POV ???:

"The orcs are gone?!" The young dark-haired man collapsed on his knees in the middle of the woods.

Only burned soil remained after the target of his vengeance and old bones lying in the dust. There were no orcs or captives in sight.

An image appeared before his eyes. Everything was blurry and monochromatic, the shadows deeper and darker than usual. The winds audibly howled in the background, creating a static noise suppressing all other sounds.

The giant orc wearing pelts and crude armor of rags and rusty metal plates, kneeled on the ground.

"It was you who pillaged my village and kidnapped my sister!" Fury was burning in the heart of the wind's chosen. He wanted to annihilate the beast as he swung his blade.

The wind raised, raising clouds of ash and dry leaves into the air as it flowed around the blade of his sword.

A bang cut through the forest with a crescent invisible wind blade launching from his sword. The trees collapsed all around him while birds flew away in fear. Yet, the blade harmlessly passed through the illusion of the giant orc.

'Why? Why can't I get my revenge?'

Suddenly a second illusion appeared. In its armor of red glow and gold in the background darkness, a dark-winged being manifested before the kneeling orc, extending its arm in the invitation.

As before, the whispers sounding like distant wind resonated directly in his head, "Do you see him? He is one of the commanders of the dark army conquering this world. They helped those that killed your parents and destroyed your home."

He gripped his sword tighter in bitterness.

"Do you want your revenge? Then find my temple and unlock your full potential to destroy those that helped the evil murderers. They probably have your sister. Think about the pain and torture she must be experiencing right now."

"I accept..." Until now, he refused; he refused to go and join a war he didn't care about. All he wanted was to enact his revenge and save his last family, but now his enemies gained the protection of a powerful force.

'Friends of my enemies are also my enemies...'

POV Vesuvius:

"Venenomius!" The dragon raised his head as he looked at the incoming wyrm.

The wyrm in its shiny silver armor had four purple horns with green crystal veins growing all over its body, all pulsing in the rhythm of its heartbeat. The glowing runes joined the elegant symphony of lights.

Its entire body screamed with strength, with its powerful musculature visible even through its sturdy defensive shell of metal.

The grass-green flames burned around its entire body, reflecting in the thousands of water-clear crystals and the silvery metal. Even at a glance, Vesuvius detected the green flames' strong toxic and abrasive properties.

'This flame is more like that of a burning chemical factory. The toxin, fire, and acid elements fused together to form this element. What is it? Toxic fire? Chemical fire?'

The pair of its crystal wings rested, folded on their back as they elegantly landed on the nearby black island.

Even Vesuvius was impressed by the elegance of his servant, 'If I didn't know better I would even call them a knight in shiny armor ready to save some poor princess.'

"You have been reborn and reformed."

"I was your lordship. Now..."

"Now, I want you to pay for my grace. Go and beat up your friends to show them your current might."

'This should motivate them to move their lazy assess. Bribing them with gold would be a waste while forcing them just through my authority wouldn't make them do their best.' Instead, Vesuvius wanted to entice them with the power and prospect of evolution.

That way, it wouldn't cost him anything, and his forces would grow stronger. It was the perfect solution, and in front of him was his walking billboard.



Analyze result:

Name: Venenomius ???

Species: Pure-Blooded Runic Dracowyrm

Species variant: Chemical-Fire, Spell-Knight

Occupation: NPC/Boss/Scholar/Arch-mage/Duelist

Level: 100

Danger level: insta-death


'Hehe, even my subordinates are now gaining absurdly long species names. That means all my efforts are working.'

Vesuvius carefully looked through the analyzed result, his eyes stopping on one word.

'They are really a knight? Is it because I am a Battleford so now I can spread this melee fight talent?'

He was more than happy at the power of the wyrm as it was just an adult wyrm, but now its power was far, far out of the norm, probably coming closer to the lesser dragons of the same age.

'The gap is still there, but smaller. I should probably give them a title... yes that isn't a bad idea.'

The dragon closed his eyes, and the world slowed as he thought about the fitting title.

'Wyrm knight... that could work. Yes, the first wyrm knight of the order.' He immediately chose the commander rank for the new title and confirmed his choice in his faction subsystem.



Choose one of the descriptions that describe the title. (Be careful effects will be generated based upon the description):

1st: Dracowyrm Knights are not solo warriors. They fight side by side with their kin and lesser wyvern knights. During peacetime, they use their deep knowledge to train their kin, the lesser knights. As one would say, the best way to learn is to teach, improving their growth and the growth of their trainees.

2nd: Dracowyrm Knights are not only warriors but also scholars dedicating the time between battles to the study of magic to grow their powers. In the war, they wield devastating magic powers to obliterate their foes while using their body to squish the cockroaches that slip through their barrages of magic.

3rd: Dracowyrm Knights are the spells and blades of the dragons they serve. As their weapons, they show their true potential when executing their orders, giving them power and growth to fulfill every whim of their lazy battle lords.


[(AN: You can vote in the paragraph comment for one of those options.)]

Vesuvius silently looked at all three options while thinking, 'I should be careful about choosing which one to take. I can't just choose something that doesn't fit them if I want to get the max out of this. So I can't look just at the raw power and growth of the titles as this will likely shape how the wyrm knights will function in the future.'

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