The water shining with the dim golden halo wildly whirled around the dragon, the powerful currents disintegrating upon touching the pulsing barrier of extremes protecting him.

'Gold! Tons of it!' The golden coins danced, carried by the water currents, the golden divine energy flowing out of them and infusing the elemental with its power.

He had no time to think about its implications as his domain and divine kingdom overlapped with more power than ever before. Every single molecule in its range entered under his power, and with a single burst, all the water was pushed back with explosive force.

'You are going nowhere! You are my!' The domain caught every coin with his metal affinity, fully capturing them and pulling them closer and closer to him with irresistible attraction.

The water smashed and crashed against his barrier with increasing intensity, the small cracks forming in the shining magic circuits. However, even more, mana surged through his body, reinforcing it and mending the cracks.

'I will not falter and retreat from some stupid water...' He was a dragon lord with water affinity, the undisputed ruler over water.

The coins passed through his barrier without any damage, and immediately the water lost its force as the divine energy flowing within it subsided.

'Without proper affinities and control, divine energy is nothing.' He could feel the overwhelming energy within the coins, yet even with it, the elemental couldn't even utilize it to break through his barrier infused with a single drop.

The dragon flapped his wings, and an impossible force accompanied by lightning and solar flares exploded out of his body as he shot through the water like a golden and black bullet, every droplet of water disintegrating in his path, like meteors in the atmosphere.

The water raged around him, its golden glow intensifying with the ferocity of crashes against his barrier.

He could already feel the madness and energy within it going berserk as it destabilised, 'Oh, no this thing is going to blow up.'

His body emerged from the water, rising higher and higher into the burning sky of his divine kingdom, the slime growing smaller with each meter.

The constant sonic bangs smashed against the stone ground as he quickly accelerated with his haul safely confiscated within his ring.

The enraged roars losing their sanity, constantly came from behind him, "No! Return it!"

'Hoh?' The dragon's eyes glinted as he sensed all the remaining divine energy in the elemental gather into a single spot that felt and looked like a golden blackhole as it collapsed into itself without the treasure.

His divine kingdom trembled and rumbled, everything dissipating under the golden light, revealing the empty ocean hiding behind it.

"My! Return!"

The dragon's mind flexed with alarm, and all the magic sub-brains and veins flared in bright light. His domain mixed and merged with his divine kingdom.

'That insane juice is really going to blow itself up.'

His boosts and power affected every atom and molecule under his rule as if they were part of his own body, making his ever-expanding barrier harder and stronger.

The divine energy quickly concentrated, and the next moment a shocking bang shattered reality as a giant geyser of golden divine water shot into the sky, heading straight for the dragon enveloped by the crackling golden, purple, and black energy.

All the magma, stone air, and his storm gathered into the barrier, the golden energy flowing through it as his crown manifested upon his head, brightly shining like a crown of stars.

The blackness of his domain vanished, replaced by pure golden radiance as if he was inside a golden sun.

'That insane elemental, what is it thinking to unleash such an immense amount of divine energy? Does it even know what it can do?'

The golden geyser gushed with the speed of a hypersonic rocket, flowing and breaking reality as it reached him in a fraction of a second.

The time slowed down, with Vesuvius's mind splitting into two separate strings and his focus intensifying as he braced for the impact.

The golden water smashed into the golden barrier, and everything shook, flooded by the endlessly mesmerizing golden shine that made the dragon's heart pound at its beauty, even making him forget the dangerousness of the entire situation.

'How can such a stupid blob of water even have access to something like this? It shouldn't have.' he felt it was wrong and unnatural.

With his entire will, he pressed and fed the barrier more and more energy, the trickle of divine energy mixing with the rivers of mana as they flowed into it, more and more barrier spell arrays forming and reinforcing it.

The golden onslaught didn't stop, the golden light making it impossible to see or feel anything beyond the bubble of his barrier.

The cracks quickly spread the divine water leaking through it like water through a leaky dam, most of it disintegrating within the destructive energy swirling around the dragon's body.

Even with it, the sheer amount of divine energy overwhelmed him as his barrier grew smaller and smaller, its walls closing towards his body.

'How much could this insane blob suck from the coins?'

The golden droplets showered his armor, hissing as they washed it away, burning deeper and deeper through it as his runes lit up in golden light.

His divine energy quickly dropped, and his mana decreased for the first time in eternity.

The dread filled him, but his mind didn't relent, only growing firmer and firmer.

'At least it can't use it properly. There is no control or technique in this, just pure brute force. It isn't even using its full power of concept, it is just using it as a regular mana.' Even that wasn't true, as he felt it was much less effective than it should have been.

The thousands of hot needles constantly showered him as more and more holes opened in the barrier, his armor already melting and revealing the scales beneath it under the golden shower.

The silver swarms of nanites swirled through the air, repairing the damage as fast as possible. The new molten metal gushed out to mend the holes, only to be washed away again.

The barrier covering his scales brightly glowed together with runes as every bit of his energy flowed to fuel them up.

Even with it all, his complex vein system carried the energy without nearing its capacity.

Then finally, the golden shine vanished, making the dragon blink.

Around him was only nothingness, with his entire divine kingdom washed away as if a flash flood rushed through it.

The black void, the empty sea bedrock, the bubbling magma of his volcano, and even the roofs of the royal capital all revealed around in confusing, psychedelic mosaic as even the space itself was damaged.

'That insane elemental... anyway I need to rebuild this to its full potential using all the new powers and elements.'

Only a single small puddle of water remained, helplessly floating in the empty void that remained out of his divine kingdom.

'At least my draconids were gone due to the war otherwise the casualties would be great.'

With rage and pain, the dragon opened his mouth, and a black and purple ray exploded out, hitting the puddle, instantly erasing it out of existence with a temperature reaching millions of degrees before dropping indefinitely close to absolute zero.

'Stupid thing, it broke everything, even itself.' Finally, Vesuvius saw the difference between their power and borrowed power.

'It had access to so much power, yet it couldn't even utilize it without destroying itself with it. Yes, it didn't have full control over it, at most it could point it in a direction.'

For the first time, he had time to finally see what was with the coins, his heart drumming with the speed of a racing car.

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