Last Wish System

Chapter 445 Erased Existence

"You don’t need to remind me that. If I had known the implications of giving him that name, I wouldn’t have done it."

Regret showed on the face of Yale’s mother while she spoke.

"It is your fault, but your parents hadn’t told you about that matter because I ordered them that the truth related to that name remained as top secret, so you aren’t the only one at fault. In any other situation, I would have been glad that you gave your son the name of my best friend, but the timing was far too bad."

Some enemies launched a sneak attack while they spoke, but they died before they noticed that the other party counterattacked.

The topic they were speaking was one that put both in a very bad mood, especially because if it hadn’t been for the invasion of that universe, nothing would have happened.

"I heard that my grandfather died, so I just wanted to honor him giving his name to my son. How would have I know that he died with his existence erased to protect you and that anyone with his name would end attracting the attention of the invaders..."

The grandfather she was speaking about was the father of her mother, the only grandfather she met. After all, she heard that the parents of her father, the Battle God, were mere mortals and died before she was born.

Although only those closely related to him could remember his existence, he had once been famous as someone who the universe creator recognized as a brother, best friend, and rival.

Even the relationship that the universe creator had with the Battle God didn’t reach that level.

Everything happened when the invasion of the universe started. The first attack was a sneak attack attempting to erase the existence of the universe creator to turn the universe an ownerless one and then those at the universe would have been doomed.

In fact, no one knew the true objectives of the invaders, so they weren’t sure about what would they made after they succeeded, but it couldn’t be something good for them.

However, that sneak attack failed because someone intercepted the attack and had his existence erased in place of his best friend.

After that, no one could remember how that person looked, and only those who had close ties with him remembered that he existed.

The war started after that, and the universe creator was merciless with the enemies, but he didn’t disclose the whole truth to the experts of the universe.

He only told everything to the Battle God and his wife as they were the most closely related persons to his best friend and if he didn’t tell them, they would end investigating it themselves.

Besides them, only their daughter managed to remember the one whose existence disappeared, but she was just told that he died as she wasn’t strong enough at that time and they didn’t want to drag her into the road of revenge.

She had been very close to her grandfather, so she was devastated by the news, but she always thought that her grandfather died because of failure when making a breakthrough due to being too hasty when doing it.

At that time, she didn’t know her grandfather’s level, just that he was very strong.

Thus, she believed that after the war started, her grandfather tried desperately to increase his strength and after failing he died.

When she decided to give that name to her son and was attacked by the invaders, she noticed that they were targeting her child, and after her last-second breakthrough, she was able to notice that her grandfather’s death wasn’t as simple as she thought.

She wanted to change her child’s name, but he had already been cursed and the name imprinted on his unborn soul, so she could just accept it or kill her child, and she wouldn’t accept the second option.

The methods to erase her grandfather’s existence weren’t perfect, or else no one would have remembered him, so it was possible that his existence was recreated if someone with his name managed to obtain a presence that was strong enough. It was for that reason that their enemies wouldn’t tolerate the existence of anyone who fulfilled the conditions.

They feared that if that person returned, they would suffer because there were high chances that he learned how to erase existences after suffering from it himself.

However, since Yale’s true name sealed, they thought that the person with the name ended dying due to the suffering provoked by the curse that would turn him into an emotionless being.

In fact, they mostly considered that Yale and the one who had that name were twins cursed at the same time instead of the same person because the concept of sealing names didn’t exist on their universe.

Thus, they didn’t give too much importance to Yale as was just considered the son of two powerful experts.

They didn’t like to speak about that topic, so they returned their focus to the battlefield.

A little bit before Yale obtained the pure energy and the others noticed about it, in Yale’s world, Lar was traveling alone through the mountains near the border of the Revgen Empire.

At that moment, she had already recovered the strength of her past life and her body and personality matured, so she was, together with Revgen, the strongest expert on the eastern continent.

She had been hoping to advance to Essence God to be at the same level as Yale, but she had been unable to do it, so she had been quite depressed for some time.

Thus, when she heard that a bandit gang with a powerful Law Master appeared near the borders of the Revgen Empire, Lar offered herself to wipe them out as she felt that maybe she needed some exercise to improve her skills.

Although the opponent had a Law Master, it wasn’t improper sending a Law God to ensure wiping out the other party.

Usually, they wouldn’t bother by mere bandits, but a Law Master acting as a bandit wasn’t something the Revgen Empire could tolerate.

The bandit gang was quite well hidden, but Lar found the isolating barrier of their headquarters quickly and crossed it without difficulties.

However, after having crossed it, the barrier closed, and its strength improved a lot.

"A prey fell into the trap."

A malicious laugh sounded with those words.

"Who are you?"

Lar was quite weary after the changes of the barrier, but she was also confident in her strength. She was already evaluating the possibility that the other party had advanced recently to Law God.

"You are a mere piece of meat and ask for my name without saying yours first? You aren’t different than a mere beast in my eyes."

Lar was quite enraged for those words, but he cooled herself before speaking.

"I am Lar, founder of the Larken Clan. May I ask why a Law God is acting as a mere bandit? With your strength, there is no need to do this."

Lar felt that it would be better to settle the matter without a battle given that both parties were at the same level.

"No need? I live to destroy this empire, this continent, this world, everything in this universe! Moreover, I heard that you are quite close with that Yale who I hate more than anyone else. Choose, death or slavery. I want to see Yale’s face after enslaving you but showing him your head might also get a good result, and your name is too similar to mine, so I am more inclined to kill you."

The bandit showed her full strength, and Lar almost dropped to her knew because the bandit was an Essence God.

That bandit was Lor, who already recovered her memories and strength from her past life.

"Fear? I like that! Don’t worry, everyone in this universe would follow you. Now, die!"

The rest of bandits were only seeing the scene full of delight while Lor attacked Lar. They had already turned into her followers and were promised a lot of things. Of course, they were also dead people on Lor’s head because she was just using them.

Lar tried to defend herself, but it was for naught, and two-thirds of her soul was destroyed in an instant with the rest starting to dissipate.

Her injuries were far worst that when she needed to reincarnate.

"You are doomed, but I want to give you the last hit with my hands!"

After she spoke those words, the world stopped, and no one was able to move.

"It seems to be a bit late, but it was impossible to physically reach this era before my past self obtained that ownership."

A figure started to materialize while the world was stopped.

Lor’s eyes were filled with hatred seeing that person while Lar’s eyes sparkled with hope.

Neither of them failed to recognize that the person who appeared was Yale although his aura was a bit weird compared with the Yale that they remembered.

"Good afternoon shitty bandits. My name is... Oh, right, it is still sealed in this era, mine isn’t sealed but better not say it loud. Well, my name in this era was Yale, you can call me Alter Yale if you want, although I haven’t used the name Yale since this universe was destroyed. Oh, shit, it hasn’t happened yet here. Anyway, if you don’t like that name, you can always use my nickname, Universe Eraser."

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