Last Wish System

Chapter 399 Yales Mother

"You two, we were speaking of something serious, right? Why do you need to use the situation to tease me?"

Yale and his father started to laugh after hearing Lina’s complain.

"Sorry, but teasing you is just as fun as when you were little, and I have been very bored trapped, so I was unable to resist making fun of you a bit."

By his tone of voice, Lina felt that Yale’s father wasn’t sorry at all.

"I have to agree with my father. Your reactions are far too fun. If you always showed this side of you instead of hiding it with that cold personality cover, I am sure that you would have a lot of friends by now."

Yale didn’t dare to mess with Lina at the start since they were acquaintances at most, but since Lina insisted that they were close friends, Yale felt that it was alright if she acted like that.

"It is just the opposite! No one treated me seriously due to this, so I needed to seem cold to obtain the respect of others!"

Her personality provoked a lot of problems to her when she was little due to no one taking her seriously, and a lot of people tried to obtain some profit from her.

When she lived with her father, no one dared to mess with her and at most people like Yale’s father would tease her a bit, but she didn’t feel strange that the peers of her father treated her like a kid. The problem came when she left her home to start training when she was ten because she suffered a lot due to her personality.

She was almost forced to marry the prince of the world where she was training, but there was no way that Lina’s father would tolerate it, so after the royalty kidnapped Lina, that world disappeared forever.

Lina was cute and pretty from the start, and she became beautiful after growing, so she attracted a lot of attention from men at any place.

That world wasn’t the only one to disappear, as she ended attracting trouble at any place.

It was a bit before the destruction of the third world that she ended in the Timeless Border, and soon after returning, she ended creating that ice cover in her heart.

It wasn’t that men stopped approaching her after that, but they were more careful when acting and those who tried to take advantage of her were killed without mercy.

A lot of female practitioners had the same problem as Lina, but not everyone had a backer to stop those who wanted to take profit of them, and a beauty without backing not power was doomed to invite disaster.

Those without backer usually looked for a master who was powerful enough for shelter them just with the name, but at the same time, they needed to be careful that the person who would shelter them wouldn’t become the most dangerous person, so mostly they looked for other women to be their masters.

Of course, there were exceptions like Liye, who had been quite popular with female disciples because he never tried to get put a hand on any of them while his presence acted as a shelter without problems despite being only a Law God.

Moreover, he was also an awesome teacher and most of his disciples loved him to the point that they regretted that Liye didn’t want to take advantage of them.

Lina didn’t have to bother looking for a master since her father was the best shelter for her, but she didn’t want to continue bringing problems to her father and wanted to show that she was able to defend herself without problems.

When Lina’s sister was born, it was Lina herself who acted as a protector for her, since she was a Law God at that moment, and her actions would influence less than her father’s actions.

Lina’s sister also attracted a lot of attention, but the fates of those who messed with Lina’s sister were quite bad as no one survived.

Liye’s legacy disciple was the only man who Lina allowed to be near her sister. There was a long story behind their relationship, but Lina acknowledged their relationship and treated Liye’s legacy disciple as her own little brother.

If it hadn’t been for Lina’s help, Liye’s legacy disciple would have been killed by those who wanted to woo Lina’s sister.

Dating with a beauty was difficult in worlds of mortals since the beauties were scarce, but even among immortals although virtually all female experts were beautiful women, there were still problems.

At the same time, the male experts were all virtually handsome men, and vicious women coveted them without caring about how many they men obtained.

There were always greedy powerful people among those who were immortals who decided to move by their lowest desires and wanted to monopolize everything and everyone that they had taken a liking for.

"You decided that based on your experiences on the Timeless Border, but did you even remember them well?"

Yale had spoken with Lina’s shadow, so he knew a bit about what happened to her at that moment.

"Just fuzzy memories, isn’t always like that in the Timeless Border?"

Yale knew that Lina’s words weren’t false from a normal point of view, but some powerful experts could have clearer memories, and a Timeless Sovereign like Yale had all of them.

"There are exceptions. I spoke with your shadow, but also with the shadow of the person who helped you to decide what to do with your life when you regretted your own lack of power, and it seems that you didn’t understand properly the meaning of her words."

Lina was shocked when she heard Yale spoke about that because although he had mentioned previously that they had met in the Timeless Border, he didn’t mention the topic of their conversation.

"What I misunderstood? My method worked properly until now."

Lina turned cold again when saying those words.

"This cold personality of yours isn’t bad, but that didn’t mean that you should discard your other personality. What my mother told you was that you needed to create a firm personality to prevent that others saw you as an easy target. You are right with that, but she wanted that you found a balance between both, knowing when to act cold and when to be yourself. This is your failure."

The shadow of Yale’s mother was always checking everything related to Yale and knew that Lina saved Wyba and Aiwai, so one of the things she told Yale was about Lina’s problem when she went to the Timeless Border.

"Wait! I can’t remember the looks of that woman, but did you say that she is your mother? Then, she is the uncle’s wife?"

Lina lost her calm again when she heard that the woman who saved her when she was young and inexperienced was Yale’s mother.

Lina at the start thought that there wasn’t any relationship between herself and the woman she met in the Timeless Border. However, after learning that she was Yale’s mother since she had met Yale’s father previously, she thought that probably the fate ended connecting her with Yale’s mother in the Timeless Border. After all, speaking with Yale’s father would have been useless for her.

"Yale, did you really meet your mother there? Moreover, it seems that you can remember clearly about her, but given her level that should be impossible."

Yale’s father found that there were a lot of mysteries surrounding his son since it was abnormal that Yale could hide his level from an origin God or that he could remember clearly everything from the Timeless Border including his own mother who was at an even higher level.

"Uncle, shut up! First Yale must reply to my question. Did she say something else to you? I spoke a lot of my secrets to her because she felt like the mother that I never meet..."

The mother of Lina’s sister was the second wife of Lina’s father, and they only got together after Lina had already grown up, so Lina never treated her as her mother.

Lina’s mother died in a battle when Lina was still little. The same battle where Yale’s soul got cursed while he was still in his mother womb, and the same battle when Yale’s mother surpassed the level of an Origin God and reversed the battle.

Yale’s mother felt guilty for failing to breakthrough sooner because she would have been able to save Lina’s mother, and that was the true reason for her helping Lina in the Timeless Border and telling Yale about their conversation so that Yale could help her.

In fact, she would have liked to say sorry to Lina personally, but given her level, she couldn’t interact with her in the real world. The same reasons for her not being able to be at Yale’s side in neither of his lives.

"Don’t worry. She only told me that about you."

Lina sighed in relief after hearing those words.

"Yale, Lina already asked her question. Now, tell me, what secret are you hiding?"

Yale’s father didn’t mind forcing his son to speak his secrets. He respected Yale’s privacy, but he knew that his son situation had always been special due to that curse that he felt that had disappeared, so he wanted to know about what happened to Yale.

"Alright, I will speak. I turned into one of the rulers of the Timeless Border, a Timeless Sovereign."

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