Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 539: Compass of Fate (6)

[They might not support the revolutionists, but they dream of gaining independence from the party. Also, most of the Hunters subjected to discrimination have gone back to their hometowns and are trying to liberate their hometown from the party’s rule. If all of those things are taken into consideration, then it is safe to assume that the Freedom Revolutionists are standing on equal footing with the government. In other words, the government is in a very precarious spot right now.]

‘I see. I know I’m the one who planted the seeds, but that’s quite the problematic situation…’

[No, you are wrong.]


[You did not cause this situation. They brought this upon themselves. The situation would not have gone this bad if they had requested your help from the start to subjugate Qin Shi Huang.]

‘Haha! Yeah, I know. That’s not what I meant, so don’t mind it.’


Han-Yeol found Karvis to be quite sensitive about strange things.

Anyway, so the bottom line is, they need my help, right?’

[Yes, the Freedom Revolutionists are rebels, so they are only fighting against the government, but the government has to deal with the numerous rebel organizations scattered across the country.]

Karvis went straight to the point. She might have looked like an oddball at times due to Han-Yeol’s influence, but she was actually very sharp and quick with her calculations.

“Hey,” Han-Yeol called out.

“Y-Yes, Han-Yeol-nim!”

“Why do I have to help you?”

“T-That is…”

The translator struggled with answering Han-Yeol’s question. He had been instructed to request help and agree to whatever demands were made, but he had no idea what else to say. In other words, he was not a decision-maker regarding the matter, so there was no way he could answer Han-Yeol’s question.

“The Chinese government has stabbed me in the back numerous times, and they acted all arrogant with me thinking they could rely on the HUN and the hyenas,” Han-Yeol said while glaring at the translator.

“T-That is…!”

The translator was merely an ordinary person, so it was impossible for him to withstand the sheer pressure Han-Yeol was emitting from his glare alone. He tried to stand his ground and withstand the pressure, but he ended up soiling his pants just a minute later.

Hahaha! I didn’t expect someone representing China to piss his pants! What a sight this is!” Han-Yeol exclaimed, bursting into laughter.


The Gurkhas did not laugh like Han-Yeol, but they were definitely snickering while looking away.

On the other hand, the translator was still shuddering in fear after pissing his pants.

‘W-What’s going on?’

The officials were baffled by Han-Yeol laughter and their translator shuddering from fear, but their questions were answered the moment a hot yellow liquid flowed past them.




The officials tried to stay in place even after the urine flowed past them, but they soon gave up and hurriedly scurried back the moment the urine touched their hands.

Then, they shot deathly glares at the translator.

What is the meaning of this?!’

‘Did something go wrong?’

They had no idea what was going on as their translator was not in the condition to speak, leaving them to look back and forth between Han-Yeol and the translator.

I’ll leave the rest to you, Mariam.’

[Certainly, Han-Yeol-nim.]


Mariam took a deep breath.



Han-Yeol called Mariam after hearing that the Chinese officials were there and he already told her what to do once he gave the signal, which she did.

Mariam cranked up her telepathic skills to the max and directly screamed into the minds of the officials. She made sure none of them would get severely injured from it, but the sheer force of her telepathic powers was more than enough to convey what Han-Yeol wanted.

The Chinese officials had already been overpowered by Han-Yeol’s charisma, so Mariam’s voice in their heads served as the final trigger. They shot up to their feet and scurried away, fearing for their lives.

‘Haha! Serves them right!’

[I agree.]

Han-Yeol and Karvis were satisfied with the result.

Thanks, Mariam.’

[You do not have to thank me for something like this, but it was my pleasure, Han-Yeol-nim.]

‘Hmm? Are you feeling shy?’

[N-No I’m not!]

‘Hehe, how timid of you.’


Mariam wanted to say something, but Han-Yeol one-sidedly disconnected their telepathic connection. This was one of the few ways he could rebel against her constant nagging, and it effectively struck a chord in her.


“Hmm… Albert.” ƒгeeweɓn૦vel.com

“Yes, Han-Yeol-nim?”

They might be at the training ground, but Albert always followed Han-Yeol around at all times as long as they were within the mansion grounds.

“How do you feel?” Han-Yeol asked.

Albert’s condition seemed to have deteriorated recently, and the only reason he was hanging on was thanks to Han-Yeol frequently using Restore on him.

“I am fine, so please do not worry about me. I will only collapse the day I finally see you fulfill your great ambition.”

“What are you talking about? You can still live for another decade!”

Hoho! Thank you for your kind words.”

“Oh right, that’s not what I wanted to talk about. Have you heard of the Freedom Revolutionists in China?”

“Yes, I have heard of them from the news.”

Albert had been keeping tabs on everything happening in the world so he could better serve Han-Yeol whenever he was needed, so he knew quite a lot of things about the Freedom Revolutionists.

“Tell Jason to spare no expenses in supporting them.”

“Pardon me, sir?”

Han-Yeol’s sudden command caught Albert off guard. He could not understand his intentions behind the command.

“Do you have to go that far?” Albert asked.

“Hmm… Well, I don’t really have to, as they will probably fight well without my help. But they’re still up against the mighty Chinese government, and who knows what tricks the government has up their sleeves? I have no idea what tricks they have, but one thing I know is that the Chinese government harbors resentment toward me. Who knows what they will to do while I’m away?”

“Ah, then you mean…?”

