Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1725 - 5 Nihility Sword Aura

Chapter 1725 Nihility Sword Aura

The sword beam collided with the Rainbow Divine Light, but it didn’t produce any sound. The two forces intertwined strangely like two ropes.

The woman stood at the foot of the mountain as the phoenix soared halfway up the mountain. The tug-of-war seemed to be in a stalemate.

It didn’t seem like a tense situation, but it was actually a dire situation that could throw one into complete danger at any moment.

When two forces intertwined, any force that was slightly weaker would immediately suffer the backlash from both forces. Therefore, they could only constantly squeeze out whatever was left of their strength to resist the other party to the end, not daring to relax at all.

“The phoenix is already under my control. Kill it,” the woman suddenly said indifferently to Wang Mingyuan as she fought the phoenix.

Wang Mingyuan frowned slightly. For the woman to make him take action now, it could be said that she was scheming.

If she was powerless to kill the phoenix and needed Wang Mingyuan to determine victory, it would be the best opportunity to kill her if Wang Mingyuan were to turn against her.

However, on the other hand, this might also be a test for Wang Mingyuan.

However, who could guarantee that she didn’t really have any strength left? If Wang Mingyuan really had ulterior motives, he would probably miss a great opportunity.

If it were anyone else, they might have hesitated, but Wang Mingyuan didn’t hesitate at all. He used his palm as a blade and condensed an ice-like blade beam that slashed at the phoenix in midair.

The phoenix was unable to dodge due to the woman’s restraints. When the blade beam slashed at its body, it was like a sharp blade slicing through flesh. It was split into two.

The Rainbow Divine Light dissipated as the phoenix’s body exploded in all directions. However, in the next second, the scattered rainbow streams gathered together again and instantly transformed back into the phoenix.

The phoenix spread its wings as the rainbow feathers on its body emitted divine light. Like a rainbow sun, the light radiated in all directions.

Wang Mingyuan quickly retreated like a ghost, but his speed wasn’t as fast as the Rainbow Divine Light. Seeing that he was about to be injured by it, he had no choice but to condense the power of ice and lightning to resist it.

However, the moment the light of ice and lightning touched the Rainbow Divine Light, it immediately disintegrated. It couldn’t even resist for a moment.

Wang Mingyuan had already tried his best to retreat, but he couldn’t escape the brilliance of the Rainbow Divine Light. The armor on his body instantly melted as though it wasn’t hard armor but snow.

The snow-white skin and muscles beneath the armor melted the moment they came into contact with the Rainbow Divine Light. In the blink of an eye, white bones could be seen.

Just as Wang Mingyuan’s body was about to be completely enveloped by the Rainbow Divine Light, an invisible force seemed to separate his body from it, forming a clear barrier.

The woman emitted infinite sword beams. The invisible and colorless sword beams were so dense that even a needle tip couldn’t pierce them. They forcefully blocked the Rainbow Divine Light.

“The Yin-Yang Rainbow Divine Light can disintegrate many things, but my Nihility Sword Aura isn’t one of them,” the woman said indifferently.

“Immortal Supremacy is indeed extraordinary.” Wang Mingyuan looked down at his chest. His flesh had already melted, revealing his sternum. He could even see the beating heart inside.

“Don’t worry about anything and focus on treating your injuries,” the woman said before ignoring Wang Mingyuan. She stared at the phoenix as the sword intent on her body became increasingly ethereal.

The Nihility Sword Aura resisted the Yin Yang Rainbow Divine Light and gradually gained the upper hand. The invisible and colorless sword beams forcefully restrained the Rainbow Divine Light. The phoenix let out a cry as the Rainbow Divine Light became brighter, but it was difficult to redeem the situation.

“It’s ultimately not the phoenix from the beginning of the chaos.” The woman sighed and took a step forward. Thousands of sword beams tore through the Rainbow Divine Light and instantly penetrated the phoenix’s body.

The phoenix’s colorful body was instantly diced into specks, but in the next second, the specks of light coalesced into the phoenix’s body again.

As though it knew how powerful the woman was, the phoenix let out a long cry and flew back to the top of the mountain.

“Let’s go. Let’s go up the mountain to take a look at that immortal sword.” The woman didn’t chase after the phoenix. She turned to look at Wang Mingyuan and saw that the wound on his chest hadn’t healed. Wang Mingyuan’s healing powers didn’t seem to be of any use against the injury.

There was a faint rainbow glow around the wound, preventing the regeneration and healing of the flesh.

The woman waved her hand and slashed at Wang Mingyuan with an invisible sword beam.

Wang Mingyuan remained motionless as he allowed the invisible sword beam to slash at him. The sword beam sliced through his injuries again as more blood flowed out.

“Why didn’t you dodge?” the woman asked Wang Mingyuan.

“I’m nobody. If you want me dead, there’s no need to wait until now,” Wang Mingyuan said as he used his healing powers again. This time, his flesh quickly regenerated and the wound healed in a moment.

“That’s right.” With that said, the woman turned around and walked towards the top of the mountain.

Wang Mingyuan followed behind the woman as the two of them headed for the mountaintop.

The phoenix could fly freely on the mountain, but the woman and Wang Mingyuan could only walk up the mountain. Even a powerful existence like the woman couldn’t fly freely on this strange mountain like the phoenix.

Without the phoenix’s obstruction, the two of them quickly arrived at the mountaintop.

There was a grass patch on the mountaintop. In the middle of the lawn stood a stone monument which had a sword completely embedded in it, leaving only its hilt visible.

“The appearance of the sword spells doom for the world, even mighty immortals shall meet peril.” The woman looked at the stone monument and slowly read the words on it. Her expression darkened.

“I wonder which person carved these words. How arrogant,” Wang Mingyuan said.

“Not a person,” the woman said coldly.

“Not a person?” Wang Mingyuan looked at the woman in puzzlement.

The woman didn’t answer this time. With a wave of her hand, the Nihility Sword Aura slashed at the stone monument with the immortal sword embedded in it.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

When the sword beam slashed at the stone monument, one could hear the sound of a blade snapping. The stone monument was completely unharmed. The powerful Nihility Sword Aura that could break through the Rainbow Divine Light failed to leave any marks on the stone monument.

The woman was slightly taken aback as she looked at the stone monument with a frown and muttered quietly, “Do you have so much hate? Even in death, you still insist on being enemies with the Immortals?”

After staring at it for a while, the woman slowly walked towards the stone monument. She stood in front of it and reached out to grab the hilt of the sword. She muttered again, “So what if you have resentment? You are ultimately a part of it. How can you say something like vanquishing the world and immortals? It’s nothing but a joke.”

With that said, the woman used her strength in an attempt to pull the sword out of the stone monument.

As the woman’s infinite strength was injected into the hilt, the entire mountain seemed to tremble. However, the sword remained motionless. It didn’t even budge an inch.

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