view.

Have you come to help? a dryad asked.

No, were just passing through then heading on north.

No one goes north.

Why, whats up there? Dallion felt hopeful. If it was a taboo area, there was a chance that a guardian was keeping it.

No one has for generations. The scrolls say that there was a time when the worthy went there for the chance to receive the headless crown. That was before the plague. No one is worthy now. And even if they were needed here to take care of the non-awakened.

That had to be the twi-crown. With luck, it was going to have its gems intact. If so, this whole banishment wouldnt be a complete waste of time.

We arent from this realm, Dallion said. Were on a pilgrimage to the temple where the crown is kept. We only intended to pass through here to get some food and rest before we go on. Do you have any?

Balloons of hesitation formed within the dyads.

Food no, one responded. But you can have some rest, provided you dont approach the towers.

That would be great.

Whats happening? Eury whispered.

Theyve agreed to let us rest here before we continue. They wont give us food, though. The only condition is that we dont get near the towers.


The original plague isnt what we thought. It was used to kill off the non-awakened, while the rest were unaffected. The towers might well be all thats left of the non-awakened dryads of the realm.

You believed them? The gorgons snakes stirred. They didnt seem to be lying. Why? Worried about something?

Theyre far too calm. We have the strength to finish them off right now, and they dont seem to care.

What do you expect them to do? Dallion wondered. I dont see anyone higher than a thirty.

Theres nothing they could do, but they should still be afraid. Its as if they believe theres something protecting them. The gorgons snakes stirred. They are convinced of it.

If there was, wouldnt it have made its move by now?

No. Itll try to separate us first, then take us one by one. Its what I would have done when faced with two powerful invaders.

Dallion nodded. As much as he wanted to think of this place as an idyllic paradise gone wrong, he feared that Eury might be right.

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