Nahir led Malek, Noir, and even their captive Layla to the underground where Achim was.

During the discussion they had before Layla's arrival, Achim proposed to create an Array formation with a defensive formula. He wanted to hide the formation inside the hidden chamber beneath the fort.

Because Somulians could not replicate lost technology, Achim was not confident he could pull it off. However, he wanted to try it out because, based on some knowledge he received from their Master after being reborn, one could create lost technology— or, rather, Arrays— as long as one had the required materials and magic energy to sustain it.

Unfortunately, the Array formation with the defensive formula Achim remembered was quite troublesome to set.

Unbeknownst to him, the only reason it was troublesome was because the one he remembered was an original defensive array Kyran created. Although the required materials were common items, creating the ink solution to write the formula was a pain.

Achim had to ensure that each rune on the formula used the exact amount of ink, and the spaces on each rune should be balanced. The amount of magic energy he transferred into the brush with every stroke of the rune also had to be even. It was truly a hard work.

How could their Master write one with such ease?

Obviously, Achim had not seen Kyran create Arrays before. But after being reborn, he gained some fundamental information about Kyran in the form of additional memories.

Putting that aside, Achim's struggle in Array creation was very normal. Not only was he not well-versed in Array, but it was also his first attempt at creating one. Yet he was brazen enough to recreate the defensive array Kyran created!

In the end, Achim had not even completed a quarter of the formation when Layla arrived.

Just when Achim planned to go out and participate in battle, Gael suddenly appeared. It was then followed by the interference of the crazed Malek and even Noir.

Gael took the time to explain the situation to Achim and assured him that Malek and Noir were considered their Master's allies.

Achim did not need much explanation, to be honest. After hearing the names of those two, images flashed through his mind about them. It was due to those flashes of images that allowed him to know their Master considered Noir as his first mentor in Array, while Malek... well, they were civil around each other.

With the reveal that Filren's company had been traveling underground all this time, Achim and Gael agreed to let Nahir lead Malek and Noir underground. The latter was especially invited because of his identity as Kyran's first Array mentor. As for Malek, he was only invited because he was the only one who could subdue Layla, and they did not want to imprison the latter in the fort's cell in case she took the lack of the fort's security or challenge to break out and escape. Besides, Achim believed in an ancient saying: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer— no matter how literal he considered it.

Having Layla close was actually risky. She might have a way of informing Filren and the others that she was captured and that they already guessed he was traveling underground with his company. Nevertheless, Achim did not mind that. Besides, Filren was already aware that their scout, Layla, had failed and fallen into their hands. Letting her leak information on their findings did not really change much. Unless, of course, they discussed their counter against Filren.

"Since they are underground, the easiest and most effective way to deal with them is to bury them," Nahir said as soon as they gathered in a small circle in the middle of the chamber.

When Nahir and the others arrived, they only saw Achim. Gael decided to remain hidden in the shadows and observe. After all, Layla used to be his Master, and at the moment, he did not want her to know Kyran had already changed him.

"True," Achim agreed. Nevertheless, the slight crease on his forehead meant he was not really fond of that suggestion.

"You are not convinced," Nahir obviously noticed Achim's reaction.

Achim looked at him but did not respond. As a matter of fact, he sensed Gael's reluctance as well. Unfortunately, they could not really tell them that the reason they did not want to bury Filren and his company alive was because they did not want to lose such fine subordinates for their Master. If Achim voiced that out, the rest would definitely think they were maniacs.

"Burying them alive?" Layla, who had been silent ever since her capture, suddenly spoke with a hint of ridicule. "You think it will be easy? Those are the King's Knights, which is led by one of his trusted aides."

"No one asked your opinion, woman," Malek said in a bleak tone while inserting air pressure inside her body to torture her.

"Ngh...!" Layla gritted her teeth and endured the pain. Still, blood started to trickle down the side of her lips, and her eyes had once more gotten bloodshot from the torturous pressure her internal organs suffered.

"A few of them possessed teleportation tokens, while Filren himself carried a scroll with a large-scale transmission array. Before the ground caves in, he could activate that and transport all of them out of harm's way!" Layla persisted.

Noir frowned, "Those items..."

Layla smiled, "Yes... they are items from the Human plane, and I supplied them to them."

The four men could not help but finally spare her a glance.

Malek also stopped torturing her as he sensed she was willing to talk.

"Ack...!" Layla gasped after the pressure in her body subsided. Though Malek's air pressure was torturous, having removed it in an instant was equally painful! She glared at him, wanting to make him squirm as she tortured his soul.

In the end, Layla did no such thing because she found herself in a very favorable situation. She would not risk the opportunity presented by her capture.

"Informing us about that... what are your intentions?" Nahir asked with a slight scowl. He still felt perturbed at Layla's uncanny resemblance with Cyneah.

"I have valuable information about the King if you accept my request, I will be more than willing to assist you."

All four exchanged glances.

Knowing Layla's character and how she would not hesitate to betray anyone in a heartbeat, Malek and Noir would never agree with her. But if they had to consider the situation in Armakea, their opinions did not matter. The ones truly involved were Achim, Nahir, and Gael— whom they knew were hiding somewhere and silently observing them— Malek and Noir's opinions weighed too little.

"Valuable information, huh?" Achim looked at her cautiously before continuing, "Will that information allow us an advantage against Filren and his company?"

Layla frowned slightly, "You're still thinking about that? If I tell you what it is after agreeing to my request, the battle with Filren and company no longer mattered."

"That's not for you to decide," Achim replied.

"You guys haven't even heard anything."

"Then tell us first, then we'll think about it," Nahir quipped.

"That won't do," Malek suddenly chimed in, looking at Achim and Nahir. "Filren and his company have already been alerted about your confrontation. There is a possibility that they have adjusted their formation. More importantly, they are already too close. We can't dally here. You guys have to retreat before they arrive."

Achim shook his head, "We will stay. If that means confronting them, then so be it."

Malek's expression turned sour, "You have no idea what you'll trigger by wanting to confront them."

Achim and Nahir's expressions hardened at Malek's words. The way he said it sounded like they were reckless fools who only knew how to throw away their lives. It peeved them. At the same time, Malek's use of words intrigued them, especially when he mentioned the word trigger.

Not waiting for the two to ask questions, Malek continued, "Retreat for now, and devise a plan on how to deal with them."

"Prince Achim initially planned to hold them off by creating a defensive array around the fort," Nahir explained. "We only need to endure until reinforcements arrive."

"We'll also employ guerilla tactics to reduce their number," Achim added.

Noir could not help but look at the crude array formation half drawn on the floor. He looked at Achim wryly, "Writing an array formation according to a design you have seen before does not mean it will work. While I can sense magic energy flowing in the formation you have drawn, it is still far from being complete. And even if you successfully complete it, it does not mean it will work."

"Right, you know about Arrays," Nahir commented, recalling the golden array still active outside.

Noir nodded, "Yes. That's why I know just by looking, that this particular defensive array will not be completed before Filren and his company arrives—."

"You guys... are you really just going to ignore me?" Layla interrupted. "You don't seem interested in the information I possess regarding the King, fine. How about I help you deal with Filren and his company? Will you agree to my request now?"

"Deal with Filren and his company... says the person who could barely withstand my attack. You may possess one of the forbidden magic, but surprisingly, you are far too weak," Malek said, giving Layla a disdainful look.

Layla bit her lip. She wanted to refute Malek, but he was not exactly wrong. She was truly too weak!

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