Last Wish System

Chapter 487 Eternal Curse

"That was indeed fated to happen in some timeline, but don’t get confident, this just means that right now you are on the correct path, but you have been on the correct path before ending up in failed a lot of times. I bet that you don’t even remember how many."

Yale’s shadow spoke calmly.

"I know, I know. This is just a good sign. I don’t know how many millions of times I failed, and that damned curse makes me come back to a point where it was still possible to avoid failure but is solving one thing and facing several new ones, this doesn’t seem to have an end..."

The universe creator seemed quite lonely and tired while speaking about that topic. He was just a shadow, but the original one would act exactly in the same way. However, Yale’s shadow was the only one who could see him in that state.

"You were the one who created this curse. Although it was by accident, it was your will which provoked the curse, so you shouldn’t be complaining about it now."

The matter about that curse was something that had accompanied the universe creator from his previous universe, but at that time, the curse was something that just affected him. However, after creating a universe, the universe was born with that same curse.

"You don’t need to tell me that. I am planning to continue trying even if I need all the eternity. Anyway, it isn’t like if I can break the curse. Keeping repeating the failures without even trying is worse than trying to solve them. Moreover, this universe tries to solve the problems by itself due to that curse, so I must make use of that advantage."

Although that was a curse, it saved the universe creator and the universe itself countless times.

That curse was created at the same time that the Timeless Border when the person who would become the universe creator managed to travel in time for the first time. Although it was a failure and just managed to send his mind, he did something that shouldn’t be done, and less with the will he had at that moment about saving his world.

An abandoned universe was doomed, and no one in the multiverse should be able to change that. However, the process of destruction of that universe was reversed for a bit due to that time travel.

He defied everything that day. He wasn’t even an immortal, but he still managed to mess with the time and prevent the end of his world.

That heaven-defying will at the moment he managed to succeed with the time travel became a curse that had been following him since that instant.

Anything that made his plan fail would make the time to rewind to a point where failure could be avoided.

Without that curse, he wouldn’t have succeeded in creating a new universe. That curse had been his trump card to succeed in his plans, but it also became the source of his nightmares.

When a situation repeated for millions of times ending with failure each time, it didn’t seem like having another chance. It was more like a torture. Of course, killing himself wouldn’t work to stop that endless loop.

He hadn’t suffered that much before creating the universe, but the conflict with that other universe had been the source of his tiredness.

The universe would win the war in some timeline, that was something that universe creator knew because the shadow of Yale at his side was from a Yale who saw the end of the war without losing.

That shadow was the first person he met the second time he entered in the Timeless Border, but at that time, the shadow hadn’t told him about most matters.

In fact, the shadow almost didn’t speak unless the information wasn’t something that could be said.

The fact that the Timeless Border could have shadows from the future was an effect of the curse. Although spaces similar to the Timeless Border existed in other universes, there were only shadows of the past.

Since that curse also affected the universe, the fate of the people changed to help the universe to succeed and not even the curse sent by the other universe could work properly and its prowess was severely diminished.

Moreover, there were people who weren’t the universe creator and were deeply affected by the curse appeared, the Timeless Sovereigns.

Saving the universe that time wasn’t something that the universe creator could do alone, which provoked that other Timeless Sovereigns appeared and they had used their power to change the time.

In fact, doing something like that in that universe was far easier than in any other universe because the curse was assisting them and even with that, it was still extremely difficult to succeed.

Alter Yale returning from a different future was also something that needed to happen and was his duty as a Timeless Sovereign of that universe. It was for that reason that the universe creator of his timeline sealed the universe, making it similar to having been destroyed, but without being really destroyed. He prevented the curse from rewinding the time and let Alter Yale be the person who did it.

If Alter Yale had failed, then the time would have gone back anyway.

The universe creator had always been the only person who remembered everything, which made him quite lonely. However, the worst moment for him was when his existence was erased and the time went back, which made that his best friend sacrificed in his place.

He hadn’t wished that to happen, but his friend had always been quite perceptive and noticed something strange when the universe creator went back in time.

In fact, that was the only solution. The other universe paid a huge price for that attack, and someone needed to receive it.

The universe creator had been feeling guilty from that same day.

It wasn’t until Yale reincarnated that he noticed that he was the same person as the shadow that he had known for so much time. Of course, Yale hadn’t reached a point to create that shadow at that time, but the fact that he was there was a glimpse of hope to the universe creator.

"You are quite thoughtful. Are you thinking about the past?"

Yale’s shadow asked.

"You are right. Too many things happened, but now I see the end neared than ever. We failed last time because Lina, with Ange in her womb, was kidnapped which affected Yale in the war, but the curse worked to solve it this time, so I bet that our chances a pretty high. Even if we fail, we would be a step nearer to success."

It wasn’t like if the curse would disappear by winning the war, but as long as nothing interfered with the growth of the universe, the curse wouldn’t activate.

"You already know how to break that eternal curse. It is just that you can’t pay that price."

The universe creator’s face darkened when he heard that.

"How can I do that? I need to destroy everything that had once been related to me, which obviously include the universe and myself. Of course, those who attacked us, and all those higher universes related to them are also included. Let alone that destroying those higher universes is impossible for me right now. I spent an eternity caring about this universe, and there are people important to me here, there is no way I can destroy everything even if it is to put free to my torment. I just need to win this win, and the problem will be solved for now."

There was something else that the universe creator didn’t say, which was that he must also hate his own universe with all his strength. Just trying to destroy everything in desperation wouldn’t work, those had to be his true feelings, or it would be useless. Thus, the method to break that curse was something impossible for him to accomplish.

He created that curse, and he was the only one who could break it, but he couldn’t fulfill those conditions nor wished to fulfill them.

"You are right."

Yale’s shadow never thought that the universe creator would decide to destroy everything because it was against his own nature.

"Saving Ange and Yale noticing about the curse isn’t the only thing which happened. Alter Yale killed almost all the hidden dangers that would harm the universe even if it was unconsciously, but there were some alive. However, that Soul Reaper had just killed them. The other universe should be quite in despair right now."

If all the hidden dangers disappeared, the other universe would have noticed that there was something wrong before they attacked the first time, so Alter Yale left on purpose some of them in a planet instead of destroying it. That planet was just a bit infected, and it was concentrated on certain bandit gang, so the danger wasn’t too big.

When they all died in the hands of the Soul Reaper, the other universe noticed it and started to investigate it because all of them were dead.

However, the ones in charge of doing that regretted their actions because when they focused on investigating those deaths, they were killed by Alter Yale who had infiltrated and had been waiting for a chance to destroy that organization.

That day their universe, which always had the initiative, had received a huge blow when the organization focused on hidden operations was annihilated.

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