"That's..." True Void looked at Ames in disbelief before adding, "... great x50 grandson."

"You—!" Ames snapped a look at him, wanting to reach out and strangle him. "That last bit is unnecessary! Are you not even surprised at what I just said?"

True Void shrugged.

Truth be told, he was surprised, but not to the point wherein he would ignore Ames's downplay of her age. This was because when he and Kyran shared their insight about why the Soul Emperor was fixated on sowing discord in the Human plane, they more or less discovered some points.

They found that the Soul Emperor was obsessed with the Regis Clan to the point she planned to stage a genocide so she could take them all in as part of her undying army. Back then, Kyran and True Void believed that she did this in preparation for the War of the Sovereign. However, if they considered her objective, which Cyneah had told Kyran recently— which was to exact revenge in the Higher Realm, then clearly there was more to her ploy than what they discovered.

There was also Caelan's plan to produce a more suitable successor to the Void magic that Stella— the first Time Keeper, and Zane, that time's Dragon Lord, helped with— which also involved the Regis Clan.

From all these points, it was obvious the Regis Clan played an important role in everything. Or, to be precise, their bloodline.

"Void Halfling and I had a talk about a lot of things when that woman made another attempt to sow discord in the Human plane," True Void told Ames.

Seeing that Ames was looking at him with eyes that clearly told him to explain, True Void could only sigh in resignation and tell her their guesses.

Jita also listened on the side, her expressions growing incredulous at each passing minute. The things they talked about were something she never thought possible. Her knowledge from before she was reborn was lacking, and even after being reborn, the knowledge their Master imparted was only enough for them to understand the gist of things happening in Somuli. For there to be a greater threat, or rather, plan, in play in all of these was something a lowly Servant like her never thought of being part of.

She and the rest of the Servants knew how great their Master was, but the things he was meant to do were a far cry from the things they had thought him capable of.

"In the end, what exactly did that skinny brat want?" Ames wondered aloud after True Void finished his explanation.

She could guess most of Caelan's reasons, but if she delved further into it, she had this inkling that his objective coincides with that b*tch Layla.

The truth was that few knew how Ancient magic could be inherited and why only one mage could possess one. It was because the Ancient magic's magic core could only appear among the humans with the right body constitution.

All of these were written in the book Ancient Magic that Kyran first encountered in Stella's library. He soon got his copy after one of his training in the Tower of Tribulations. But one should know that the book only had four copies, each belonging to the four greatest minds of the Ancients. Of course, Kyran was unaware of it. But one thing he noticed was there were slight differences in both copies. The difference was the introduction. Although they were small and did not affect the information about Ancient magic, Kyran was not bothered. At least, he did not want to dwell on it at that time because he was too occupied with the matter of his clan at that time. That might change once he woke up, though. Especially once he discovered he might possess the body of an Ancient.

Still, the mystery of how Kyran's body could belong to an Ancient remained. After the fall of the Land of the Ancients, all of its inhabitants who possessed the qualifications to bear the Ancient magic's magic cores were killed. Even the four greatest minds, who were said to have created them, were no exception. As a matter of fact, the Higher Being was the one who destroyed them.

Ames was having a migraine, and dragons were not creatures to have one! Nevertheless, Ames really felt her temples ache at all the things True Void told her.

Frankly, she had little knowledge about what happened to the Ancients. She only knew their fall was because the Higher Being grew envious of their knowledge. There was one time her mentor also mentioned something about the Higher Being first having a falling out with one of the four greatest minds of the Ancients, but that was unconfirmed information.

"Is it not a worthy successor for the Void magic?" True Void responded. Though he knew Ames was not really asking for his opinion, he could not help but speak up because the way she asked that question seemed as if there was more to the things he and Kyran thought of.


Surprisingly, Ames followed up on True Void's response with another question.

"Because my master wanted Void Halfling to finally take care of the Soul Emperor? Since he could not kill her because of his personal feelings for her, he wanted Void Halfling to finish what he could not do."

Ames shook her head, "If that skinny brat wanted to kill that b*tch he did not have to wait for his successor to do so. Besides, when Zane first asked me if there was a way for a human to possess two Ancient magic, I told him not to even consider such blasphemous thing."

