Last Wish System

Chapter 513 Desperate Battle, Yale VS Supreme God

The universe creator noticed about the distress signal sent by Yale, but his two opponents weren’t planning to let him leave.

Moreover, he didn’t dare to leave the passageway without any protection, and his own power would lower if he were to be too far from the passageway.

"I am sorry, but I can’t go to help you now."

The universe creator muttered after giving up in helping Yale.

Unless Yale managed to reach the planet where the universe creator was, there was no way the universe creator could help him.

Although Yale had sent the distress signal, he wasn’t expecting any help because he knew that the only one who could help him, the universe creator, wouldn’t go too far from the passageway.

He had just sent it to tell everyone that the Supreme God finally joined the war.

At the same time, the fact that the Supreme God appeared had another meaning for the army. Retreat.

The sixth level immortals were enough to cause despair to the army, but they weren’t all powerless in front of them thanks to the universe creator’s pieces of legacy, the Battle God, and Yale’s mother.

However, if they battled against the Supreme God, there wouldn’t be any chance to survive.

Even Yale would face sure death if it weren’t because he had superb regenerative capabilities. However, those regenerative capabilities were lowered since he wasn’t on his own universe, so he was in a very dangerous situation.

Moreover, the previous hit would have been enough to kill him directly, so even those regenerative capabilities wouldn’t have worked at all.

Yale could just look at Lar’s Sword and then at the giant spiked hammer of the Supreme God.

"A sixth level immortal weapon."

Yale had already guessed it since Lar’s Sword got damaged, but the Supreme God also had a sixth level immortal weapon.

That giant spiked hammer was crafted using the remains of the Supreme God’s original universe after having absorbed that universe to power the one he created.

Yale knew that it was possible that the Supreme God a weapon of that level, but he still hoped that he had been wrong.

After all, the Supreme God was already very dangerous without weapons, so with that spiked hammer, he wasn’t someone that Yale could beat.

"I can’t win, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t battle with him for a while. Sorry Lar, but I need to use you again."

Yale had two objectives in that battle, the first was last enough for the army to retreat, and the second was to try to go near the universe creator.

In that battle, Yale didn’t plan to seek victory; he would be satisfied if he just managed to avoid defeat.

However, Yale needed to use Lar’s Sword, or he wouldn’t be able to endure even a minute against the Supreme God, who was wielding a weapon of the same level.

Yale felt that if he had managed to upgrade the Essence Slayer Sword to the next level, he would have an easier time in that battle, but he had no idea of how to improve it.

After the Essence Slayer Sword became a fifth level immortal weapon, it had the capability of freely changing form, so it could turn into any other weapon, which suited a lot Yale’s battle style.

However, it didn’t matter what kind of weapon he used because against the Supreme God wielding that sixth level immortal spiked hammer because there was no doubt that a fifth level immortal weapon would break in one hit.

At most, Yale could turn the Essence Slayer Sword into a bow to show Universe Qi arrows to delay the Supreme God, but the delay of that would be minimal.

Of course, even a minimal delay could mark the difference between life and death, so Yale did it.

Yale was just throwing Universe Qi arrows to delay the Supreme God, and if the Supreme God managed to attack him, Yale would use Lar’s Sword to block it.

Fortunately, since Yale was in alert, Lar’s Sword didn’t suffer as much as the first hit, but after Yale had been sent flying about a hundred times, it was obvious that Lar’s Sword was getting damaged.

However, Yale couldn’t do anything to prevent it because he needed to use Lar’s Sword to survive and if he died, there was no doubt that the Supreme God would destroy Lar’s Sword since Lar’s Sword would never let the Supreme God wield it.

Yale couldn’t avoid being sent flying, but he was controlling his own position and using those attacks to cut the distance to the place where the universe creator was battling.

The Supreme God was cautious by nature, but after seeing how Yale could barely manage to survive in front of him, he didn’t think too much about the direction they were going. He felt that they were going into a random because Yale was just trying to survive.

While Yale battled desperately with the Supreme God, the members of the army that weren’t fighting any sixth level immortal started to retreat. As for those who were in an area with a sixth level immortal like those under Aknarel’s orders or Lina’s group, they couldn’t flee even if they wanted unless they killed their opponents first.

The Battle God was able to endure very well while battling against a sixth level immortal despite having just advanced but asking him to kill his opponent quickly would be too much.

Yale’s mother was doing it far batter, bur her opponent was also trying to delay the battle as much as possible, so she wouldn’t be able to finish quickly either.

Yale and the Supreme God were moving extremely quick while battling, but they were still very far from the planet with the passageway, and Yale was already becoming exhausted. As for Lar’s Sword, Yale was starting to worry that it would break after a few more clashes.

However, there was nothing that Yale could do at that moment because although the weapons were of the same level, the ones wielding them weren’t.

Moreover, the Supreme God could have become a seventh level immortal from even before starting the war to absorb another universe, but he restrained himself to prevent ascension because he wanted to remain in his universe and upgrade it.

In fact, the universe creator was in a similar situation. He could advance, but he wouldn’t be able to remain in his universe for too long if he made that breakthrough, which was against his objective.

Both of them were peak sixth level immortals, but although Yale could battle an ordinary sixth level immortal, those two were in another league.

Moreover, the Supreme God had a weapon that made him far more dangerous than the universe creator.

Of course, Yale didn’t believe that the universe creator didn’t have a method to counter it or the Supreme God wouldn’t fear him so much, but clearly it wasn’t something as simple as a weapon because there weren’t weapons of that level in their universe until Yale learned to make them thanks to Tofesh.

In fact, the universe creator never showed anything that could match the spiked hammer of the Supreme God, but the Supreme God knew that a weapon was useless if it never hit the target, and the universe creator was extremely hard to hit since he seemed to predict everything.

Moreover, the Supreme God didn’t have an armor at the level of his spiked hammer, so he would also be in danger of death when facing attacks of the universe creator. Even if his hits were weaker, if the precision and speed were high enough, that difference in raw power wouldn’t matter.

The fact that the universe creator avoided all the deadly attacks made that the Supreme God feared him. After all, after dealing with a deadly attack, there would a be an opening that the opponent could use if it managed to survive.

Of course, everything was due to the time curse. The universe creator was hit, but the curse made him repeat it until he avoided it. Thus, at the eyes of the Supreme God, the universe creator always avoided the deadly attacks.

While Yale was battling, someone else smiled.

That person was seeing the battle and the direction they were taking. They were going towards the area where the person that had smiled was.

"Yale and the bastard are acting as I predicted. They will reach this area soon."

The person who had smiled was Alter Yale, who had been waiting a long time for that situation to happen.

"Bastard, you feel that going after Yale was the wisest choice and that there wouldn’t be any danger, but you have been rushing directly into my trap."

Alter Yale laughed.

"You are having quite fun chasing Yale while he is in despair, but don’t worry because soon you will be the one who will fall into despair."

Alter Yale’s eyes were full of hatred. He had been waiting for that moment a lot of time.

He felt that he had been too quick when he destroyed that universe after becoming strong enough, so that time, he wanted to enjoy it the despair of the bastard who started everything.

"Mysterious Expert, be ready to fulfill your part. There won’t be a second chance."

Alter Yale sent that message to the Mysterious Expert at the other side of the passageway.

"Now, the operation starts."

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