POV Astrapolius:

The ancient black-scaled dracowyrm high in the storm clouds of spinning hurricane opened their mouth wide, revealing a magic array of overlapping geometric shapes and glowing symbols wildly spinning inside, hurling blue electrical sparks in every direction.

Their ancient heart pounded with the renewed vigor to live, the war pushing back the fate of all ancients of their kind.

Blue beams of energy constantly pierced through the clouds as the crystal cannons hanging on the bottom hulls of the giant skyships sparked with residual energy.

However, they shattered upon the thick barrier of water and winds, sliding off like splashes of water from a cliff.

The giant skyships swayed violently, tossed by powerful winds like children's toys across the sky.

This was the first time they had seen the dragon kind stop being passive and unleash their wrath upon the world in a coordinated attack.

'This is the feeling...' Lightning and water exploded from the wyrm's throat, passing through the complex magic array. The next moment, a radiant blue beam cut through the sky, causing all the skyships to explode in fireworks of blue electric sparks.

Astrapolius quietly watched the remains of the punny mortal machines of war fall down from the sky, its eyes shining with contentment.

All the centuries of feuds finally getting settled. All the year's mortals encroached on their territories more and more while slaying their kind resting within their own homes. All the times the greedy mortals stole what was theirs, their lands, their treasures, and even their bodies.

Everything was being finally amended.

'Conquer and take the land. What you take is yours. Show them the power of our noble race! We are strong than mortals, yet we allowed these weak mortals to stomp over us.' The dragon's words still resonated with them, something in them making their ancient blood boil once again.

Astrapolius couldn't help but feel nostalgic as he remembered the heyday of glory when dragons rightfully ruled over the entire mortal plane.

'Then the gods struck...' This time, they refused to disgrace themselves again; they were ready to fight with their all.

There was no turning back, they were now at war, and they made the first move.

POV Vesuvius:

The giant surge of energy flickered out, leaving only a deep, well-like hole in the ground behind. The nearby trees of the vast coniferous forest still swayed in the aftershock.

The dragon in the sky froze, his eyes glued to the floating interface boards right before him.



Congratulations! You have triggered a new update.

You have gained a new title: [The World Threat]

Condition: Became a threat that threatens to disrupt and change the balance of the world and become the main antagonist of the version.


+5 DIV;

The default diplomatic stance of all good-aligned factions and guilds will change to hostile;

Your location will be known to every player;

You will gain XP and bonuses from fulfilling your world-threatening goals; All players can attack you without any penalty;

+1 X to the scaling of all stats;

All players will deal five times the normal damage;

Respawn time for all players killed by you will be reduced to a third of the original.


'I think it is too late for this system. Ten times zero is still zero... Send all the players you want, but they will not defeat me.' Even with that assurance, Vesuvius felt annoyed, just imagining the hordes of annoying players rushing to harass him.

ƥαṇdα-ηθνε|·ƈθm At least now Vesuvius had the answer to one burning question: 'So the system empowers all the world threats while making them weaker against players. That would explain why it's always only players that always save the world.'



World announcement!

A new version of the game will be released in a week.

The game servers will be offline for a quick patch.


'Just a quick patch? That should mean around a year without players.'

The dragon watched the burning, smoldering crater that remained after the continental headquarters of the adventurer guild. The flames still burned throughout the nearby forest, the wind carrying the dense smoke fumes.

'One week. I should power-level here.' His eyes glowed slightly as he imagined raising super-evolved dragons loyal to him.

'One week. That is not a lot of time. Time to get some sacrificial pawns. It looks like they might work off their transgression.' The dragon almost burst into laughter as he remembered the packed prison full of ready-to-sacrifice sheep.

With the centers of potential resistance broken, all he had to do now was watch as the continent slowly collapsed into his grasp under the combined might of his draconic vassals and minions that infiltrated the ranks of nobility and royalty.

'The only question is how the world and gods will respond.'

POV ???:

In a dark room, a youth in his early twenties with messy dark hair crouched on the carpet, staring at a small television in the corner.

"This is preposterous! All the supporters of the dragon's terrorist regime should be punished." The voice of an old man came out of the television.

"I fully agree, John. If you go and join a terrorist organization here on Earth, you will be marked as a terrorist. So the same should apply to joining terrorist organizations in the other world."

He immediately shut down the television, feeling dread slowly climb up his spine. He had originally joined just to have some fun, and now they were calling him a criminal and a terrorist.

"What nonsense are they talking about? We are not terrorists." The image of the red-robed and always-masked pyromaniac flashed before his eyes, making him even paler. "Well, maybe except for him."

If it were just moderators on TV, he wouldn't even care, but the same opinions were spreading like wildfire through the entire social sphere.

"No, it should be alright. With the changed in-game appearances, they can't track us too easily."

He turned and looked into the mirror hanging on his wall, his reptile-looking eyes filled with dread.

A complicated mix of emotions shook his heart.

He was terrified of his body changing to become something non-human. He was also relieved and pitied those poor souls who attached tentacles to their bodies or other weird and disgusting body additions.

"At least dragonkin are not so bad to be changed into. Except for the horns and eyes, they look normal and come with a lot of perks."

There was even a sliver of hope. "Will I be young forever?"

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