Level Up Legacy

Chapter 1142 Mass Release (3/3): Meeting Seref

"It was either this or killing him," said Arthur as he shot Yuvan a glance, but the man did not even notice his existence. "Although he did it in twisted ways and for twisted reasons, he was the reason I managed to master wrath."

"Heroes and villains usually have the same backstory, but everything depends on how those stories change them," said Ilia with sadness as he stared at his brother. "I might be the reason that Yuvan turned this way."Please visit https://novel-next.com website to read fastest update

"Many faced similar circumstances if not worse, but that doesn't excuse their actions," said Arthur as he stared at Ilia. "I can sense his dwindling lifeforce, telling me that he doesn't have much time left. You can bury him and meet us again on the second floor."

Arthur turned to leave, and Dorian nodded toward Ilia in greeting before following after him. As they walked a few steps away from the camp, Yuvan muttered something.


Arthur halted his steps and turned to look at the puppeteer, who was tilting his head in his direction. The hollow and lifeless eyes looked in his direction but did not focus on him.

"How are we… different?" asked Yuvan Perli as he grunted to let the words out. Arthur stared at him for a few seconds without answering. This prompted the puppeteer to push further. "We both want to see the world burn."

"I never had such desires, Yuvan," said Arthur as he looked into the man's soul. "We were never similar because your desires aligned with the gods, who sought the destruction of the lower worlds. My wrath might have resonated with your motives, but we never had the same goal."

"I envy you, who still have so much to live for, while I have none," said Yuvan as he turned back toward the sky. "I lived in a hell of my own creation. This… sucks."

"It sure does," said Arthur before turning and walking away, followed by Dorian. Ilia rose from his chair and sat beside Yuvan before splitting the stolen chicken in two. Even in his final moments as a criminal, Yuvan had an older brother who took care of him. 

Once the two of them were far away and heading toward the second floor, Dorian gathered the courage to ask Arthur what Yuvan did. Arthur told him the truth, and it made Dorian silent. This prompted Arthur to ask him about his thoughts.

"Even after hearing how terrible that man is, I still feel like he did us one giant favor in bringing you here," said Dorian while looking at the ground. "I feel like an asshole for saying this about a man who killed so many."

"One man's fortune is another's misfortune," said Arthur as he patted Dorian on the back. "Your feelings are not malicious, but realistic. Rather than that, I feel like I have not been the savior for this tower, but a bringer of chaos."

"As all heroes do," said Jizo as he walked toward Arthur and stopped before him. Runes floated around as the man cupped his hands together. "Ragnar died in the Rise of Demons, a rebellion against Devaheim. Although he was powerful, the gods were many. Furthermore, Ragnar was betrayed by his own followers because of his ambitions."

"His ambitions?"

"He wanted to rid the world of mana and turn everyone into commoners without any strength," said Jizo with sadness. "Ragnar believed that strength was the source of all evil, and he wanted the world to live in peace. However, no one was as benevolent to forsake their powers."

"A world without mana?" muttered Arthur with surprise. After all, such a notion was absurd because there would still be monsters that humans needed to fend against. "I fear that Ragnar did not anticipate the rise of technology."

"What do you mean?"

"Earth has two sources of power, either mana or technology," said Arthur with a sigh. "If power was not obtained through mana, it would be obtained through technology and military weapons."

"Humans will always seek strength in whatever form," said Jizo with a frown as he stared at the ground. "I don't know if Ragnar knew such a possibility, but he believed it would always be better than a world ruled by gods."

"I share that same sentiment," said Arthur with a smile as he looked at the blade. "At first, I was hesitant about using a blade that was planted in my hands. But now, I thank you for gifting me this blade, Jizo. In so many ways, I have been indebted to you."

"I brought nothing but misery to a lot of people, you included," said the guardian with a shake of his head. "I know about your discord with your father. He is still within the tower, if you ever wished to meet him. Do you want to know his whereabouts?"

"I sensed his presence before the end of the Eternal War, but I'm far from interested in knowing what plans he has," said Arthur with a shrug before he turned to leave. "If I see him now, I would kill him."

"You can, but do you want to do that?" asked Jizo as he looked at the departing man. "This might be the only chance you get to understand his mindset, although I don't understand it myself."

Arthur took a few steps before stopping, and then he turned toward the guardian and nodded. Seeing his expression, Jizo fiddled with his controls and created a portal before Arthur, leading him straight to Seref.

Before he walked through the gate, Arthur stopped. He tried to decide what he wanted from his father after everything he did. But no matter the reason, Arthur could not find any mercy in his heart to forgive the bastard.

Then, with a heart boiling with wrath, Arthur walked through the portal. As the world of runes disappeared, it was replaced with a serene pond in the middle of the forest. Beside the pond was a small campfire, where two figures appeared.

As soon as Arthur appeared, the two figures turned toward him. Arthur recognized one of them as the Bookkeeper of the Spirits Realm, and the other was none other than his father, Seref.

"We meet again, Seref," said Arthur as he stepped a few paces away. Seref looked at him from beneath the hood with the same green eyes, inquisitive and far from defeated. 

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