The one observing Han-Yeol was none other than the one who recently managed to polymorph after awakening, White Dragon.

‘Just what in the world are you, human?’

The hyena sorcerers might not have noticed the change and were fighting against Han-Yeol head-on, but it was different for White Dragon.

Most creatures were considered three-dimensional, which meant that they existed in reality but in different dimensions, just like the humans and the Bastrolings. However, dragons were considered four-dimensional creatures, as they were an existence closer to the gods.

Thus, she could see things that were happening on this plane that three-dimensional creatures would not be able to see. And that was how she clearly saw everything that happened to Han-Yeol just now.

How…? How can he have contact with a being who existed since the beginning?’

Darkness was considered a one-dimensional existence, which was an existence that existed while not existing at the same time. The legend passed down among dragons was that a one-dimensional existence could only be met if that existence wished to do so, and even the mighty dragons could not force a meeting with them.

One, two, three, and four-dimensional existences were not in ascending or descending order based on their strength. Although, it was clear that a four-dimensional existence was stronger than a three-dimensional one.

Nevertheless, White Dragon could not believe that a mere human was capable of meeting with a being who existed since the very beginning.

Are you… a god in the form of a human…?’

She was so surprised by what was happening that she even started to think of something that made no sense at all, despite the fact that she was wiser than any other creature on Earth.

That was how absurd Han-Yeol’s circumstance was.

Meanwhile, Han-Yeol looked bored even though all of the corrupted creatures were attacking him simultaneously from all sides.

This is too easy…’ he thought. Then, another thought suddenly popped up in his head. ‘Hold on… But why?’

These corrupted creatures were not that strong even before, but they were not weak to the point that he felt bored. Why did he suddenly feel bored then?

Is it because of my new Darkness stat and Demonic Aura leveling up?’

He had gained so many things at once that he could not really pinpoint the cause.

Well, what’s important is that I'm much stronger.’


Han-Yeol swung one hand, sending forth a wave of black aura that ripped the corrupted creatures to shreds.

Chwak! Chwak! Chwak!


The youngest hyena sorcerer was shocked after seeing his corrupted creatures shredded to pieces in the blink of an eye.

The corrupted creatures indeed possessed extremely fast regeneration but they still needed a short moment to regenerate, and the other corrupted creatures were supposed to buy them the time needed.

The strategy seemed foolproof at a glance, but even this seemingly invincible strategy had one crucial weakness. The hyena sorcerers would be left exposed the moment all of the corrupted creatures were incapacitated at the same time, and that split-second window could prove fatal to them.

I guess it’s time to end this.’

Han-Yeol initially planned to test out his light attribute against them, which was the very reason why he used Light from the start.

However, the situation was different now. He wanted to end this battle even a second earlier, as he wanted to study the new mana of darkness swirling throughout his body.

“Hey, let’s end this already, you stinky dog heads,” Han-Yeol said.

[Look at this arrogant human! Do you really think you can win against us just with this? Don’t be mistaken! You will never win!]


The youngest hyena sorcerer slammed his palm on the ground and infused his mana into the ground.

[Corruption Field!]


The surroundings became tainted with the corruption mana the moment the youngest hyena sorcerer used his skill.

[Oh? It seems he finally completed that spell, elder brother.]


[And I think he’s really pissed off judging by how he’s using that ultimate skill on a mere human.]

[I think so too.]

The two brothers had no sense of urgency even though they witnessed the corrupted creatures getting ripped to shreds in an instant. They believed that even the most powerful human in this dimension could not win against them, as the humans were naturally inferior to them.

It could not be considered to be arrogance, as even the Master-Rank Hunters could not penetrate through the hyena sorcerers’ corruption mana.

The ground started to tremble the moment the Corruption Field was used, and the tremors grew stronger until it turned into a full-blown earthquake.

C-Crack… Crack…


Then, a horde of corrupted creatures broke through the ground and emerged.

Gwuuu Ooooh…!”


These corrupted creatures did not have an ounce of life in them, and their eyes looked emotionless.

Hmm? Isn’t this similar to a necromancer’s Necro Field skill?’ Han-Yeol thought as the skill piqued his interest.

There were no necromancers in South Korea, but a high-ranking necromancer in a certain small country was infamous for using a skill called Necro Field.

Han-Yeol found it amusing that the hyena sorcerers used an identical skill with a Hunter on Earth.

“That’s not going to change anything. This fight is over,” he said with a shrug.


There were hundreds–no, nearly a thousand of corrupted creatures that emerged from the ground, and every single one of them overflowed with corruption mana. They simultaneously shrieked and lunged at Han-Yeol with absolute ferociousness.

Anyone would have felt overwhelmed by the sheer pressure the swarm of corrupted creatures emitted, but Han-Yeol did not bat an eye. No, his eyes looked devoid of any excitement or emotions.

That soon changed as a smirk appeared on his face.

What?! He’s smiling?!’

The youngest hyena sorcerer gnashed his teeth and his anger flared after he saw the smirk on Han-Yeol’s face. He knew that smirk was directed at him, and this inferior human was looking down on him.

[I’m going to kill you! You dare look down on me?! You inferior creature!]

The youngest hyena sorcerer easily fell for Han-Yeol’s provocation, which was unlike a hyena sorcerer, and commanded the corrupted creatures to kill him as painfully as possible even though their direct orders were to capture him alive.