“I want the Freedom Revolutionists to keep the Chinese government occupied while I’m away. It’s even better if the government gets toppled before I get back too.”

“Yes, I understand what you mean. I will tell Jason to proceed accordingly.”

“Thanks, Albert.”

“Then, I will take my leave for now.”

Han-Yeol started making preparations to depart for the Bastro Dimension.

“Hey, Sahas.”

“Yes, sir!”

“I’ll leave my father in your care, okay?”

“Yes, sir! Please leave it to me!”

Pat! Pat!

Han-Yeol patted Sahas’ shoulder twice. It might seem like a normal gesture, but that was more than enough to show how much trust he was placing in him.

Sahas, too, felt proud after Han-Yeol patted him, as Han-Yeol was not simply an employer but the savior who rescued his motherland from the jaws of destruction.

“Then, work hard.”

“Yes, sir. I wish you a pleasant day.”

Haha! My day’s always pleasant,” Han-Yeol said with a laugh before suddenly disappearing from sight.


A-Amazing…’ Sahas thought. He had seen Han-Yeol use the spatial movement trick numerous times, yet he still could not get used to it. He started wishing he could have a similar skill, as being so mobile seemed so convenient.

A-Ah! This isn’t the time to be daydreaming! I shouldn’t get cocky just because I’m now a Master-Rank Hunter! I need to work harder!’ Sahas exclaimed inwardly.

The Gurkhas knew what the experts said about Hunters not growing stronger than the potential they awakened with, but they did not believe that theory. They believed that nothing was impossible for Han-Yeol and that everything was possible with his name.

Sahas was living proof of their beliefs.

“If a god really existed in this world, then that god is probably Han-Yeol-nim…” Sahas muttered.

Of course, Han-Yeol would most likely be shocked out of his wits if he heard him say that.


Han-Yeol made full preparations and covered all bases before departing for the Bastro Dimension. He had no idea how long his stay would be, so he made sure to be as thorough as possible.

A long time had passed since he had been so diligent, as it was quite rare for him to be so active unless it was a fight.

Time passed and his preparations were coming to an end.

“Do you really have to go, Han-Yeol?”

The last thing on Han-Yeol’s to-do list was to say goodbye to his father before leaving. They had spent a lot of time together with him recently, but not saying goodbye before going on a long journey was not something a filial son would do.

His father was aware that Han-Yeol was the world’s strongest Hunter, and he would brag about him whenever he met up with his friends for drinks, causing them to be extremely jealous of him.

However, just because his son was the most powerful Hunter in the world did not mean he should not worry about it. In his eyes, Han-Yeol was still his little boy, which was the one thing that would never change.

Tsk… What can I do when your son is the world’s only hope?” Han-Yeol replied cheekily.

“But do you have to go to another dimension? You’re already doing well in our world… I can’t help but be worried thinking you’re somewhere far away.”

“Father…” Han-Yeol said in a trembling voice before giving his father a hug. Then, he explained, “Earth will be in danger too if I do not go. I am going to protect everything precious to me.”

Sigh… Alright… I know you’ve explained this a hundred times, but I can’t help but be worried.”

Haha! No need to be so worried,” Han-Yeol replied with a laugh. Then, he looked at the beautiful woman beside his father and said, “Oh, right. Mother.”

“M-Mother…? W-What do you mean by that, Han-Yeol-nim?”

“I will be upset if you call my name with a -nim at the end, Mother.”


The woman was forced to shut up at Han-Yeol’s threat, which was not really a threat. She was currently in a situationship that was not a situationship but more like a relationship that was not a relationship with his father.

Their relationship had not been labeled yet, but she and his father had been spending quite a lot of time together.

Han-Yeol could obviously tell that both of them had romantic feelings for each other, so he decided to just treat her like his stepmother.

“I will leave my father in your care.”

“A-Alright, please take care of yourself too… Han-Yeol.”


Han-Yeol made sure to smile brightly to lessen his father’s worries.

“Please do not worry about me. I will come looking even better than when I left!”

Han-Yeol’s time with his family came to an end, and he bid goodbye to Alfred before heading over to the storage shed he built to open his portals.

“You are late, Han-Yeol-nim.”

Hahaha… My bad, sorry.”

He was greeted by Stewart and his nagging.


Hoho! Are we finally going over there?”

Mavros and Tia greeted him too.

“Yeah, are you ready, Tia?”

“I’m more than ready.”


Han-Yeol took out the dimensional stone he had turned into a necklace and opened the portal.


A portal emerged in midair.

Phew… Let’s go!”

Hoho~ As you wish~”



“No need to be nervous, human.”

[The Great One has spoken!]

[I shall follow the Great One’s commands!]

Noras and the sorcerers were the last to respond, completing the party Han-Yeol was bringing with him.

[T-They are quite the rowdy bunch…]

[This is Han-Yeol’s charm, I guess.]


Tayarana and Mariam shook their heads at the ruckus coming from Han-Yeol’s family, but the princess found this to be one of Han-Yeol’s redeeming qualities.

Mariam could not understand what was so charming, but Han-Yeol’s family, Tayarana, and Mariam walked into the dimensional gate leading to the Bastro dimension.

There was no telling what kind of danger awaited them in the future, but one thing was certain.

If this expedition failed, not only would the Bastro Dimension meet its demise, but Earth would also be in danger.

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