Legend of Legends

Chapter 385 - Victory 3

Chapter 385: Victory 3

Junhyuk and Layla were capable of using the gorillas as stepping stones, and the gorillas were rushing at them. He knew that Gongon wouldn’t stop attacking them even if he raised his force field, so he told Layla, “We have to use our own efforts to get out of here.”

“I know.”

Layla understood the situation, and she dove forward. Both of them ran atop the gorillas. Meanwhile, Ebodia used her ultimate.

Dark energy flew from her fingertips and surrounded Gongon. He felt it, but the black magic was already tightening around him. Gongon’s eyes widened.

“This is...!?”

He wouldn’t be able to stop Junhyuk, and the gorillas wouldn’t be able to deal with him by themselves. Gongon grimaced, inhaled deeply and used his firebreath.

Ebodia could constrict people, but that was all. Everyone watched as the fire broke through the magic. Gongon hadn’t transformed, but Ebodia still lost half of her health. Junhyuk clicked his tongue and sped up.

Thuck, thuck, thuck, thuck, thuck!

Arrows struck Junhyuk’s back again, and he lost another 15 percent of his health. There were more archers on the castle wall than on top of the watchtowers, but no more than five archers attacked an enemy hero at once.

Junhyuk had already lost 30 percent of his health, and while running on the gorillas, he got attacked by them and lost an additional 7 percent.

In the current situation, minions were scarier than heroes for him. That was the reality of the battlefield, and Junhyuk clicked his tongue again and ran even faster. He had already used his teleportations, so he wanted to save the force field for the fight with Gongon.

Layla had also used her powers, so it wouldn’t be easy to fight against the hatchling.

Gongon stared a Junhyuk coming toward him, but the dragon was imprisoned. He couldn’t move an inch, so Junhyuk and Layla closed in on him, both attacking him.


Both of their regular attacks landed, but the imprisonment ran out. Gongon could move again, but that wasn’t the biggest issue. Both had lost too much health on their way there.

Gongon grew, and that’s when Junhyuk thought of something and shouted, “Dodge!”

However, Ebodia didn’t have a power to get her away. Gongon headbutted her right away.


Ebodia disappeared, and Junhyuk clicked his tongue and asked, “Layla, do you have any powers left?”

“Only my ultimate.”

Her ultimate’s damage had to be outstanding, but it wouldn’t be able to kill Gongon by itself. Junhyuk started moving without saying anything else.

Gongon stared at Junhyuk while he picked up the item dropped by Ebodia, smirking as he did.

“I didn’t know this would happen.”

Gongon ran toward him. The enlarged Gongon was difficult to deal with, and Junhyuk knew that. He had to accelerate to gain an advantage.

Gongon had seemed like he had been running toward Junhyuk, but he dodged Junhyuk’s attack and headed for Layla. She had her katana aimed at the hatchling. When Gongon got between Junhyuk and Layla, he balled up.


Junhyuk quickly raised the force field around himself, and Layla realized the situation. She tried to retreat, but Gongon was faster.

He transformed into a dragon and released fire everywhere. Huge flames headed toward Layla.

Up until now, Junhyuk had always had his force field up when Gongon triggered his ultimate, so he didn’t know, but the transformation dealt a lot of damage to those nearby.

Layla lost 35 percent of her health immediately. She had already lost 30 percent to the archers and another 5 to the gorillas.

It was possible for Gongon to kill her now, so Junhyuk dove toward the dragon, and the force field pushed him away. He covered Layla with the force field as well, and once she was inside, she slashed at Gongon.

She used her ultimate, and Gongon lost 25 percent of his health. Junhyuk also swung at the hatchling, but Gongon flew up in the air.

Junhyuk couldn’t chase after him.

Layla threw her sword at Gongon. The katana hit, but Gongon flew even higher to rest atop the castle. He was a dragon now and he smirked at them both.

“Do you know why I killed the mage first?”

From way up high, Gongon spewed fireballs in their direction.


Both heroes left Gongon’s range, but Layla turned to Junhyuk and said, “We can’t just wait here.”

Junhyuk nodded and replied, “There’s nothing we can do for now. Gongon only has that long range attack because he’s transformed. In the meantime, let’s kill the gorillas.”

Gongon knew him well, but Junhyuk knew a lot about the dragon as well.

So, Junhyuk and Layla killed the gorillas outside of Gongon’s range. Junhyuk was recovering his health with each kill, and the allied minions cheered as the gorillas died.

Gongon’s ultimate wore off, and the hatchling smacked his lips.

“Do you really want to win?”

“Time to finish this, Gon.”

Gongon was back to his regular self. He crossed his short arms in front of himself and watched. When all of the gorillas died, only the archers would be left.

The archers could attack the allies while they attacked the gate, but with the allied minions present, the castle would go down easily.

