Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

Chapter 284 The Battle Of Storm, Volcano And Apocalypse, Part 2/2

The wave of wind hit the apocalypse dragon on his side with the force of a whole tank battalion going down a hill, sending him out of his trajectory to the side.

The massive black tails moved forwards from an opposite direction at an immense speed, accompanied by the sounds of explosions as if to welcome the dragon.

Massive arcs of electricity sparked around the tail, which was covered in flames and dark smoke, making it look like a volcano explosion that took on the shape of a tail.

Vesuvius moved mana through his body with an easy, loud bang exploding out of his body, the force of his volcanic explosion pushing him backwards and slowing down his crash.

His mind and domain reached to grab the wind that was pushing and hitting him, trying to tear or push it away.

His mind was pushing with all of its force as he realised that the storm dragon likely had a stronger wind affinity than him, making it impossible to wrestle control from it and only slightly decreasing its force.

The next moment, an immense force crashed into his body, the enormous armoured tail smacking him against his right side.

A cracking sound erupted together with pain. His armour was dented and bent, with cracks spreading through it and purple magma flowing out, closing the injuries.

At the same time, the lightning and fire around the tail clashed with the flames and electricity dancing around his body, smashing against each other in a fight for dominance and creating small explosions over the sky.

Vesuvius was launched through the sky, his body shooting like a rocket, uncontrollably rolling and spinning. He braced his wings, quickly stabilising himself high above the green countryside below him.

His domain was pushing against the combined might of the other two domains, keeping it in a stalemate and preventing both sides from using their domain powers too far away from their bodies.

The clash of the domains covered the whole sky in black clouds, winds, fire, and lightning that were constantly smashing against each other, everything burning and flashing in bright lights.

Constant rumbles and bangs reverberated through the battlefield, sending waves through the burning black clouds.

The lightning struck across the sky, brighter than any lightning before, as the storm dragon turned into a massive bolt of electricity and plasma, shooting straight towards Vesuvius at such a speed that everything around it looked like it stopped in time.

The horns on the apocalypse dragon's head brightly glowed, with mana flowing through them, creating blue light within their transparent crystalline material. Magical circles were quickly forming, one by one, above each of his horns.

The lightning bolt reached Vesuvius in the blink of an eye and turned back into the ethereal dragon surrounded by a storm, its claws looking like a forged out of lightning closing towards him at an immense speed.

A wave of electricity and fire exploded out of his body, passing through the storm dragon and sending ripples through its beautiful cloud-like scales.

Vesuvius noticed that mana was quickly gathering high in the sky, with bright blue light penetrating through the layers of the clouds and the glowing magical letters in the mouth of the volcano dragon quickly rotating and spinning like circular saws.

Vesuvius ignited his inner fire, burning his vitality and strengthening his body. His muscles were used to their maximum.

The storm dragon was closing in, his sharp claws getting closer and closer to his neck, brightly glowing, ready to decapitate him with their immense speed, sharpness, and the weight behind them.

He quickly used all of his means to boost his agility, the force of volcanoes gathering in his armour and lightning rails forming on his sides.

He flapped his wings, and the lightning and volcanic explosion luanched him to the side, making him look like he had flown sideways.

The lightning claws narrowly missed his neck, and the arcs of electricity shooting out of them hit Vesuvius and sent ripples of pain through his armour.

The two eyes of the storm dragon crackled with electricity and glared straight into his.

The next instant, a massive, sun-like spear of blue flames shot from the dark clouds above him, falling like a comet. The whole air immediately turned immensely hot, with the droplets of water evaporating.

Vesuvius pushed even more mana into the two rails of lightning around him, his speed increasing even more, more sonic booms sweeping through the sky, getting lost in the constant rumbling of thunder.

The blue comet of fire descended and exploded in a fiery inferno, fire exploding through the sky.

The storm dragon turned into lightning and vanished into the clouds just as the waves of fire, kinetic force, and mana swept through the clouds.

