Chapter 259- Making Things Clear

Acht lifted up his head and looked at Leislet silently for a long time. His eyes had a complicated gaze in them that made Lieslet even more nervous and confused. Did he regret doing such a thing? Will he hate me for doing it? Will he leave me?

Such thoughts passed through the woman's head one after the other successively and made her shudder slightly from the mere thought of her loved one hating her. She could already imagine herself ending her own life if Acht vanishes from her life. What meaning did her life have if the only thing she cared about disappears? Nothing… Absolutely nothing.

Then, after a long silence that almost made Leislet feel suffocated, Acht stood up and walked toward her with steady steps. His bare chest and abdomen were still naked in front of her.

After reaching Leislet, he said.

"Do you regret doing it with me?"

A simple question, very simple to the point where it would've been easily answered by her if she wasn't in such a state of fear and weakness.

For that exact reason, Leislet felt really hesitant from answering immediately. Her answer was obviously a resounding No, but, she feared his reaction if she said those words.

In the end, her feelings beat her hesitation and she replied with a determined look. What was the point of hesitating, the deed was done and they can't go back and erase it?

"No, I don't regret it one single bit. You were the person I wanted to give my everything to and I did just that. Do you… regret doing it with me? I know that you have someone you love from another world and you want to go back to."


"I mean, it's totally fine. Your heart is already with her and you can't help it. If you feel like it's a mistake then I understand."


"But, but, Acht, please, don't leave-" Her voice grew agitated more and more as she spoke her heart out and tears started rolling down her face uncontrollably.

'I said it! I said it! I have nothing else that I could do. But, I really don't want to leave his side. I really…hick… don't want to.' She thought.

However, what happened next stopped all of that and made all these thoughts get erased completely.

Acht bent down and kissed her deeply as he pulled her necktie with his left hand. Her eyes widened from shock but then gradually closed and she allowed him to kiss her freely. Her heart somehow calmed down immediately when he kissed her. As if it was some kind of magic spell that would work only on her.

After kissing for a few moments, Acht pulled slightly away but kept his face really close to hers. His eyes were very gentle and filled with affection, something that Leislet doesn't see every day.

"Geez, you should listen to me when I want to talk. Sigh…"


"I don't know what kind of wrong ideas you have about me but you should instantly forget about it. When I did this with you I wasn't intending to leave or anything I like that. Understand? I don't like betraying people just because it's convenient enough for me."

Then, he lifted her chin up and made her face him directly.

"Should I kiss you again to engrave that in your mind? The fact that I had sex with you means that I accepted your confession. Sigh, now I said it." He murmured the last words with an annoyed look. He most likely wasn't accustomed to saying such things.

"R-Really?" Leislet could only ask dumbfoundedly as she blinked a few times.

"Of course, you know me. I don't like repeating my words."

Leislet blushed furiously and started fidgeting around as she rubbed her fingers together as if she had something she wanted to ask from him.

"Can you say it?"

"Say it? Say what?" Acht asked as he tilted his head.

"Say that… you… L-Love me." She asked with clear embarrassment.

"Sigh, you really are one troublesome woman, Leislet. But I guess you have a point."

Then, Acht stepped back and took a deep breath before he spoke again. A gentle smile appeared on his handsome face and made him look even more dazzling to the eyes.

"I love you, Leislet. I would like you to be my girlfriend. Do you accept?"

"Yes!!!" Without any hesitation, Leislet jumped in his embrace with a loud 'yes'. She then hugged him tightly with her arms. The strength she put in her arms would crush a bear easily. Goes to show how she couldn't control herself at all at that moment from sheer happiness.

"Hey! You almost made me fall, you know?"

"I don't care, Acht! I finally heard it from you and I am now totally satisfied. Even if I die tomorrow, I don't have any regrets in this life at all."

"Your standards are too low for a fulfilled life!" Acht retorted.

"That's because someone kept playing hard to get for a few years." She smiled mischievously with no traces of her tears from before. She returned to her usual attitude.

"That's because I have a huge pervert following me at all times."

Leislet shook her head and said.

"I am technically not a pervert since you are not as old as you look! I don't swing that way, ok? You were an exception!"

"Yes, yes! Whatever you say, Mrs. pervert." Acht rolled his eyes.

"Stop it, meanie." She pinched his cheek slightly with a pout.

From an outsider's point of view, these two looked like a stupid couple flirting in the open. But, luckily, no one was there to see that sugar overload and burn their eyes at the same time.

"Anyway, I think I should leave now. I didn't eat anything and I also need to take a shower before going to classes." Acht put her down and looked behind him.

The mess they left on the bed was truly impressive to look at. He even questioned his actions because of it.

'I need to restrain myself next time or I will destroy the whole room.' He thought.

"Ah! No worries! This room has a separate kitchen and a bathroom with a huge bath in it."


Leislet smiled innocently as she pulled out a controller from her pocket and tapped a few buttons on it. Immediately, two doors that were invisible before appeared in two different parts of the room.

"Are you serious? When did you even build this? It's barely been 2 weeks since we came here." He said.

"I will do anything for my sweet darling!" The woman replied with a giggle.

"No, that's not the point! "


'Sigh, what a weird woman I fell in love with… I guess now another problem rose out of nowhere when I meet Dia again. I will have a long explanation to do.'


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