“The minions will help with the attack.”

After Gongon said that, he watched as Junhyuk and Layla decimated the gorillas. Gongon had no regrets. He simply distanced himself from the battle.”

Junhyuk watched as Gongon disappeared and shouted, “Destroy the gate! Advance!”

The minions started their attack. Junhyuk destroyed the gate and entered the castle. There, he saw Gongon with more enemy minions standing far away.

In total, there were 250 gorillas, two golems and Gongon.

Junhyuk smacked his lips. Each golem could fight as a hero, and soon, the enemy heroes would revive. However, only 150 allied minions remained. The brawl against the gorillas and the archers had taken a toll on them.

If Junhyuk and Layla hadn’t helped, the number of casualties would’ve been even greater.

Junhyuk looked at her and asked, “What do we do?”

Layla, looking serious, replied, “It won’t be easy. Can we finish it right now?”

Junhyuk nodded. It would be nice if the allies could kill the golems.

“Nothing we can do. Let’s attack. When the others revive, we won’t be able to.”

Layla nodded and shouted, “Attack!”

The allied minions gulped and ran forward, and that’s when a buff circle appeared underneath their feet.

Junhyuk knew that the allies had taken the buff tower, but it wouldn’t be enough.

“I’ll take the giant golem on the left.”

“Then, I’ll take the one on the right.”

Both went their way, and Gongon scowled. He knew he could only kill one of them, so he ran toward Layla.

Gongon thought she was easier to deal with than Junhyuk, and Layla had lost a lot of health already.

When Junhyuk saw that, he used his Spatial Slash. He did so while accelerating, and the slash cut deep through Gongon’s neck. Gongon had retreated into the castle’s force field to regain his health. Now, however, the Spatial Slash had dealt 40 percent of damage to the dragon. Junhyuk was buffed, but Gongon had also lost a lot of items.

Gongon stared hard at Junhyuk, who changed directions and ran toward Gongon.

The allied minions grouped up against the golem. They were going crazy against the golem, but the gorillas joined the fight.

Meanwhile, Junhyuk couldn’t let Gongon do whatever he wanted. He closed in and analyzed the situation. Layla, at that moment, drank a potion and recovered some of her health, but she still only had 50 percent of her max.

Gongon could kill her with one attack if everything went right.

Staring at him, Gongon enlarged. Seeing that, Junhyuk clicked his tongue and raised the force field around Layla. With it on her, Gongon changed directions and tried to headbutt Junhyuk.

Junhyuk didn’t want to be hit by the attack, so he teleported to stand next to Layla. Gongon landed, and Layla went on the offense. She moved like lightning and slashed the hatchling.


Gongon bounced up in the air and shouted, “I’ll kill you sooner or later!”

For the next ten seconds, Layla would be safe. Junhyuk only had to worry about Gongon, who had 48 percent of his health left at that point.

Junhyuk teleported behind Gongon and slashed at the hatchling. Gongon rolled himself into a ball then. He took 10 percent of damage, but he was now a mature dragon. Flames went everywhere.

Since he was in the air, Junhyuk got hit by the flames. Meanwhile, Gongon beat his wings and spewed fireballs at him. Junhyuk grimaced. He stared at Gongon, but even though Gongon was in the air, he left no openings.

That’s when Junhyuk used his Spatial Collapse on the dragon. Junhyuk got lucky, and he landed a critical hit. Gongon’s eyes widened then, and he turned translucent. Junhyuk sighed, relieved. It was a good thing that he had killed Gongon.

Gongon started shrinking as he fell to the ground. Junhyuk walked up to him, and Gongon complained, “Now, finish it off.”


Junhyuk picked up the item dropped by Gongon and put it in his Spatial Bag, turning to the battlefield as he did.

Realizing that Gongon had gone down, Layla focused on a giant golem.

The enemy heroes hadn’t revived yet, so Junhyuk ran forward and joined the fight. One giant golem went down. One more remained.

Then, Junhyuk saw the enemy heroes inside the castle’s force field. Upon seeing them, he stopped. The enemy heroes saw him too. Meanwhile, Layla and the minions destroyed the remaining golem.

Junhyuk started massacring the enemy gorillas, but he kept an eye on the enemy heroes. The enemy heroes had received a massive shock. He had killed three of them at once, so they decided not to come out.

If they did, they thought they would lose more items and get killed by Junhyuk.

Junhyuk, Layla and the allied minions pounded against the castle’s force field, but the enemy heroes didn’t move.

Staring at them, Junhyuk muttered, “If you can’t come forward, you can’t be called a hero.”

Layla smiled and replied, “I agree.”


The minions dealt fixed damage to the force field, so it was gone in no time. The surviving minions started crying and cheering, and Junhyuk turned to Layla and asked, “So, are we on the same team?”

She smiled, and bright light pounded against his corneas.

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