Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 920 All Hell Break Loose (16)

The Shaiha's concealment had been in effect all this time, preventing Deus from sensing the type of magic energy the massive fissure emitted. Apart from that, Kyran learned magic in an unconventional way, not following the right course where basics and fundamentals should have been established first; thus, right from the start, he could summon his magic without any magic arrays. Although whenever he did, purple rings would appear instead, once he summoned those fissures, he never required them.

As soon as the color of Kyran's armor changed, his temperament also did. He was quite aggressive and oppressive when he was wearing the silver armor, but now, there was a certain tranquility about him. However, within that tranquility lies a very predominant air— akin to a ruler that reigns supreme over all things.

Before Deus could comprehend the change that happened to his target, the latter had moved.

Kyran flipped his body in an impossible turn while remaining in the same spot. As he did, two black swords appeared in his hands, and dark purple arcs flashed out from their blades that flew toward the wrists of the gigantic automaton, which tried to prevent the fissure from expanding.


The wrists of the gigantic automaton were cut off without even allowing a spark to come out from its severed circuitries. Without the gigantic automaton preventing the expansion of the fissure, its size and suction force increased once more, and the first ones that got pulled in were the severed hands of the gigantic automaton.

Before Kyran's feet touched the 'floor,' which consisted of piled-up puppet bodies, he disappeared and appeared directly in front of the automaton at the topmost point of the defensive array. Without a pause in his appearance, his swords already struck horizontally, cutting the automaton in half. The automaton's body had yet to show any signs of it being cut when Kyran disappeared, only to reappear in front of the next automaton to his left. Executing the same actions, Kyran cut the automaton as well. Not bothering to watch his handiwork, he already disappeared and then reappeared to his next target.

The MEx-δ series, who had seen what happened to MEx-ε 04 and were about to adjust the defensive array they were maintaining, were rendered helpless as they failed to react in time for Kyran's assault. Even when he continued to move from one automaton to another, those who were cut were left motionless, while those who could still move could not because of the defensive array.

The time it took Kyran's armor to change up until he attacked MEx-ε 04 wrists had only been a breath's time, resulting in Deus's mind failing to register what transpired. By the time he did, several of his MEx-δ series had already been attacked, forcing the defensive array protecting him from the pull of the massive fissure to collapse.

With the collapse of the defensive array, Deus finally snapped out of his initial shock as he bellowed in complete confusion and rage, "WHO SENT YOU?"

Deus's question was brought about by his initial thought that his supposed target had been a trap all along— that whoever sent the two different images of the latter to the Higher Realm was to have the Emperor show it to the rest of his subjects and then assign Deus, to go to the Lower Realm and investigate. After all, among the Emperor's subjects, Deus was the only one who could see that the two individuals in question in the images were one and the same.

Or was he really the only one?

The moment it did, Breira's panic-stricken voice sent out a warning.

[Master! The huge automaton is on the move—!]


Breira's warning barely registered in Kyran's head when the spot that had been broken earlier exploded once more. A powerful, concentrated magic energy beam broke past, with its momentum not diminishing and continuing toward the wall.

The castle's massive Array Formation flickered as the energy beam struck the wall. However, the formation was not really written to the wall's surface and was not meant to act as a barrier. Thus, the energy beam went through, destroying the wall all the way up to who knew where the beam would end up based on its trajectory.

Seeing this, Kyran calculated in his heart using the map of Larkring as a reference to pinpoint where they were and where the beam might end up above ground. In over a few seconds, he more or less figured that the beam would arrive somewhere near the Military District.

Kyran's first reaction was relief. At least, it would not pass through the Residential District. The last thing he wanted was to implicate the civilians. But the next moment, he realized that the beam might actually hit one of the key points of the sealing formation he had prepared around the Military District. His array formation might not collapse, but if someone took advantage of the moment when the beam hit that key point and unleashed a barrage of concentrated attacks, the sealing formation might start to collapse.

All these flashed through Kyran's mind in but a breath's time. The beam that pierced the wall barely advanced when he warped. He appeared above the beam and, using his swords, struck, sending out dark purple slashes.

Sizzling sounds resounded as the beam's momentum was severed by the slashes. With no energy supplied from behind, the beam up front lost its momentum and dissipated into the air.

"Traitors have to be vanquished!"

The gigantic automaton's voice boomed as it leaped out from the collapsing Dimension, its hand raised as if to grab hold of Kyran. Apart from the gigantic automaton, all regular-sized automatons that could still move followed suit, attacking Kyran from every direction.

Not wanting to be swarmed by the automatons, Kyran warped and appeared right where Armak stood.

Fortunately, the white-robed man had truly changed the formula restricting Kyran's Void's warp nature; if not, he knew the only way he could deal with those automatons was to destroy them completely.

That would have been a huge waste!

Evading the initial pursuit of the gigantic automaton and the other enemy automatons was only the beginning because Mo and the Legendary-level Knights with him also emerged from the collapsing Dimension, ready to engage them once more.

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