Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 355 – Japan Sinking? (4)

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Chapter 355 – Japan Sinking? (4)

The Demon Merchant's incessant laughter appeared habitual, persisting despite the lack of humor.

‘Yes, you're right,’ Han-Yeol replied.

His vulnerability laid bare to a greedy merchant like Dellchant was far from ideal, yet he had no choice but to acknowledge it, considering the severe repercussions of deceiving a demon.

[Kihihihihi!] Dellchant continued to snicker.

‘So, do you have something?’

Dellchant grimaced, feigning contemplation, though it was evident he was merely putting on a show. [Hmm... It'll be challenging, but I'll do my best to source them for you.]

‘How long will it take?’

[Kihihihi! It won't take too long. It's a bit tricky to procure, but not impossible for me. However, be prepared to pay me handsomely for my efforts.]

‘I am prepared...’

[Kihihihihi! Then I'll procure them as swiftly as possible!]


Dellchant vanished in a cloud of black smoke.

‘Haa... I hope he doesn't quote an absurd figure,’ Han-Yeol thought with a sigh.

He maximized his time training and relaxing while awaiting the Demon Merchant's return.

Meanwhile, Japan, one of the five global powerhouses, teetered on the edge of collapse due to a single monster, mirroring the events depicted in the movie 'Sinking of Japan.' The Japanese Government struggled to halt Craspio, but the cunning creature systematically destroyed hunting grounds before advancing.

Craspio's powerful assaults shattered the robust barriers enclosing the hunting grounds, liberating the trapped monsters. Upon escape, they mercilessly slaughtered humans who had yet to evacuate the southern and western regions, foretelling an inevitable massacre.



Bam! Bam!


“S-Somebody help!”

If there was a hell on earth, this was likely it. Those who refused to abandon their hometowns or deemed leaving futile, finding no hope, were mercilessly slaughtered by the horde of monsters.

The Yakuza, skeptical of Japan's downfall, capitalized on the chaos and lack of policing to seize control of the cities. However, they were swiftly overwhelmed by the horde of monsters, rendered powerless as ordinary individuals against such adversaries.

Bang! Click... Clack! Bang! Click... Black!



A Yakuza attempted to defend himself with a shotgun against an alien-like monster, but the shells failed to breach the creature's hide, blocked by an invisible barrier. The only outcome of his shotgun fire was drawing the monster's attention.



He tossed his shotgun and fled for his life.


"Rescue the Japanese civilians!"

"Help them!"

Japan employed a highly effective strategy, knowing that Koreans were susceptible to displays of emotion, especially tears. Kneeling in front of the camera and pleading for forgiveness worked wonders. Rather than pursuing closed-door political discussions, Japan opted for this approach due to South Korea's near governmental collapse.

The repercussions of meddling with Han-Yeol had hit hard. The president's impeachment had been passed by Congress, leaving someone temporarily in charge until a new president could be elected. Japan capitalized on this situation, believing that appealing directly to the masses would be the most effective strategy. Minister Ichiro's pleas resonated deeply, not only stirring Korean citizens but also eliciting demands for help to be extended to Japan from the international community.

Their strategic maneuver paid off exceptionally well. Japan managed to maintain its dignity while securing aid from the international community simultaneously.

Consequently, a congressional decision approved an operation to aid the evacuation of Japanese citizens. The government initiated the formation of a special task force team designated to be sent to Japan.


Han-Yeol's days remained tranquil, a stark contrast to the chaotic events unfolding worldwide.




An abrupt explosion disrupted Han-Yeol's relaxation on his hammock, heralding Dellchant's appearance.

Dellchant, an intermediate-ranking demon traversing dimensions to sell his wares, didn't require Han-Yeol's permission to manifest. Well, not without a price, but such encounters were possible nonetheless.

[Long time no see, human! Kihihihi!]

‘Huh? I don't think it's been that long?’

[Ah, really? Kihihihi!]

Han-Yeol's demeanor didn't match Dellchant's energy, but the demon appeared unfazed.

‘So, did you manage to procure a sword and chain?’

[Yes! Yes, I did! Kihihihi!]


Badump! Badump! Badump! Badump!

Han-Yeol's heart raced with excitement at the prospect of a new weapon. For a warrior, there was scarcely anything more thrilling.



Dellchant unloaded a sizable sack from his back, retrieving the chain and sword. As expected, the weapons bore the telltale mark of demon procurement, exuding a sinister aura and a dark hue.

While the ominous aura made Han-Yeol slightly uneasy, he brushed it off. After all, it would be absurd to be sensitive about such things when he routinely summoned demons to fight alongside him, right?

‘Those are...?’

[Kihihihi! You have no idea the troubles I went through to procure these! It's been so long since I worked this hard to get something! Kihihi!]

‘Ugh...’ Han-Yeol grimaced, groaning internally.

He knew Dellchant's dramatics were setting the stage for inflated prices. The Demon Merchant was notorious for overcharging, and the theatrics preceding the revelation of the price gave Han-Yeol a colossal headache.

‘Just how expensive is it going to be... I wonder how much he's going to charge...’

Unfortunately, Han-Yeol currently needed Dellchant's goods, leaving him no choice but to pay whatever exorbitant price the Demon Merchant demanded.

1. Also known as Sengoku Jidai period ?

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