"Why not?"

"You understand that both the Higher and Lower Realms operates because of the four Ancient magic, right? Just imagine what someone could do if he possesed not one but two of these magic. He could basically control half of why both realms exists."

True Void gulped nervously. He never thought of it that way. As far as he was concerned, Kyran possessing two Ancient magic only meant he had more options on how to deal with annoying pests after his ass. Alas, he never expected Kyran's lackadaisical attitude regarding the power he held had rubbed off him! Now that Ames made True Void realize this point, he would not be surprised if the Higher Realm came after Kyran to control him for selfish reasons.

"Now I understand why he is able to absorb the Shaiha," Ames sighed in exasperation.

Frankly, mages with Sovereign level and above could absorb the Shaiha. However, the process would force them to expend vast resources. And even after absorbing it, they would not necessarily be able to use its full potential. After all, the Shaiha was the inheritance of the Realm.

To be honest, when Ames first met Kyran in the Regis Terram, she did not sense the Shaiha in him. It was not because she only appeared as a fragment but because that was how the Shaiha operated. If not for Kyran forcefully un-concealing his Draconic aura to ensure his act would seem real, the Higher Realm would not have gotten wind of his ability to hide his aura and presence.

Alas, the Human plane being disconnected from the outside had pros and cons. Because of it, the Higher Realm had trouble locating it, which made it the best location to hide the Shaiha. Honestly, Ames's father only found it by accident. And even then, it took some time for him to realize the plane was a remnant of the Land of the Ancients because of the great change in its atmosphere and land. Besides, the humans might resemble the Ancients, but their bodies and magic were too weak to consider them their descendants. In any case, it was precisely because of the Human plane's disconnection from the outside that new information and magic knowledge reached it. Only those humans who found the Tower of Tribulations and managed to visit different planes could receive new knowledge and information in the Lower Realm. But that was the thing: the information and knowledge they gained were mostly limited to the Lower Realm. The information from the Higher Realm that reached them was superficial and could even be considered rumors.

True Void's eyes suddenly turned into huge saucers as realization struck him. He had initially thought the ones who attacked Kyran were only Sovereigns from the Lower Realm. But Ames's appearance changed all that.

"Wait, are you telling me that guy, the one besides Ruin who attack Void Halfling is…"

"Yes," Ames answered before True Void could finish his sentence. "Most likely it is a being from the Higher Realm."

"OH. MY. GOODNESS. And I mean, OH MY GOODNESS! What are we even staying here for? We should return to the Human plane post haste!"

"And how are you going to do that when there are several eyes watching the Somuli from the outside and even from the inside?"

"Duh! We can warp there no problem!"

Ames gave him a blank look, "Warping will leave a trace. For arguments sake, let's say you succeeded in warping without leaving a trace, what do you think those metal faces will think how you escaped their radar?"

"Using a Saint-tier Long-range Transmission Array," True Void replied with a hint of boasting.

"In Somuli? Where Array is already a Lost Technology?"

"Its not like Void Halfling can't make one."

"Where will he gather the materials for the array? Do you think its easy to find materials for such a grand array?"

"He's not really going to make one, we'll only make it seem as if he left using one."

"With a supposedly powerful array not producing a magic fluctuation, do you think they will not try to investigate?"

"Gah! Just say your point!"

"By warping you will inadvertently reveal that my great grandson possessed another type of magic. They might not suspect it as Void at first, but for how long?"

True Void's reddish-purple dimmed. He finally understood what Ames was trying to say, but as long as they returned to the Human plane, those guys in the Higher Realm would have trouble locating them.

Seemingly guessing what he was thinking, Ames added with a deadpan expression, "My father pleaded amnesty when we return to the Higher Realm. Since they knew we used to stay in the Human plane, they will seek our help in locating it."

"GAAAAH! Then what?"

"Stay here and hide. Once my great grandson wakes up, I will do everything to help him adjust to both his magic."

If the Dragon Emperor knew Ames decided to step in, he would have vomited blood in exasperation. After all, she promised only to observe!

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