Chapter 313 “Elf King”

The first wave of the sinners’ attack has been successfully disintegrated, thus alleviating the dragon chief’s fear. It seems these fools just don’t learn, always recklessly charging forward like foolish buffoons. Don’t they know a ground force can never overcome the superior advantage of air?

Following the first confrontation, what ensued next was an eerie silence. The beastmen army made no further attempt at charging after the first assault, nor did the elves constantly circling above the air join the fray.

For the defenders, the battle force led by the “Strongest Warrior” undoubtedly raised the dragons’ moral; however, the cost of such a feat was the exhaustion of their Dragon Breath and a fatigued body. Knowing this fact, the Chief knew they couldn’t continue like this and led his brethren to land. They didn’t go far, staying close to their ruined home as if struggling to dig something out of the rubbles.

Thankfully, their efforts paid off with what little reward they could salvage.

“Father,” rushing over in his human form, the first prince of the Dragon Clan appeared right beside his father’s presence with delight in that voice: “I… we found them….” After saying that, he then opened up his arms to reveal the egg in his possession!

This wondrous news brought on a show of excitement in the Chief’s eye. Carefully placing his massive draconian head up to the egg, he stretched his tongue out to give the roundish object a gentle lick like a parent: “And what else? How many more did you manage to recover?” Issuing a deep sigh, the old dragon looks up to his son in anticipation for the answer.

Dull in his face, the First Prince’s voice grew weak and dim: “Aside from this one, there’s only eight that we’ve managed to recover from the rubbles. Six are still intact but two of them are damaged from the crumbling rocks due to the cave-in. Our tribesmen are currently working hard to heal them using their Dragon Breath, but the rest… they’re all….” When it came to the last part of his sentence, the voice croaked and lost all air in them.


The old dragon’s deafening roar could be heard even across the mountains, shaking the landscape in doing so by his intense rage and resentment.

Gods! Goddess of Light!! In order to bear the mission you placed on our shoulders, us Dragons have defended this spot for a thousand years. Is this the sort of reward you give us?!!

Night time.

On the opposite end of the ice sheet, there were countless burning embers from within the legion army of the Sinners. It’s unsure how many tents were erected, nor were anyone able to count the number of teams ordered to boil water, but it’s clear none on this side intended to fight tonight. As for the dragons themselves, they got nowhere left to go aside from perching above their ruined home to rest. For the proud dragon race to be reduced to such a state, it’s humiliating and it’s a true grievance for these lizards.

But not all could rest on this night though, especially for the old chief who’s eyeing the picture as a whole and making sure the two damaged eggs are being looked after by the green healers in their ranks. In every right, he’s an excellent leader for someone so old. The Chief wanted to do more to help his brethren’s, but confronted with all these changes that seems to have sprouted out of the ground from nowhere, he too was feeling helpless and unsure. Then shifting his gaze over to the looming black mass in the horizon that was the legion army made up of tens of thousands of enemies, not even the dragon chief could remain indifferent at heart.

Morning, when the light had just broken through the horizon. Many of the slumbering dragons were still fast asleep when they were rudely awoken by the commotions happening in the enemies’ side. The natural reaction for someone in this situation would of course be irritation and anger. Who likes to be disturbed during their beauty sleep? But that soon changed to curiosity after seeing the strange movements of these Sinners.

First and foremost, instead of the main beastmen army acting as a charging vanguard, this time the ones showing the biggest movement were many small figures that came running out from the back. According to the dragon warriors in charge of combat, they could recognize these small little beings as “Dwarves”.

These dwarfs may be stout and short, but they are natural born craftsmen. What’s more, its even said that their blood holds some relation to the Giants of old.

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