The shockwaves and heatwaves hit Vesuvius's body, his armour partially melting, the molten composite material dripping down as the blue flames surrounded him from every side, melting more and more of his composite armour.

The mana crystals on his body were brightly pulsing as they deflected the mana from the attack.

The seven lances of magma formed around his head, and then they shot forward only to abruptly stop, levitating around Vesuvius's partially melted head armour.

Vesuvius was confident that he would have already won if he had fought against each of the dragons one by one, 'But together they are constantly pressing against me, leaving only a little time to counter-attack.'

He had planned that if he couldn't do it any other way, he would start ignoring their attacks, hoping that his defences would save him, but he refused to take such a risk before properly assessing their powers.

Vesuvius focused even more, the world around him slowing down as more magical circles formed not only on his horns but around his body, all of them orbiting around him like satellites around a planet.

The two domains immediately pushed against his domain, the bubble around him shrinking as he refocused a portion of his mind on his magic.

'I need to take one down in one fast attack, or at least injure it. Then the rest will go easly.'

Mana was quickly once again gathering in the clouds, lightning and magma glowing above his head.

In the meantime, more and more lances were forming in his circles, each stopping and levitating next to his body, magic rings of circles orbiting each of them.

The lightning loudly crackled, and the storm dragon appeared right next to him, its whole body covered in vortexes of spinning lightning, water, and winds that loudly howled and crackled, blue electrical sparks jumping between the tiny water droplets.

The more storm vortexes were spinning in its widely open mouth filled with lines of teeth that looked as if they were chiselled out of lightning.

At the same time, a volcanic beam of smoke, lightning, and magma shot towards him, both attacks closing on him from both directions in a pincer attack.

The golden eyes of the apocalypse dragon glinted as he spotted a perfect opportunity.

The vortex of the storm exploded out of the storm dragon's mouth, smashing against his already damaged armour, smashing and cutting through its layers, sending pieces of different materials, small crystalline fragments, and droplets of molten stone and metal flying in all directions.

The breath quickly dug in, obliterating his armour, layer after layer.

'Now!' Vesuvius willed, and lightning formed rails around the swarm of lances hovering around him. Boosted by the magical railguns, which turned them into sharp spears of extremely hot magma hotter than the sun's surface.

p-n0ve1、com They all shot with loud bangs towards the surprised storm dragon, crossing the distance in a blink of an eye, leaving behind purple trails.

Like needles, they hit its body, stabbing into his scales, their sharp, super hot tips burning through its scales.

"Graah!" a painful shriek came from its direction. And then they exploded in purple explosions of magma, the shockwaves passing through the sky, its scales bending, and its ethereal wings getting destroyed, dissipating into water steam.

Vesuvius's body turned into a blur as he shot forward, the beams hitting from behind, smashing right against the immobilised storm dragon. A bright explosion ignited the whole sky in flames, the flames reflecting in Vesuvius's golden eyes.

He finally regained control over the domain, his mind easily pushing back that of the volcano dragon. He flapped his wings, quickly darting through the clouds, the bright, bluish beam following behind him, burning a trail into the ground.

His horns crackled, lightning shooting through the sky, the massive arc, and blue and golden tendrils smashing against the black volcano dragon hiding in the sky.

"Graaa!" Its angry growls echoed through the whole white space.

Vesuvius opened his mouth, corium pouring from the depth of his neck, together with molten metallic magma. More and more magical and curse circuits were forming in his mouth.

He was flying through the sky, his body turning faster and faster, the bright blue beam chasing after him, the lightning pushing against each other through the sky.

Suddenly, a black mass of metal and stone with crevices filled with blue, glowing magma descended, quickly shooting towards Vesuvius. Each flap of its wings was creating massive volcanic explosions, propelling it faster and faster.

'Ohh, so you have realised that I am preparing a large attack. Sadly, it is too late!'

Vesuvius opened his mouth, and a neon-red radioactive and cursed breath exploded out, his domain pushing it and compressing it, causing a chain reaction.

He braced his wings, making a flip in the air. The lightning crackled around him, his body shooting away like a bullet.

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