Chapter 261- Leon Is Different! (Part 2)

The preparations took a few extra minutes to complete. It was actually impressive how they were able to do all of this in a short time even though it should easily take hours to do so. Goes to show that Leon was planning for this before he met Acht.

'He is still that kind and naive kid deep inside.' Acht thought as he peeked at Leon secretly. His aura did change and his whole vibe did become more mature and composed but deep down, he still had the innocence that comes from his young age.

He was nothing but a 14 or 15 years old boy so expecting him to become mature at such a young age was stupid.

Anyway, after that, Leon said as he gracefully pointed at the table.

"Be my guests."

The group then sat down, Mia had a tense look on her face as she didn't know what to do in front of such a gargantuan lunch. Should she start eating? Should she wait? What should she eat?

Coming from a commoner family did have its pros but also had its cons and one of those cons is the lack of understanding of etiquette. Acht saw her troubled expression and sighed under his breath.

"You really went far and beyond for just a 'lunch'. How are we supposed to eat this?" He asked calmly.

Leon chuckled awkwardly as he scratched his head.

"I didn't know what to choose for lunch so I made everything I knew of. Please, just don't mind me and choose anything you want to eat it."

Mia seemed to have relaxed slightly when she heard his words and decided to choose a random dish to try.

By the time the group actually started eating, Tania had already finished three portions and was moving her hand to get the fourth. Her mouth kept nibbling on whatever she shoved there and didn't stop to even swallow the food properly. She looked like a machine that only knew how to throw stuff inside.

However, somehow, this didn't make her look disgusting instead looked elegant and graceful in her movements that which made the other three question their eyes. Princess is still a princess no matter what she does.

"So, what did you do after we left you?" Acht decided to start a conversation to avert his focus from his gluttonous friend.

"Well, I did have some troubles after you guys left but I was able to finish the hunter test somehow and get my hunter license," Leon answered as he pulled out a card from his spatial ring. It had his picture on it and a few pieces of information to accompany it.

"After that, I went back to my dad and requested that I leave for training for some time. Your words for me really helped me change and become better. I can't really thank you enough for your great factor, Mr. Acht."

"As I said before, I did nothing for you. If you changed then that's because you had the balls to do so. I could say the same words to millions of other people and it will never change them." Acht shook his head.

He never really thought whatever he said was really that life-changing so he didn't think him thanking Acht was really logical.

"No, you don't really get it, Mr. Acht. I would've never become the person I am today without those words. Anyway, please accept my unending gratitude for it."

Leon then turned to Tania and smiled slightly.

"Do you like the food, Mrs. Tania?"

"Mmm." She nodded her head as she continued eating without averting her eyes from the food not even once.

"Heheheh!" Leon took no offense in that and turned again to Acht.

"I did hear quite the news about you, Mr. Acht. Becoming a criminal really shocked me but I never believed that at all. I would've helped you as much as I could but because of the war, I had to stay in my kingdom and try to protect the capital.

"Trouble always follows me wherever I go and that doesn't seem to be ending any time soon."

"Please be careful, Mr. Acht. As much as I acknowledge your strength and skills, this world has so many threats hidden in the veils of darkness that could arise at any given moment and destroy everything."

"You don't have to tell me. Anyway…" As if Acht had enough, he put his knife and fork on the plate and looked at Leon sharply.

"When are you going to get to the core of the matter?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I already knew you had other things you wanted to talk about other than just thanking me. Spit it out."

Leon frowned slightly before sighing and looking down.

"Was I that obvious?"

"Pretty much."

Giving up, Leon took a deep breath and then straightened his pose.

"You are indeed right. I have something I want to ask Mr. Acht about."

Then, he stood up from his chair and bowed in front of Acht out of nowhere.

"Please train me!" He shouted.

"Huh?" Acht tilted his head confusedly.

"I know asking you for such a favor is rude but I beg you." He shouted again as he looked down.

"I refuse," Acht replied.


"Listen, Leon. For whatever reason you need training, I am not the best person to ask for tutoring. I have no skills when it comes to teaching someone."

'You did train me properly though.' Mia thought as she watched the interaction between the two from the sidelines.

"Please, Mr. Acht. I am aware of the inconvenience this will put on you. But, I can't allow myself to go on the upcoming expedition without being strong enough to face whatever threat I will find there."

"So you are going too…"

After that, Acht fell silent for a few moments as he looked deeply at Leon with his sharp eyes. He really didn't know whether he would actually be useful enough for him to train him now before the expedition.

"Listen… If you score in the top 10 of the first year in the upcoming tests, I will accept." Acht said after a long while.

"R-Really? But the top 10 is still…"

"That's my condition, take it or leave it. I won't train a weakling just because he asked me to. If you score in the top 10s then I can assume that you have somewhat a good talent to work on. Anyway, this is over. Let's leave, both of you." He wiped his mouth before standing up.

"I-I understand… I would really hard to meet your expectations!!" Leon added as he watched them leave.

Acht had to drag Tania from her chair as she tried to grab onto the table with a reluctant look. Acht seemed to have ruined her lunch.


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