[That fool!]

[He’s at it again!]

The other two hyena sorcerers tried to stop him, but they could not stop him, as their youngest brother was the most powerful one among them.

[Damn it!]

The eldest brother knew they would be in big trouble if the human died when they received direct orders to capture him alive. He was already trying to think of a way they could escape punishment.

Damn it! I’m not sure if they will accept it if we claim the human was stronger than we thought and we had no choice but to kill him!’


Meanwhile, tattoos appeared on Han-Yeol’s face just like when he activated his blood attribute skills, but the color was different this time. The tattoos were a purplish-black color, unlike the crimson-red one that usually appeared.

Then, he emitted the same dark purple colored aura.

Darkness Avenger!’

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The purple aura surrounding him suddenly materialized into dark purple warriors after he used one of his newly acquired skills.

But that was not the end of it.

The dark purple warriors unleashed a powerful wave of mana before attacking the corrupted creatures attacking Han-Yeol.


The dark purple warriors one-sidedly defeated the corrupted creatures made from rotting corpses.


The scary part was that more and more dark purple warriors–rather, Darkness Avengers popped out as long as Han-Yeol continued channeling his skill.

[Your cheap tricks won’t work on me!]

Chwak! Woooong!

The youngest hyena sorcerer was flustered for a few seconds at the strange skill Han-Yeol used, but he regained his composure almost immediately. He spread out his hands and infused even more mana into the ground.



A corrupted creature that seemed far stronger than any of the others summoned so far appeared. Its sheer size made it worthy of being called a behemoth, and its entire body was made up of repulsive squirming larvae of some sort.

The Behemoth stood towering over the Darkness Avengers.

“Oh? You look like you’ll be fun,” Han-Yeol said smugly under his breath.


[Sure! Why don’t you have fun–in the afterlife!]

The youngest hyena sorcerer’s sharp sense of hearing picked up what Han-Yeol said, further infuriating him in the process.

[Let’s see how long you can keep that up, you inferior creature!]



The Behemoth swung its gigantic arms at Han-Yeol the moment the youngest hyena sorcerer gave the command. The Darkness Avengers attacked it, but it completely ignored all of them and only focused on its main target.

The Behemoth’s gigantic hand coming down on Han-Yeol looked like a human trying to swat an insect, which was probably not the best depiction of a life-and-death battle, but that was the best way to describe the sheer size of the Behemoth’s hand.

Hahaha! Bring it on! Darkness Form!”


Han-Yeol used another skill he obtained, Darkness Form, and the dark purple aura surrounding him was absorbed into his body, changing his appearance into something similar to the Darkness Avengers.

If Darkness Avenger was a skill that materialized his mana into warriors capable of dealing damage against enemies, then Darkness Form transformed Han-Yeol’s appearance into that of a demon.

This skill was not only for aesthetic purposes. It was a transformation skill that increased his stats by several folds and made him much more powerful.


The Behemoth’s palm slammed into Han-Yeol.


The Behemoth tilted its head in confusion instead of rejoicing for some reason.

[W-What’s wrong?] the youngest hyena sorcerer asked while squinting his eyes. He could not see what was happening due to the cloud of dust kicked up by the wind pressure caused by the gigantic hand slamming into the ground.

He focused his senses to scan within the cloud of dust for mana, and he could feel Han-Yeol’s presence from within it.

[H-He emerged unscathed from that?]

To his surprise, Han-Yeol was still standing and did not seem to have suffered any damage.


Han-Yeol conjured a gust of wind to sweep away the cloud of dust.


The youngest hyena sorcerer growled after the cloud of dust cleared. The reason was that Han-Yeol was holding the Behemoth’s gigantic hand with only one hand, which was completely unbelievable when taking into account that the gigantic hand was at least one thousand times larger than his puny hand.

“It’s my turn now, right?” Han-Yeol asked with a very smug smirk.

[Y-You dare!]

The youngest hyena sorcerer tried to stop him but—

Thud… Whoosh!


—There was no way he could stop him when the corrupted creatures could not do anything against him. The strongest weapon the hyena sorcerers heavily relied on were their corrupted soldiers, but they were basically defenseless once their corrupted soldiers failed to work on their enemies.

[Corruption Gas!]


The youngest hyena sorcerer desperately attempted to keep Han-Yeol back by spewing a cloud of noxious gas, but there was no way these kinds of cheap tricks would work.


Han-Yeol did not even have to use a skill to protect himself from the cloud of noxious gas.

Whoosh! Bam!

Han-Yeol jumped up and manhandled the Behemoth, which was more than one thousand times his size. He grabbed its arm and twisted it in a grotesque angle before twisting it even further until it started crying out in agony.

“Hey, I’m just getting started, you know?”

Chwak! Chwak!

Grr… uuuwoooo!”

Han-Yeol could have easily killed the Behemoth in a single strike with his newfound powers yet he toyed with it first, inflicting as much pain as he possibly could.


The reason he did so instead of finishing off the Behemoth quickly was that there was one thing he had learned in his life as Harkan.


It was the fact that these kinds of gigantic corrupted creatures were almost always linked to the hyena sorcerer who summoned them. In other words, they shared senses, especially pain.

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